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Chapter 19: What makes a good nurse

"I thought of you like a brother." Austin had said.

I could only perceive shadows above me. I smelt blood. I had never realized blood had a particular smell. Now, I knew.

I heard the voice of my brother.

Then Austin.

I passed out again.

I was in an ambulance at some point. I barely remember anything that happened between the moment I was hit by the car and the moment I woke up in the hospital.

I opened my eyes with difficulty.

Again, it was all a blur. I was thirsty. I could see someone semi-asleep on a chair next to me. The memories came back slowly. Good news, it meant that my brain was still working.

But I did not want to remember, the picture being leaked, the meeting with the dean, the coming-out in front of everyone, the fight with Austin...

Austin, he was the one sitting by my side.

"Water." I managed to whisper.

Austin fully woke up immediately.

"Ty." He put his hand on my forehead.

"Water." I repeated.

"Sure, I'm going to look for a nurse!" Austin looked grave. He had dark circles under his eyes. Like this, he looked much older than before. Was I in the coma for that long?

"Am I... Is it bad?" I spoke with a very weak voice.

"Everything is ok, Ty. You are going to be ok. Both of your arms have been seriously injured but you will be fine."

What did that mean exactly? I was feeling a strong pain in my chest. I tried to talk, he stopped me, putting a finger on my mouth.

"Shhh. I'm going to go look for a nurse. Everything is ok, Ty."

Still, he seemed more worried than ever.

A few minutes later, a nurse was helping me out while Austin was waiting patiently behind her. I learnt that my right arm was broken, I had already gone through surgery and my arm was in a cast. I had several fractures in my left arm and wrist. The rest of my body was covered in bruises but nothing too serious. Everything was hurting though. The worst may have been the fractured ribs. It hurt at every breath I was painfully taking.

I had been in the hospital for 36 hours. Austin had apparently not slept since then. He said I had woken up for less than a minute at some point but I had no recollection of that.

"I'm so sorry Ty... You have no idea." Austin finally said.

"Sorry about what?" I whispered as I was slowly coming back to my senses.

"I mean... the accident... what I said... the way I reacted." His beautiful blue eyes were tearing up.

I looked at him, very seriously:

"Austin. I am going to say something to you and I am going to mean it. I am the one who is sorry. I am the one who ran in the middle of the street. You have no responsibility in that."

Austin started crying. He held my hand. It hurt.

"Oh sorry." He pushed back his hand and I smiled. "Tyler, I..."

"Look Austin, I should have told you... It's just... I had never told anyone that I was... that I am gay and ..."

"Tyler, you did not have to say or do anything at all. And I don't give a fuck about you being gay. Really!"

"I did not mean to break your trust... I know that we have done things..."

"I don't care about that! At all! This is not why I was mad..." He looked at me with such care in his eyes. I loved him so much, seeing him hurt was more painful than any broken bone in my body.

"That day, I was so worried about you. You have no idea; I was on edge! There were rumors. When I saw the fucking picture, I wanted to go and kill that Fletcher guy myself! Gary was escorted by his parents, they cancelled class and we had no idea where you were. I called your brother... This lasted for hours and hours. You did not answer my texts. I was afraid for the worst. As the files were being shared, it became evident that most of the guys in there were gay, and people started to say that there was no rape at all..."

He was speaking rapidely, he had a lot to get off his chest. He probably had been wanted to explain himself for the last couple of days:

"Some of the guys featured in the files even defended Fletcher! "Justice for Fletcher", they were chanting in the park! Others were shouting back: "Rapist in prison"! And when people started asking about you, saying that you had probably agreed too... Saying that you were gay. I..."

He stopped his narrative at that point. He took some deep breaths and continued:

"Tyler, everyone came to me cause they thought I knew you so well. I told them that you were my best friend, you would have told me if you were gay. I was certain you would have told me if you have done something like that, I mean, if you had done it willingly... I was sure you had been drugged or something... I kept on telling the same story to everyone, I wanted for people to look for you... I was so worried. And then, when you said, in front of everyone, that they were right. You were... well, you were gay. I felt like I did not know you anymore... I felt everyone else had understood you better than I did..."

I was crying too at this point. I could not say a word. After a couple minutes of silence, Austin said: "This is why I got angry. This is the part where I lost it. I felt we were so close before and it was like, suddenly, you were a stranger."

"Aw Austin... If you knew how sorry I am..." There were so many things I wanted to tell him but the words could not come out. Physically and mentally, I was drained.

"No, Ty! With everything that happened to you when the picture was leaked, I should have been supportive. I should have been there! Ty, I came after you as if I were ready to fight you! You were living the worst moment of your life!"

Austin put his face in his own hands. "I'm an asshole and you ended up... I saw everything Ty! Everything! I saw that the car was about to hit you. I screamed. I ran. But it was too late, you were on the ground and...I thought you were dead." He cried even more. "And it was all my fault."

"I forbid you to say that, Austin." My voice was raspy, weak. But he needed to hear this. "Look, this is all so stupid. I was stupid." I marked a pause. "All I hope is that we can remain friends."

"More than that" He said, coming to carefully hug me: "Brothers."

At that moment, the door of the room opened and my actual brother, Ryan, came into the room.

"How the fuck dare you come inhere?! I told you we did not need you here!"

He took Austin by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

"Ryan!" I shouted.

He looked at me and he instantly released Austin from his grip. He came towards me. Touched my hair.

"Ty, you're awake... How are you?"

"I'm good. Everything is ok."

Ryan kissed my forehead:

"We were so worried."

"I know, I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize! This asshole should be the one apologizing..." He pointed to Austin in the corner of the room, he was like paralyzed.

"Ryan, Austin has nothing to do with this mess. The whole thing was... It was just chaos... and I did a stupid thing, I crossed the streets without looking and... Please Ryan, don't be mad at Austin, really, we are good. He's my best friend... We talked."

Ryan looked at Austin in defiance.

"I saw you guys fighting and then I saw you lied down, in the snow... there was so much blood! It was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life!"

Austin whispered: "That was the worst thing for me too."

Ryan was about to snap back when I said, as loudly as I possibly could:

"Come on guys! I'm the gay one here, and you're the drama queens!" I smiled. They seemed to calm down.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Ty." Ryan was slowly caressing my hair.

"That's fine, Ryan. I'm still here."

"Seeing you, like this..."

"I know, it's ok."

"Mom and Dad are coming; they have been staying at an hotel right outside the hospital."

"Do they know... everything?" I got suddenly worried.

"They know. They know everything. They don't care about the photo. They don't care about this stupid coming out. They are just worried about you."

Austin left and let me spend some time with my family. I was still extremely tired but I was happy to finally be able to speak freely around them. What a way to come out I thought... It should have never gotten to that point.

In the next few days, I slowly regained some energy and started some physical rehabilitation. I would stay at least 12 more days at the hospital. Janice and Austin organized everything so I could keep up with classes. The university was still processing the aftermath of the scandal, some of the students featured in the files had left, some others had stayed. Nobody had seen Gary since then. I hoped he was fine.

The insurance refused to cover the hospital bills as my "careless behavior" was the cause of the accident. But soon, the college and my parents' lawyer found a deal. The university accepted to pay for my medical bills, they had more important things to deal with and this accident was the one thing they did not need on top of the nationwide scandal. I did not want to press charges against anyone anyway, Professor Fletcher, the university, the driver of the car, or the anonymous person who had leaked the files. I just wished I could leave all of this behind me.

At first, I thought I would have to leave college, just like Gary, maybe move across the country, but as the days went by, several of my classmates came to see me at the hospital, always reassuring me that their only concerns was that I would be Ok now. I learnt that the investigation against Fletcher would continue, two of the guys had decided to press charges.

Martin came to see me and apologized; he did not need to but he felt responsible as his words had played a part in my fight with Austin.

Steve visited me a few days later and announced that he had come out as bisexual. He told me that he initially wanted his coming out to be as dramatic as mine but when he realized that it would be impossible, he opted for a simple discussion instead of a sex scandal, a big announcement, immediately followed by a serious accident. I laughed and my bruised ribs did not like that.

His girlfriend was not too happy with the news and she broke up with him.

Steve came back at the hospital a couple of times after that. He had always been the funny and laid back one in our group but this time, he had troubles to come in terms with what had happened to Gary. Steve and Gary had been roommates and friends for more than 6 months and it turned out that they were both lying to each other. Such a waste of time.

Since the beginning of the year, Steve had been one of the hot jocks I would fantasize about but now, I could see him under a whole new light. He was confiding in me. He was sharing how he felt on being bisexual, how he was disappointed his girlfriend could not understand it, how difficult it was to be a black man in our society and how he did not want to add another stigma to his name.

It is crazy how you get stuck in your own mind sometimes. Of course, the fittest and most confident guys of campus had their struggles too.

Eventually, it was decided that I would stay one week or so at my brother's place after I got out of the hospital - I would still need a lot of helps with my arms in a cast or wrapped in bandages - and afterwards, I would come back to college to finish the semester. Austin would help me out if I still needed support for daily tasks.

At some point, Ryan had no choice but to thank Austin for everything he was doing to make sure I could come back to college in the best conditions possible. I was so grateful for Austin, Ryan and Janice, they truly were my guardian angels.

During the ten days I spent at Ryan's place, Mallory moved in with one of her co-worker so I could use their bedroom while Ryan would sleep on the couch. I felt a bit guilty to cause so much trouble but they both said it was the perfect solution, Ryan was soon to be a doctor himself and more than qualified to help me out and the worst-case scenario for me would have been to be forced to go back to my parents' home.

The first day back at my brother's house, I felt like I was living again. No more white walls of the hospital, no more moody nurses, no more disgusting food, and a huge king size bed.

Having Ryan as my own personal nurse was weird and enjoyable at the same time. I could now use a fork or spoon to eat but he had to cut my meat and helped me with daily tasks. Showering and going to the toilets were a big part of that.

"Ryan, I think I need to pee." I was trying to ignore my urge to pee after coming back from the hospital but a couple hours later, I had to give in. We would have to deal with that at some point or another.

"Oh boy, here we go!" He said smiling, rolling up his sleeves as if he were about to start an important work.

We went to the bathroom. This was awkward.

"So, how do you want to proceed little brother?"

"I mean, I think I can manage sliding down my pants, the hard part is putting them back on."

"Ok... Look, I will unzip you. You can slide down the trousers yourself or ask me to do it, I stay right here. And when you're done, I'll put the trousers and underwear back on, and I'll try not to cut your penis off while zipping your pants."


I moved towards the toilets, still very slow, the trip to get there from the hospital had tired me and my ribs were still aching. He knelt down next to me, unzipped me and contrary to what we had said just before, proceeded to slide down my trousers. I was wearing an old pair of underwear that barely fit me anymore, stuff my mom had brought from home to the hospital.

"Here we go! Let's release the monster!" He joked. I knew he was trying to lighten the mood but that made it so much more uncomfortable. He slid down my underwear slowly and a few seconds later, my dick and balls were hanging a few inches from his face.

"Do I need to hold it? I don't want you to piss on the floor" He asked.

I did not know if he was serious. At the hospital, I could manage to hold my dick with my hand but my grip and therefore my aim was not that good.

"I mean... I cannot guarantee a perfect shot."

"Here." I was so surprised; he grabbed my flaccid cock in his right hand. My balls were hairier than usual, I could not shave for the past couple of weeks. At his warm touch, I felt a reaction inside me. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it. I needed to pee really bad.

"Don't pee on me" he said.

"You're the one in control. You're the one holding my cock!" Such a strange sentence to say to your own brother.

I peed. Maybe it was because he was used to touching other people bodies during his internship but Ryan was almost clinical about it. He did a great job, he even pulled my foreskin back and forth to let the last drops of pee fall into the bowl. I was feeling the semi coming, he must have felt it too. He pulled back my underwear, readjusted my balls and penis at the right place, and then pulled back my trousers.

Now that my dick was hidden under my pants, I let my semi developed. Sure, it was a bit uncomfortable exposing myself to my brother, but after all, I had seen way more of him than just his penis... But this, he had no idea about.

"Well, that was a first." He spoke when we were back in the living-room.

I looked at him, awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry you have to take care of me like this."

"I try to see it as my training for future patients. And what bros are for if not holding your cock when you have to pee?!" We both laughed. Fuck, my ribs! Laughing was still a bad idea.

We ate dinner watching some Netflix show and I was glad to feel some sort of normalcy. Ryan went to shower before me, he did not bother wearing pajamas this time and was just wearing black boxer briefs. I recognized them from his secret Instagram. His butt and bulge looked amazing in those. His body was more defined than ever.

Now, he was fully aware I was gay, still, he did not seem to mind one bit. Even better, it was like he was showing off even more! His chest and thighs' hair were still wet from the shower. He looked delicious.

"Your turn?"

"We can do it tomorrow... It's a whole thing showering with the casts..."

"Nope. You stink Tyler. Shower is mandatory."

I followed him in the bathroom. He helped me take off my sweater and t-shirt, it was a difficult and painful process. Still those fucking ribs!

"You're ok, Ty?"

"Yeah... I am reducing the pain killers... It works, I do feel the pain now."

"Sit down on the toilets, I'll remove the pants." He started with my socks. Was he somewhat attracted to my feet? Or was he only into women's feet? In any case, I thought he took his damn time to slowly remove my socks. Then he unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers.

"You'll pee in the shower?"


He removed my trousers and did the same thing with my underwear.

"You can wear a fresh pair of mine after the shower."

"Yes, ok". I said, totally naked in front of my brother. I was focused on not having a hard-on but I could already feel the semi coming as my brother was helping me out in his sexy underwear. I went into the shower with him and he started to play with the faucets, regulating pressure and warmth.

"Is it ok?"

"It's perfect. Thank you."

"Do you need help washing?" Again, my dick reacted to that suggestion.

"No, I will be fine..."

"Did the nurse help you?"

"Just... just my back and my armpits..."


He took a washcloth, put some gel on it and started to scrub my back. I was getting hard and there was nothing I could do about it. He then shampooed my hair. His firm and delicate hands massaging my scalp.

"Do you mind if I took off my boxers? They're getting all wet."

He could not see I was already semi-hard but he would at some point... Him getting naked as well, sharing the shower... I knew I could not handle that.

"Do what you want, I think we are way passed this point!" I was still trying to play it cool. But he must have known how I felt around him.

I heard him behind me taking off his underwear. I had already seen him naked. I had already seen him inserting a toothbrush in his asshole actually. But the catfishing was one thing, this was real. He was fully nude behind me, scrubbing my back and then, my ass. My dick was now fully erected and even started leaking precum. He moved a bit and...

"Oh..." He spoke. Noticing my rock-hard cock.

I was blushing. I was afraid he would get mad, called me a freak. I was ashamed I could not control my urge. Getting hard naked with your brother was so messed up...

"I'm sorry... I just... I have not cummed in days, well weeks..."

"Oh my god. Right... With your wrist and arms... You had not jerked off for more than two weeks! Damn, those balls must be full."

He was right, they were full.

"I'm sorry, the slightest touch and I get hard..."

"Understandable." He said, speaking like a doctor making his diagnostic.

The shower continued in silence, we were both naked under the water, his shaved flaccid dick tempting me, my hairy hard cock standing strong between us. He was now washing my chest. The nurse in the hospital let me took care of that part but my brother was going the extra mile to help his patient.

He was now in the region of my thighs. We were facing each other but we did not make eye contact. He knelt down to wash my thighs, my groin, and then, my balls and cock, still erected... leaking even more precum at his touch. My brother was so handsome, kneeling below me, his muscular and wet body fully at display.

"Ryan..." I started.

He continued washing my dick with the washcloth. It felt more and more like he was jerking it, going back and forth on my foreskin, revealing my dickhead fully.

"Ryan, be careful, I told you... I have not cummed in more than two weeks."

He looked towards me.

"I know Ty."

And he kept on jerking me off, he was no longer pretending to wash me, he was literally masturbating me. Oh god, he was helping me cum. "Close your eyes and think of your favorite Pornstar." Ryan joked.

As if the situation was not exciting enough in itself?! As if HE was not my favorite Pornstar at that exact moment?!

It only took a few minutes and I could no longer hold it in. I warned my brother as he was getting into a steady rhythm, his eyes looking at my dick with a wild interest.

"Ryan, I'm cumming!"

He kept jerking me off rapidly but he moved his face to avoid the splash. And what a splash! I think it was the biggest orgasm I had ever have in my life. Try to hold your cum for 17 days and then having your sexy big brother, on whom you have always fantasize, to jerk your dick off in the shower! The explosion was unavoidable. It was a firework of very thick and white cum. Some went on Ryan's shoulder and chest, some on the walls, some of my own chest and the rest on the washcloth.

"FUCK! That is an orgasm! Do you always cum like this?" My big brother seemed impressed.

"No... no... I... This was crazy. I mean, it had been weeks bro!"

Ryan stood up and laughed. He took the shower head and rinse me off as well as himself. He also washed the shower wall, painted with my jizz. I peed in the shower, such a sweat release after cumming. I was careful not to hit his feet. He accompanied me and started to piss. He was not as careful as me though, some of his urine hit my left ankle.

"Jesus Ryan, learn to aim!"

"You're one to talk!" He took his dick and pointed it toward my legs to continue peeing. The jerk!

"RYAN!" I did the same and peed on his legs.

When we were done, the water was getting cold and we both got closer under the shower head to rinse ourselves. At some point, I was certain I could see a semi forming on his dick but then, he was done showering.

He dried himself off first with a warm towel and then took care of me. I started to get hard again as he was rubbing the towel on my crotch.

"You want me to put your underwear back on?"

"Well, yes... if you don't mind."

"Sure, but if you have to pee, or worse, shit during the night... How will you manage? You'll have to wake me up. Do you mind sleeping naked?"

"No... I..."

He did not let me finish:

"Ok then, I don't mind either. I always sleep naked with Mallory here anyway."

And just like that, on the first night, it was decided that we would both be sleeping in the nude. At this point, he had jerked me off and pissed on me, so really, what difference did it make?

That night, I fell asleep naked in clean soft sheets and a king size bed. I had not slept this good in weeks, maybe months.

When I woke up the next morning, to my surprise, I was not alone in the bed! Ryan was lying next to me, naked as the day he was born, his morning wood freely resting on his muscular chest. I could not believe he was offering me this view.

I knew he had an exhibitionist side through his alternative Instagram, but I did not think he would casually flaunt his erection to me. Maybe the fact that he knew for sure that I was gay gave him a reason to show off more, or maybe he just did not care. Either way, I was grateful.

He woke up. I was staring at his dick.

"Morning brother. Morning boner." I said, thinking I was funny.

"Morning Tyler." He yawned. "Slept well?"

"Yes... I had not slept this well in a while!"

"Good to hear. Sorry to have joined, the couch is just too uncomfortable and this bed is so big..."

"It's your bed man."

He got up, still showing off his morning wood.

"Well, I better take care of that", he pointed at his dick "and then we'll eat some breakfast." Just like that, his bare muscular ass disappeared in the bathroom. Obviously, I was hard again.

I was still horny when he helped dressing me up but this time, he did not offer to give me a hand and release myself.

I spent the second day at his place and all those afterwards mostly working on my classes. I was so behind. I could barely type but I had access to the lessons, exercises and notes thanks mostly to Janice, Austin and Steve. I just had to read through it all and hopefully understand the fuck I was reading. It was not easy but I was motivated, my friends were doing too much to make this work for me to fail.

Showering with my brother became a nightly routine. He jerked me off again on the third day. I mostly cummed in the washcloth but I also hit his abs. It is crazy how quickly you can get comfortable with someone else. Sleeping naked next to him and getting hard was now a casual thing.

On the fourth day, Mallory came by and we went to see a physiotherapist at the hospital. He had good news; my recovery was going well, even better than expected. I was in good hands with my brother.

After seeing the doctor, Ryan took the time to shave me. This turned into another jerk-off session as he was carefully moisturizing my cock, balls, and asshole, I got hard and my brother let me unload on the bathroom floor.

A couple more times that week, he helped me release my testosterone. Sadly, he did not need my help to release his. I noticed he would lock himself in the bathroom with his phone sometimes. I was certain he was masturbating, probably playing with some "feet girls" online. Although, I did see him hard a lot in "our" bed, he never played with his cock besides me.

The physical exercise was paying off and I was soon able to be more independent. I did not want to abuse of my brother's time and trust. I had done that too many times already.

Still, for one last evening, my brother proposed to help me out with my serious condition of "not being able to masturbate properly", but this time, he jerked me off while I was lying in the bed. He was wearing a tank top and boxers and proposed to show me a porn so I could cum faster.

"What do you like?" He asked. I was not surprised he wanted to know. He was very curious about my sexuality.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know what you like? Should I type teacher/student or face-cumming in the search bar?"

It was the first time since the hospital that he referred to the leaked picture and we both busted out laughing. Two good news: one, I was able to laugh about this whole thing, that meant I was doing better mentally, second, my ribs did not hurt, that meant I was doing better physically.

"Yeah... Well... I do like an older man's dick." I said, smirking.

He typed "older man fucks twink" on the search section.

I was a bit taken aback: "You knew what a twink is?"

"I'm straight Ty, I don't live in a cave. You're not the first gay man I have met in my life!"

He launched the gay porn (it was bad) and masturbated my cock. Another difference with the shower is that this time, he was directly using his hand, no washcloth, just his fingers playing with my foreskin. He was getting very good at it. Just seeing his biceps moving was enough to keep me rock-hard. He did not seem to care that tons of precum were sliding down his fingers.

Again, I did not last long and jizzed all over his hands and over my chest. He seemed surprise but not weirded-out or disgusted. He just went to wash his hands, got undressed, and like the previous nights, we slept together, naked. He was cuddling me when we woke up. I could feel his semi-hard cock against my thighs. Maybe I had died in the accident and I was now in paradise?

My main cast was removed the next day and it was decided I would go back to college the next Monday.

The cold but sunny spring weather had replaced the freezing and snowy winter and I felt ready to start over and face my classmates. To be honest, I just could not wait to spend time with Austin again, now being able to be truly myself around him.

Who knows? Maybe just like my brother, Austin would be even more willing to show off now that he knew that I was gay?!

I had no idea how much this would turn out to be true.



What a bittersweet chapter. Even though there were some inherently sexual paragraphs, the caring nature of the relationship made it not feel creepy or perverted at all. But it is still a very sexy read 😈😈😈