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Chapter 09: Jerk-off buddies

The next morning, my big brother showed absolutely no sign which would indicate he had noticed my creepy behavior. I had almost zero sleep during the night and Mallory was actually the one who woke me up at almost 12am.

We spent some time together before Ryan drove me back to the station, 10 minutes away from their house.

"It was great having you man. We will have to play some tennis again. I want a rematch."

"Sure, big bro, you will lose again... But sure!" We hugged goodbye.

As always with my brother, we arrived a little bit early. I had some time to kill before my train would arrive and I ended up in a book store just outside the station. One of the employees was organizing a shelf. This was my lucky day: the employee was setting up the latest release of the Garuto manga. I had completely forgotten that it was supposed to come out that week-end!

I instantly went to pick one. Just before I bought it, I went back and picked a second one. I knew exactly who would be as excited as me to get a copy.

The ride back on the train was less exciting than the car-ride with my brother but I arrived on campus just on time for dinner and I was excited to see Austin. I chose to enter room 403 without knocking. I kind of wanted to stumble on him naked.

This was an understatement. All I wanted was to see my roommate naked.

When I entered the room, Austin was doing push ups on the floor and I got a nice view of his ass in a black short. Better than nothing. He turned around when he heard me, his bare chest was drenched with sweat. It was getting interesting.

Out of breath, he said:

"Hey... Ty... Welcome... back..." He fist-bumped me.

"Hi Austin! You still did not think you were fit enough? Football practice twice a week was not sufficient?"

"I will never be fit enough Ty." He said seriously. Austin was never kidding with his practice.

"Ok. Well, you should be nicer to me cause I have a surprise for you." I put my bag on the bed, he looked unsure.

Pearls of sweat were coming from his forehead to end up on his shoulders. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Without any further suspense, I opened my bag and gave him the Garuto's book.

His perplex look turned into a large smile.

"Ty! Where did you get that? It's the new edition!?"

"Yeah. They were just installing the books in Perv City's station. I had to take a copy. Well two copies, one for the both of us." I showed him my own copy.

"Wait... You mean you got that one for me?" He was so excited.

"Well... yeah."

He practically jumped towards me and hugged me. "Thanks bro!" His sweaty armpits, chest and hands were wetting me. "Oh sorry, I'm fucking sweaty!"

"That's fine bro", I said, being more honest than I probably had ever been with him. "I'm so glad you're excited too. I thought we could read it together tonight, I refrained from reading it on the train."

"Oh... I kinda had plans with Ashley tonight..." He looked down at his feet. But then at me again with a smile "But fuck that! Garuto is more important than that! And Bros before Hoes, right?"

I laughed. I tried to play it cool but my heart was exploding inside of me.

"That's fine, we can read it tomorrow, I totally..."

"Shut up Ty. Let me go give a quick peck to Ashley right now and I'll come back in 10 minutes for Garuto night!"

Austin kept his promise. Less than 10 minutes later, we were both in our respective bed reacting at every twist and turn of the story.

We tried to pace ourselves but we kept reading until we had finished the book and it was 3 am. We still did not go to bed as we started talking about the week-end, Austin questioned me about my brother and then about my family. I did the same. He talked about Ashley, some of her habits started to annoy him. Music to my ears.

I was so glad to have found back the friendship which was starting to form. Garuto got me through tough times in life, and again, this book did a lot for me that evening.

The days which followed were a bit uneventful but Austin and I were closer than before. I was starting to get used to Austin and Ashley dating, Janice and I would learn to leave them alone when it was time and we also got to know each other this way. Nothing romantic though.

I also took the habit of checking RAMSOM_PL profile on Instagram. I could not see the posts and definitely could not send a request to subscribe but I was checking if the number of posts or of followers were increasing, it would be proof that my big brother was still using his secret Instagram account.

Because of what I had learnt about my big brother, I started to look at other people's feet differently, starting by Austin's large - and little bruised due to football practice - feet. Although, my passion for dicks was still stronger and after almost four weeks on campus, I had established a list of the biggest dicks of Building C.

This list was established in all seriousness in my head, after careful examination in the fourth-floor bathroom.

Coming first was undeniably Henry, I saw his dick for the first time while he was using doorless shower 2 and I almost thought I was hallucinating. I had never seen such a long non-erected dick. Not even in porn. At least 5 inches, probably 6, of a flaccid meaty black cock were hanging between his legs, below some thick pubic hair. Other guys would notice and we even started to call him "Big Boy".

Second place was attributed to my dear Austin. I had the pleasure to occasionally appreciate his dick both soft and erected and Austin was somehow both a grower and a shower. Although, maybe I was no objective as I considered Austin's penis pretty much like the 8th Wonder of the World.

Martin was probably third, his dick I also got to see hard, even if it was just for a brief moment. The bush was hiding a bit of his tool but it still looked very, very big. And it was thick. Martin was overall one of the sexiest man on Campus, exhuming daddy's vibes at only 20 years old.

I ranked Steve fourth. I am not sure I have mentioned Steve to you before. Steve was black with a lighter skin tone than Henry and was really attractive. He dated one of the hottest girls of campus and was part both of the wrestlers' and football's team. You can imagine his body... One morning, he was waiting for a shower to open, standing visibly hard in the middle of the bathroom. He did not seem to care one bit to show his erected cock while being surrounded by multiple guys. I had to applaud such confidence... and then jerked off to that sight in the toilet stall.

Gary's cut dick was pretty much the same size as me but he seemed to beat me on the girth. This would then put me sixth in the ranking, not so bad among those hung guys... I actually had a pretty decent size myself.

Who would I put seventh...?

"Tyler, are you here with us?" My English teacher interrupted my day dreaming.

"Yes, sorry... I'm here."

I must admit, I started to have some difficulties with keeping up with class, my first grades were not very good. I was just above average, way below where I was in high school. But I was not sleeping much -- I needed to catch Austin jerking off every time that I could -- and most of my time awake was spent fantasizing about dicks: sometimes it was Austin's, sometimes my brother's, other times Martin, Steve and Henry would come into play, I would also dream about Professor Fletcher... I felt like my Constitutional Law teacher was wearing more and more revealing clothes. At some point, I am pretty sure I saw a jockstrap through his pants.

To make it simple: I was a very horny young man and I needed to lose my virginity asap.

Every Tuesday and Thursday nights, Austin was at football practice. I had the whole room to myself and I could study in peace. Often than not, I would just end up jerking my dick off watching some porn on my computer.

That Thursday, I went back to a new favorite of mine: toss my black salad!

I don't know what Austin was imagining while watching this porn series, but clearly, I was picturing myself in the girl shoes, ready to be tormented, fucked, spat on, pissed on, and cummed on... by a multitude of big black dicks. Action was getting more intense and I pushed the volume a bit more (I had my earphones on) to hear the guys talking with each other. Their filthy language was a good part of the fun:

"Look at that fucking whore! All she needs is a big black dick down her throat."

"Now, come clean my dirty ass you filthy bitch. Yeah, lick it deep!"

"Suck my friend's cock and don't forget to swallow all of his juicy cum or I'll punish you, cunt."

I was beating myself hard when suddenly, I felt something on my chest...

Someone gripping me!


I literally jumped, my earphones were smashed out my ears and out of the computer, and I fell from my chair, totally naked. I screamed and was panting heavily. I looked above me, Austin was laughing like a maniac, almost crying.


I was shaking. On the floor. So exposed. Still semi-hard.

"Fuck Austin!!" I was pissed. "Fuck you!!" I tried to hide my dick with my hands.

As the earphones flown off during my fall, the porn was now loud and clear in the room and in the middle of this mess, we could hear:

"Yes, fuck my ass big daddy! Give it to me good!"

We both started laughing at the situation.

"Great taste in porn mate!" Austin said, sitting on the chair I was using a minute before.

Would he understand that I spied on him and that was the reason why I was watching this particular series? At least, he had not caught me watching gay porn... Well, not officially... Sometimes, the closeness between those male performers was kind of suspicious, to say the least.

I stood up, put my underwear back on. Super embarrassed.

"You are not finishing off?" asked Austin, visibly very amused by the situation. "Blue balls are not good for your health!"

I looked at him, puzzled.

"You caught me masturbating, great on you man. I caught you the very first day I arrived here."

"Touché". He spoke. "Well, 1 for 1 then."

Austin did not know that we were actually more like 14 for 1. I had watched him masturbating under the covers so many times that I had already lost count at this point.

"Look at her." He said. "That's a proper bitch. I did not think you like it that rough, you hide your cards well Tyler Braxton."

"You like hardcore porn too?" I pretended not to know and continued: "I find softcore too boring."

"I think all guys of our generation like hardcore! We are fucked up in our minds man! Ashley does everything she can, I mean, I can fuck her in the ass, she blows me, but porn twists us! Sometimes, I feel like it really fucks with me as I don't know if I'll be able to truly enjoy normal sex. You know what I mean? And the problem is that bitches like them (he pointed to the movie still playing) do not exist in real life..." He paused. "Well, according to Tobias' stories, they do exist..." He did not finish his thought and got lost in his own mind.

I did not expect such a truthful, and in some way, deep, answer. It looked like Austin was questioning himself about his taste for rough porn for quite a while now. Also, Tobias Finnigan seemed to be sharing some spicy stories after training...

"Sorry, I killed the mood." He eventually said, smiling while the girl was still moaning loudly in the background.

"Not at all, I think everyone has his kinks and fetishes." I said to reassure him. "I'm sure some people would actually be happy to be degraded like this girl."

I used the term "people" and not "girls" purposely. Although, I did not go as far as saying that I, personally, would like to be treated like that.

"Maybe... Although, she does not seem to enjoy it too much in this instance. She's literally crying." He said, semi laughing. "It does get me hard though." He looked down his pants, I looked too.

"Me too" I said. That was only partially true. Austin was the one getting me horny there.

"Well, after all, we all know it's just a fantasy. She's an actress." That seemed like a good excuse enough for Austin to jerk off to a crying woman and just like that, he pulled out his dick out of his pants. "No need to write an essay about this, let's just wank it and get done with it." And he started masturbating before my eyes.

Did I just die during my fall and was sent to Heaven?

His dick was not totally hard at first, but slowly I saw the veins forming and the monster rising out of Austin's pants. This time, I would not be embarrassed or escape. I would enjoy every second of it. Soon I would see an almost unbelievably huge and fully erected dick in front of me.

I brought the other chair, put It right next to Austin who still was sitting - and now masturbating - in my chair and I pulled off my underwear. Austin took off his sweatshirt and t shirt. We started jerking off right next to another, both fully naked.

"Do you think she can take 3 dicks in her ass?" he asked as if he were a mathematician on a research study.

"I've already seen this one, I know she can, she does it later on." I replied.

"Impressive girl. Let's skip to that point then!"

Austin's passion for dicks seemed stronger than mine sometimes... And this is saying something!

He was very into the movie, and I was very into him; so, this configuration worked out perfectly. He was working his dick with one hand and then two. I could not help to stare. He took notice and smirked at me.

"It's big right? 9 inches!" He said proudly. "9.5 inches on a good day! The girl I was fucking in high school could barely suck the tip of it!"

"You should start a career in porn you know." I replied. "You could fuck girls like that!" I looked at the screen where the girl was sucking two huge cocks at the same time.

"I thought about it." He said while beating his cock and playing with his foreskin around its head. I could not tell if he was serious or not.

The movie showed some rimming, usual for this series, and Austin did not seem uncomfortable jerking off to it beside me. I could hear his hand fapping against his balls. They seemed full. I was trying not to drool. At some point, Austin clicked on another video. Two girls. Maybe he wanted to signify that he was still straight after all.

The lesbian porn did nothing to me but it was clearly doing a lot for Austin who was now breathing heavily. I felt my precum leaking on my fingers pressed against my dick. Austin's cockhead was leaking too. Sometimes, he would stop jerking off for a few seconds and his cock would rest on his muscular abs, wetting them with precum. It looked too damn delicious.

I was about to lose control and kneel down to lick it all off when he said:

"Fuck Ty, I think I'm gonna cum what about you?"


A few seconds later, a huge load of thick white cum exploded from his dick and landed on his right nipple, then a second load on his chin, and a third load... oh my god... landed on my right upper arm. "Sorry bro" he said, while he continued to cum on his abs and fingers, not able to control himself.

I exploded, my own cum flying on my chest and arms. Mixing with Austin's juice. I was still hard after cumming.


Austin handed me some tissues with a nasty smile. I was once again frustrated with the waste when we could have eaten that delicious cum!

"Well, that felt good." He got up, his now soft dick hanging between his thighs. He touched my shoulder. "Sorry for the friendly fire!"

My dick which had just cummed throbbed again when he touched me. I could not tell if he had noticed.

"These are the risks that come with hanging with your jerk-off buddy" I said, smiling. I was ecstatic and could not refrain myself.

"Ahah, yeah, I guess. Let's go wash our mess my filthy friend."

We grabbed our towels and went straight to the bathroom. He showered next to me in the door-less second stall. This time, he stayed there for a long time and while I was drying off, I could watch him soaping himself and rinsing. Taking his time to wash his flaccid uncut dick and now empty balls.

Thank God for Coach Tunner who had to cancel football practice that night.


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