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My First Year in Prison

Chapter 11: One fucking hot summer!

“What the fuck were you up to with those white supremacist shitheads?”

Kurtis was mad at me; he had just found out that I had been part of Big Pepe’s “punishment” alongside Romano and his crew. Frenchy (such a prick!) had made sure that the whole district 2 would know about my involvement in this.

“I did not have a choice, Kurt.”

“Bullshit. We always have the choice.”

Seeing him so disappointed in me was heart breaking.

“I know but… Look, this was just a crazy timing. I was at the library and…”

“What were you doing there anyway? You know that’s their territory. Why did you have to put yourself at risk?”

He slammed the table; I jumped a little.

“I just… Damn, Kurtis! I just wanted to go to the library for once! I did not think it through. And I know that I have to take accountability, but seriously, Bianchi came at me and he… well, he just made me go downstairs. Besides fighting with him, I had no other option. Big Pepe was already down there, they told me he had agreed to his punishment…”

“For Fuck’s sake Tyler, of course he agreed! Pepe is a stand-up guy, he would never let his people take a hit in his place!”

I was getting annoyed too at this point.

“Well, sorry, I’m not that brave, ok! I’m a coward! I was scared… and…”


“Well maybe!” I snapped.

Kurtis sighed. I felt myself blushing. Did I just admit that I got aroused by the situation? Seeing Big Pepe getting roughly fucked by Romano?

“I really thought you were not this kind of guy.” Kurtis marked a pause. Was he referring to my sexuality? He did specify: “I mean, taking part in those prison sick power struggles. You seemed better than that.”

His dismay hurt the most. I could not help myself from tearing up, even though Kurtis was not one to respect this sort of display of emotion.

“I don’t know what else I can say, I was just fucking scared, ok. It’s my first time in prison, I had never…”

“Oh please, Tyler, everything but not that! You’ve been here too long to play the innocent card. And what does this suppose mean? You think you better than us? You think it’s just in my blood, in Xander’s blood, we just love to fight and do illegal stuff but you’re too good for this prison’s bullshit?”

Shit, this was going worse and worse.

“No! Of course, I don’t think that, Kurtis. Believe me, I used to think that I was the good guy but I’m not delusional, I know I’m not a victim here. Hell, I deserve to be in this prison! I have made some stupid mistakes. And you can trust me, I don’t feel superior to you, at all. In most ways, I think you’re too good for me.”

He was a bit taken aback by this last comment and he calmed down.

I did not intend to say something so personal, but in the heat of the moment, I did not really control the words coming out of my mouth, neither the tears which were now falling from my eyes.

“Fernando is freaking pissed… You know Big Pepe is his friend.” Kurtis said after a few seconds of silence.

“I know… I had no idea that Romano and Bianchi were taking things that far. I did not want to be involved in any of this mess. Trust me. Kurtis, I… I’m shitting my pants right now.”

“I’m not going to hit you.” He said with a faint smile. “I’m mad at you, sure, but I’m still on your side.”

“I’m not scared of you, Jensen!” I replied, almost bursting out laughing at the strange thought of Kurtis hitting me.

He could play tough but I knew Kurtis would never hurt me.

“Oh.” He replied, feeling stupid about the confusion.

“It’s Bianchi, he told me that I was part of their gang now, and I’m worried what that may mean. And the Latinos, they have all right to come after me at this point.”

Kurtis straightened up.

“No one is going to come after you, Braxton, I’ll make sure of that. You made a mistake and we’ll explain that to Fernando. He’s pretty mad but he knows you, he knows how stupid you can be and how you may have actually ended up in this sex dungeon by mistake!”

He gave me an encouraging smile and held my shoulders.

“If you say so…” I awkwardly said.

“We’ll make sure Big Pepe and everyone else understand. They were more than 30 guys involved and the Latinos have no interest in trying to get back at every single one of them. You were right in saying that Pepe had agreed to the punishment. In the end, your cum or anyone else’s, I’m not sure it makes much difference, he would have been painted white anyway!”

This time, Kurtis largely smiled, trying to make light of this insane situation. I put my head in my hands.

“Oh fuck, I’m so not cut off for prison. Ain’t I?”

Kurtis grinned.

“You’re not. But a fight with an inmate and a gangbang in your first couple of months, you are certainly getting there.”

He held me in his arms, that was a first. As always, he was shirtless and I was wearing my sweaty tank top. I know that I had promised myself to keep my distance with Kurtis for the sake of Griffin but I could not refuse his embrace. I was so grateful for him being there. I had my head resting against his muscular pecs, I felt safe.

“What do I do now?”

“You just keep a low profile, you do your work here with me, we train together, rest of the time, you’re with Ralph, Xander and Fernando in your cell. No one is going to touch you and, in a few weeks, everyone will have move on to another traffic, fight, or gangbang…”

“Thanks Kurtis… I…”

I moved back from his embrace, feeling all kind of ways. I was fully crying at this point.

“This is a lot for me and I… Just, thank you for being here.” I managed to mumble eventually.

He seemed moved too but he did not add a word, he turned around and went back to the laundry basket.

I think that this conversation was the moment when I really started to catch feelings for this man, but it was only the beginning of our journey.

In the next couple of weeks and as instructed by Kurtis, I tried to remain as invisible as possible. The goal was to avoid being approached by and associated with Romano’s crew without not being too obvious about rejecting them. I just had to walk this very fine line.

Fernando was virtually no longer talking to me but Xander and Ralph had assured me that even Fernando would protect me, if necessary. I still had a nice view of his hairy ass and big dick every night before falling asleep. At least, there was that.

It turned out that Glenn was suffering way more than I was from the consequences of being involved in Big Pepe’s punishment. He did not own up to it at first, which made Xander and Fernando seriously doubt him, and later on, he was actively seeking the protection from Romano and sort of officially jumped ship.

From this point on, he was no longer welcomed at our table. As much as I disliked him, I was concerned for Glenn. He was now walking behind Bianchi, in the same submissive way that Kim was walking behind Romano. Neither of them seemed thrilled about it.

Austin came to visit me once again and I just thanked him for the Garuto books, he did not have to know how much this whole thing had screwed with my position and with my safety in the prison. I was just glad to see him, he was tanned and fit as ever.

I will be honest here: Austin’s visit gave me plenty of materials to jerk off too during the following nights. I had no idea if he was aware of the effect that he still had on me but if Austin did not want me to picture him naked while I was masturbating, he should have worn something less tight and less revealing!

The muscles and bulge that my college crush was packing were out of this world and nine years later, Austin was definitely still doing it for me.

My best friend Janice also came back, as well as Griffin and Ryan who visited me together. During his last visit, Griffin told me he was going away for most of the summer. He planned to go hiking in South America and to cut himself off from the world.

Although it hurt a bit, this trip was, as always with Griffin, a smart decision.

Griffin had often expressed the wish to travel alone in some sort of a spiritual retreat and what better time to do so than when his fiancé was locked up in prison? Wasting on this opportunity just to get three (awkward) hours with me every couple of weeks would be stupid.

I was glad actually. I felt guilty enough of what I was putting our relationship through so anything Griffin had to do to cope with that, I was behind.

On the other hand, Ryan would spend his holidays in California with his wife Mallory so they could visit me during the next few weeks. Being both doctors, having twins and expecting a third baby, they had a crazy schedule but they still managed to organize themselves in a way that allow them to make some time for me. I cannot emphasize enough how much I was thankful for that.

Obviously, July and August were warm under the Californian sun but the heatwave which occurred early in June that year had passed. Don’t get me wrong, it was still one fucking hot summer but we could finally have a walk outside without coming back to our cells drenched in sweat.

I would also like to reassure you, my dear reader, most of the inmates kept on living clothe-free in the facilities! We were all men in there, why bother in wearing anything more than a tight boxer brief?

As a result of my strategy to keep myself out of troubles, I was spending most of my time with Xander and Ralph, or with Kurtis. The training sessions were paying off and for the first time in my life, I was sort of proud of the definition of my body. Even Austin had complimented me on that regard during his last visit.

Pope was helping me out too. One time, I got an erection while he was working out his muscular black body next to me. I am certain that he noticed my hard-on but he did not say a word.

Overall, my life in prison had turned quite normal except for my occasional visits to the Warden office. I would never know in advance, but from time to time, maybe once every fortnight, Falcon would just come to pick me and I would follow him. I would enter the warden’s office alone, immediately crawl to Deen and service his big cock.

Sometimes I would also take care of his feet, some other times, of his ass. He never fucked me though. He did ask me to show off my ass a few times but he never went for it. Maybe that was his limit? I doubted it. Maybe my ass was not good enough? I doubted that even more!

Life kept going like this for a while until everything went to hell, once again.

It started with a pretty innocent chat.

“You really have an effect of him.” Xander said one evening, when it was only the two of us in our cell.

“What are you talking about?”


I felt some butterflies in my stomach right away. I was quite certain that Xander knew that I was gay and if he knew that, my crush for Kurtis was quite obvious.

“Still not following, man.” I said, attempting to keep up the appearances.

“Come on, you know what I mean. Before you came in, I had seen Kurtis smile three times top in the whole two years I had known him! And now, he seems happier, more relaxed. Like, do you suck his dick every time you go on the laundry room or what?”

I felt myself getting red.

“Fuck off, Xander. We just spend a lot of time in this stupid laundry room, working, cleaning your dirty socks off!”

I threw some of his socks in his face. He was used to throwing them off from his bed on top of mine every night before going to sleep.

“Yeah, yeah, working together and also training together, eating together, living together…” He continued sarcastically.

“What’s you point, bro?”

Yes, prison had made me embraced the “bro” lingo… Not my finest moment.

“Chill out Ty, I’m just saying. I’m just not sure you realize how much you changed that guy. He’s very different now and… well… I just thought you should know.”

Xander winked at me and left the room, his dirty socks in his hands, leaving me with my thoughts.

There was no doubt I was attracted to Kurtis but I had never let me dream that he could feel the same way towards me. Was Xander telling me that I was allowed to dream?

But what about Griffin, then? Again, even if Kurtis were to be into me, dating a guy in this prison just did not make sense. I did not want to follow him around and be his submissive boy. Kim clearly did not seem happy with this way of life anytime I would catch a glimpse of him wandering around.

And again… I was engaged for fuck’s sake! Fuck, I really needed to keep reminding myself of that fact.

In the following days, I did pay closer attention to the way Kurtis was looking at me. I tried to remember how he was when I first met him. There was no doubt that he had changed. He was more playful, more talkative (even if, he was still a man of few words), more involved with our little group of inmates.

One thing that did not change though was how hot that man was!

Even after a few months, the first impression of his body had not worn off and getting this eye candy everyday was my prison’s guilty pleasure. We had our routine regarding showering time at this point, and each day, I could see him in the buff, taking good care of soaping his juicy ass and big cock.

That was the main reason why it was so important for me to jerk off and cum at night. Otherwise, I would most certainly be hard as a rock for every communal shower.

Thinking of which, maybe that was the strategy or Ralph too? This guy seemed to make Fernando and his’ bunk bed tremble every single night, always going for a piss after cumming (a ton!) on his bodybuilder chest. Often, I would myself jizz right after seeing Ralph’s semen dripping from his large pecs. The nipples on this guy were insane.

Unlike me, Ralph was definitely straight though. The girls he fucked every couple of weeks during visitation day, the ones naked and spreading their legs on his wall, and the porn he was consistently watching on his not so discreet phone, made no secret of his sexual orientation.

Things were not that clear for Kurtis. Four months in and I still had no idea whether he was gay or straight. Maybe bi?

“Falcon wants me to be transferred.”

Kurtis told me the faithful night where everything would go south. We were finishing up folding clothes.

“What? Where, in another prison? No way!”

My heart skipped a bit, he could not be leaving!

“Jesus, calm down, Ty. I meant, from this job. Starting next week, I’ll work in the kitchen.”

This was less of a bad news but it was not great either. My afternoons in the laundry room with Kurtis were the best part of my life in prison (if not the only enjoyable part) and I did not have great memories with the previous co-worker I had there. Stupid Frenchy.

“Well, fuck! Can we do something about it?”

“That’s cool, Ty, we’ll keep on training and hanging together. I don’t mind going to the kitchen. Some of Romano people work there but I’m not scared of them”

I was a bit hurt that it was not that important for him. I did not show my disappointment.

“I guess… I’m just worried about who would come here at your place.”

“Yeah, I don’t think you can find anyone who will be as good as me at throwing laundry in the machines!” He smiled.

“Sure. Not even mentioning your super folding style!” I mocked him.

He threw a dirty underwear at my face.

“Careful Jensen, last time a guy did that to me, he ended up with my fist up his nose.”

“Oh no! I’m sorry! I have not thought this through! Please, do not beat me up!”

He said, pretending to be scared, putting his hands in front of his face.

We were both laughing at this point, and kindly, he picked up the underwear he had thrown. I got a good look of his teddy bear tattoo.

“By the way, what is this tattoo all about? Did you get it done when you were six? Or when you were a girl?” I asked him, still laughing.

I regretted my joke immediately though, as his face changed drastically. There was his gloomy attitude again. The one that he had shown when his early release’s request had been rejected a few months back.

“You don’t like it?” He said, seriously.

“I just find it surprising, that’s all. You don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to, I was just wondering.”

He sat down against a laundry machine which was still turning and I sat beside him. We were both in our white tank tops this time, our bare arms were touching each other. I enjoyed this, thinking it would be one of the last times we could be so intimate with one another since he would leave this laundry job soon.

“Can you keep a secret, Ty?”

Kurtis asked very seriously, his greyish blueish eyes staring at me. I was melting, and not only because of the summer heat.

“I can.”

I answered with the same level of seriousness. Since I brought up the tattoo, the atmosphere had completely shifted. Kurtis was breathing heavily.

“That tattoo is for my little sister.”

“Oh, you have a little sister? That’s so…”

He cut me off:

“I had. She passed away. Four years ago, she was much younger than me. She was still a child.”

His face was expressionless. We had gone from a playful conversation to the worst thing I had ever heard in my life in just a few seconds. Despite of my shock, I tried to keep my composure.

“I… I’m so sorry, Kurtis. I’m sorry I asked about the tattoo.”

“Don’t be. I did it a few months after she had been killed. A drunk driver. He ran over her, it destroyed everything. My parents. Me. Our lives were all over. The tattoo is a reproduction of her favourite teddy bear. Well, I assume you have guessed that. Nothing else matters really, except for this.”

I did not expect that, at all. The abrupt way he was going about telling all of this was also destabilizing. I used to be a shrink; I should have dealt with that information with more ease but I was really taken aback. Truthfully, I could have broken down in tears but for obvious reasons, I had to remain strong there.

“The tattoo is beautiful, Kurtis.” I finally said.

He smiled at me, tears in his eyes. Why did he have finally decided to share this with me? I could not tell.

Then, his face was all serious again when he told me:

“My dad had a gun at his place. I went to get it. I was not the type of guys to get screwed over or to take shit without defending myself but I had never used a gun. Ever. I went to the driver’s place. I shot him.”

I gasped. I could not help it this time.

“He did not die.” Kurtis continued. “I was not very good at aiming, and I was shaking all over. When I got to his house, his wife and kids were there. That threw me off, a lot. I still took my shot; I had made a promise to myself but it was… It was just a big mess.”

His voice broke.

That was why he was locked in-here then. Damn! My sex / love story with my drug-dealer patient seemed so ridiculous now.

“Kurtis… I… Frankly, I’m not sure what to say.”

“The guy did not die but he was hurt. Badly. He went to the hospital. A fucking alcoholic he was. What I did just destroyed my family even more cause now, I was to be sent to prison. I had used my dad’s firearm and it made the whole thing so much worse.” A tear fell down his cheek.

“Everyone can snap. Everyone. And you had all reasons to.” I sighed. “Fuck, that’s some heavy shit.”


I pulled my arm around him, and for once, I was the one comforting him. He did not really cry though; he just laid his head on my shoulder.

We did not talk for long minutes after that. What was there to say? But we did something else. As we were still hugging on the floor, against the laundry machines, he looked up at me. He was beautiful. His eyes of course. But his lips also. Without overthinking it, I leant in for a kiss.

He kissed me back.

That kiss was four months in the making and I got chills all over my body as I felt his tongue becoming one with mine. He gently pushed me back against the laundry machine and kissed me more passionately. My mind was exploding. What the fuck did I just do?!

I was holding his back, so strong, so muscular. I wanted to lick his neck, his entire body, but I could not leave his mouth. It was just too good. It lasted for a few minutes but I wanted it to continue for hours. I put my hand underneath his tank top (he was wearing one this time) to feel his bare skin.

What if someone caught us? Truthfully, I could not care. In the moment, I did not think one second about Foster, Davis or Falcon walking in.

He did the same to me, his hands started to caress me all over, elevating the excitement a few notches at every touch. I felt them on my crotch, of course, I was fully hard already. I removed his undershirt and kept on kissing him. When I revealed his perfect body, I took a second to look at it, to worship it.

“Kurtis…” I whispered.

“I want you.” He simply said.

These three words were enough. We threw ourselves at each other again and kissed even more passionately if that was even possible.

He licked my neck, my ears. I loved that. I went for his chest. It felt salty. Delicious. I felt his hard bulge against me, we were still on the floor but then, he lifted me up. He held me in his arms and got me to sit on the folding table. He was standing before me, shirtless. A God.

He licked his lips. Jeez, why did he have to do that? It was so fucking hot!

He took off my top and lied me down against the table, throwing away the laundry that was still on it. We had so carefully folded those pants! He then climbed on top of me, on the table, and started to suck on my sensitive nipples.

I was in paradise. I started moaning.

“I want you too…” I whispered in the air.

He went back in my mouth. We played with our saliva. He spat on my nipples and returned to give them some more attention. That’s all they needed. He bit them.

“Fuck, Kurtis…. Mmmm.”

He went lower, he was kissing my abs. The ones he helped me so hard to define. He undid my pants. Shit, that was getting real. I let him. He took off my pants and I was there, in my boxers and socks, my dick poking out of my underwear, already dripping with precum.

He rubbed his face against my crotch, my groin, my inner thighs. He was smelling me and licking me. He wanted me so bad. How long had it been since he was thinking about this? Kissing me, touching me, fucking me?

I could have cummed right away. The Adonis was taking care of every inch of my body. It was better than any of the fantasy I had come up with in my head. And yet, God knows I had spent hours and hours dreaming of this moment!

He slid down my underwear, freeing my dick, already throbbing and precumming. He kissed me again, this time, it was a bit raw. He made me lick his fingers. I loved that but suddenly, that hit me.

That was Griffin’s move.


He moved away from the table to take off his own pants. He was stripping in front of me. No, he was stripping for me. The show was amazing. His dick was perfect. It was hard, big, juicy, beautiful, his foreskin was being pulled away to reveal his dickhead. More than 8 inches, maybe even 9? Damn. Pearls of cum were being created at each stroke.

I knelt down.

“You want to suck me?” He asked.

Of course, I wanted only that!

“What do you think?”

I said, licking his dick head, feeling his warm male juice under my tongue. It was electrifying.

“Mmmm…” He moaned.

I put the tip of his dick in my mouth. It was really thick. His precum tasted so fucking good. I rubbed his balls – they seemed full and ready to explode. I was in a daze.

“You like that?” I asked him, looking up at his face. There was no doubt he was enjoying this very much but it still felt good to ask.

He just grunted and put his right hand behind my head.

“I don’t want just sex.” He mumbled.

I was a bit taken aback by that comment. I looked above me as I was licking his balls, his meaty dick in the way, I could not see his eyes.

He put his fingers once again in my mouth while he kept talking.

“I want you. All of you. I want to be with you.”

He said, breathing heavily, looking at me with a strange intensity. He was not playing around.

Fuck! Why was he telling me this while doing the exact move I had always identified with Griffin?! This was too confusing for me.

For the life of me, I cannot help myself from talking sometimes. In the list of the worst things to say when you’re about to have sex with someone, I would put what I said next in one of the very top places:

“I’m engaged.” I blurted out.

He pulled his fingers away from my mouth.


“I… I’m engaged… with another man.” I said, more clearly.

Kurtis’ eyes widened largely and he took two steps back, hitting the machines behind him. His dick was still pointing towards me, but now, a foot away from my face, from my eager mouth.

“You’re fucking kidding me, Ty? Tell me, you’re kidding!”

Damn my life… If only I was!



Just when Tyler was winning me to his side he goes and does this. He still hasn't learned his lesson. But I guess it's good that he said he was engaged. I think Kurt is will distance himself as well


Love it