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Chapter 9: Stripper's way of life

The contestants were gathered in a conference room turned into a rehearsal space. The guys had to take the table and chairs out themselves to leave room for the dance.

Julio was about to show them the choreography that they would have to perform during the show... Only if they were lucky enough to qualify in the top six of course!

The fact that they were meant to wear a suit to rehearse for the dance had given Christopher a false sentiment of a classy performance…

He could not have been more wrong.

When he realized that he had to wear jockstraps underneath his fancy gala pants, he quickly understood that there would be nothing classy about the show.

The song: Crazy, by Aerosmith.

The general concept: A full-monty.

Julio walked in the rehearsal room in the exact same dapper suit worn by all the contestants, while the introduction of the classic 90's tune was playing in the background.

Come here, Baby, you know you’ll drive me up the wall, the way you make good on all the nasty tricks you pull…

The professional dancer looked handsome in the elegant outfit.

He had the cheeky endearing smile to go with it.

Frankly, Julio could very well have been one of the participants.

He was young, fit, gorgeous, and maybe more importantly, he definitely loved to show off.

The tight shirt was fitting his muscular frame perfectly, the black jacket was giving him a classier feel, the pants were squeezing his ass just right, and the red belt was bringing the spice.

The belt would be the first thing that would come off.

The first thirty seconds of the song were all about showcasing a perfect runway walk in the gala suit.

Yes, even walking requires training.

Standing straight, looking right in front of you, enhancing your chest, showcasing your ass, walking confidently but not arrogantly. It was a tough balance, especially for amateurs.

Julio was demonstrating the perfect model walk to the aspiring beauty kings.

At the 32’ second of the song though, right when Aerosmith says “hollywooood”, the choreography was taking an whole new turn.

The contestants would have to caress their own waist, from their pecs down to their hips, to grab the red belt.

Julio was showing the moves of the dance he had designed like the pro that he truly was.

He had been doing this for years and each of his movements was sensual without even trying.

Christopher was impressed, sweating in his own suit, feeling uneasy in his jockstraps.

Slowly and while thrusting his hips, Julio pulled out the belt and then, wrapped it playfully around his neck, before throwing it around like a lasso.

Once again, that part would require some practice.

Julio licked his lips and kept dancing, going down on the floor, almost as if he was squatting. His ass was now facing the audience.

Some more twerking ensued.

Rihanna would have been proud.

Some of the contestants watching started whistling and cheering him up. Obviously, Hunter was the one shouting the loudest to encourage his mate.

The dance continued until the first chorus.

I go crazy, crazy baby, I go crazy, you turn it on, then, you’re gone, yeah, you drive me… Crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby.

There, the stripping could really start.

Julio removed his suit-jacket, threw away his shoes, thrusted his hips even more, and he snap-opened his white shirt in one single move.

He danced his way to a corner of the room where some kind of oil or lubricant was waiting for him.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby..."

He picked the small bottle up from the floor, - bending over outrageously in the process -, and smeared its content on his own chest until he was glistening.

Christopher cringed.

This was getting very steamy but that was not even the main issue.

Aside from all the caressing, rubbing, and lascivious thrusting, there were real moves to remember and he felt like he would never be able to look that good on stage.

Performed by a professional stripper, that dance was sexy and erotic, on an average guy, that could just look pathetic.

There, the shirt and the pants were gone and Julio was now wiggling and shimmying his sculptural body in just a pair of white jockstraps.

The pouch looked pleasingly full. The man was undoubtedly big.

Devon sitting right next to Christopher was drooling. Literally. He had not noticed but a thin stream of saliva was hanging from his lower puffy lip.

Julio grabbed back the oil and squeezed some more fluids on his smooth Latino chest and bare ass.

The pouch of his jocks became all wet as well, almost translucent, offering a clear view of his very erected cock.

He was an incredibly competent man when it came to selling sex!

At one point, the stripper even got on all fours while rubbing his ass-cheeks and grinding against the floor.

I’m losin’ my mind, girl, cause I’m going craaaaaaaaaazy.

He was not done yet, the song was not totally over, and things were becoming downright obscene as Aerosmith was delivering the climax of one of his most notorious tunes.

Julio was crawling on the floor, pretending like he was licking it, then, he got back up, rubbed his own nipples, and he winked at the guys religiously watching him.

Not one of them was questioning the dance, they were only praying that they were good enough to do the same.

Julio was preparing for the big finish of the choreography.

Ooooh… Ohhhh… Crazy…. Crazy… Ooooh…

The contestants were supposed to end in a full-monty, so the jockstraps had to go at one point or another.

Julio was turning his back to the audience once again, and slowly, sensually, he slid down the jockstraps, getting fully naked on the make-believe stage in the conference room.

On the very last the second of the song, he jumped on himself and turned around, his hands up in the air to reveal his glorious, hard, and massive cock to the contestants.

Because he knew exactly what he was doing, his dick throbbed when the song ended.

A couple of the contestants gasped, Hunter started clapping loudly, quickly followed by Devon and Bastian, before everybody else joined in.

To be fair, it was quite a stunning performance.

Julio was sweating and heavy-breathing after that much effort, but he looked like a Sex God.

“Guys, when it’ll be your turn to perform this dance on stage, you may put your hands in front of your junks for the big reveal in the end… Well, if you want to hide the goods, no obligation. As you know, the show if for adults only!”

Christopher looked at Caleb, Joaquin and some of the others.

For sure, most of the contestants would be more than happy to display the goods and go full frontal for the 2.000 people watching live and all the ones streaming the pageant from home.

“Amazing song and choreography, man!” Hunter exclaimed, standing up to hug his old friend.

“Thanks, mate. Come on, gentlemen, it’s your dance now! Everyone is wearing the entire costume? You're ready to smash it?"

When he mentioned the "entire costume", he was referring to the jockstraps, and yes, every contestant had agreed to wear the sexy pair of underwear.

It was a first for Christopher.

He could not help to think about his father when he put it on. This was definitely screaming “gay”.

But fuck it, he deserved the victory, he was destined to become famous, and he was ready to do everything that needed to be done to achieve this goal.

Hell, he had not been training with Mateo Rich for nothing!

After Julio’s presentation, four hours of intense (and slippery) rehearsal began.

Chris had been right to worry about the moves, it was not as easy as it looked to learn them, and most importantly, the attitude was playing a huge part in the choreography.

The slightest hesitation could make the whole performance look silly.

If many of the contestants loved showing off and acting slutty, - you should have seen daddy Joaquin making love to the floor -, a couple of them were clearly struggling behind.

Jason was not the most comfortable for the part where he had to rub oil all over his sweet Christian ass, especially when he thought of his grand parents who had bought tickets for the pageant.

Same problem went for Noah.

The hunky football player was all down to present his huge black cock to a live audience, but he was not so fond of twerking his big black bum for the crowds. What would his mates think?! No homo, right?

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Hunter was of course natural at it.

His body was shining with sweat but he kept going, integrating the entire dance and performing it flawlessly in only a few reps.

As they were working in pairs, Hunter was Christopher’s partner to rehearse for the entire afternoon.

It was both a great thing as the stripper could give him real useful advice, - and Hunter did seem ready to help Chris out, which was a miracle in this bitter and tense competition -, but it was also frustrating for Chris as he was very much aware that he could never reach his level.

“That’s all in the head, mate! You have the look, the body, and I can tell that you’re a naughty trouble maker inside.” Hunter told him during their first break. "You'd be a great gogo-dancer!"

Christopher was not convinced but he gave his very best effort all throughout.

As Mr. Rich had told him, he had to view this competition as an acting gig. He was playing the part of a future pageant king and he was committed to his craft.

The truth was, Christopher Price already had everything in him to shine on stage.

He simply did not know it yet.

His innocent eyes and gorgeous face, combined with the lascivious moves and delicious athletic body were exactly what he needed to convince both the audience and the jury.

He was the embodiment of straight college hunk gone wild, a fantasy for many of the gays who will be watching.

At the end of the first day though, he was not so sure that he was ready to compete with his adversary studs, and his nerves were definitely playing tricks with his self-confidence.

Jason seemed to be dreaded the next steps even more.

“You don’t think about giving up, do you?” Chris asked him as they were walking back to their respective rooms.

They had barely talked all day.

Jason had such a gloomy face, it was becoming concerning.

“Of course, not… Never! But it’s…" He searched for his words. "I mean, I knew the pageant would be a bit sexy but… That’s a lot!"

“I think it looks bad now because we’re all stuck together, training in a conference room. When we'll be standing on the big stage, with the spotlights on, and the public cheering, I’m sure it will look cool.” Chris replied.

He was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince his opponent.

“Yes, Julio did mention that. And we still have hours of rehearsals tomorrow... It's not only that though. I… I have to sleep with Bastian…”

Christopher chuckled.

“What about that?"

"That's just weird."

"You're aware that you don’t have to fuck him?"

“Very funny! You know what I'm saying. We're gonna sleep in the same bed. He’s… Well, he’s gay."

"See the bright side. Maybe you'll make the headlines of the pageant if somethings happens between you two tonight! Think about it! The Devon and Joaquin's way!"

Jason rolled his eyes. He had reached his room.

"Shut up, man... Let's just see how it goes tomorrow."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Jas'... Good night!"

Chris teased Jason but his assurance was mostly fake.

He had to show his competition that he was feeling great about this entire event, but he could definitely relate to Jason's fears.

He, himself, was cringing at the idea of sharing Hunter’s bed.

After all, he had been raised as a Christian boy as well, and he had never ventured much outside of his small hometown.

Everything which was happening around him, including the dozen of cocks which were dangling and flopping around in the rehearsal room, was making him dizzy at times.

Before he went back to his room, Chris took a short moment for himself to call his agent.

He needed to tell him how the rehearsals had gone and to receive some ultimate pieces of advice before the big day.

Mr. Rich, as well as the entourage of the other boys, was supposed to arrive in the afternoon right before the show. In the meantime, the guys were on their owns.

“How is it going, boy? How are the others doing?"

The mentor had been biting his nails all day upon the fate of his favorite contestant.

“I don’t know, Sir! It’s tough… It’s like they all want to win so bad, they’re ready to do anything. It’s so much more intense than the pre-selections.”

“Of course, it is! They all know how winning this pageant could change their whole lives!”

“I mean, there are a few who do not seem that good but…”

“Oh Chris, be careful of the shyer ones, they’re often the worse! You cannot underestimate anyone. And be careful of sabotage. In another pageant, one of the finalists made the favorite of the contest eat some laxatives right before entering on stage! The poor guy exploded diarrhea during the swimsuit walk! And boy, you remain one of the fave, you could be a target."

Another reason to make Christopher nervous.

“I don't think any of them would go that far... My roommate seems cool. It's Hunter Pallow, the stripper."

“Maybe… Until he can identify you as a threat."

"I think I should be more careful of Caleb. The guy hates me!"

"About him... A little bird told that there’s been a whole smearing campaign against Caleb within the committee. I think that he's tried to get in bed with Rat but he pulled back last minute... He didn't show up. Since then, he's been persona non grata."

Chris put two and two together, reviewing various events of the day.

“I guess that explains a lot!"

“Well, at the very least, I don't think we need to worry about Caleb that much now. Don’t forget though, you keep on smiling and you show that you're happy to be there! Right?"

“Yes, Sir.”

“You’re gonna win this, Chris?”

“Yes! I’m gonna win this!”

Mr. Rich hung up, satisfied.

He would not be sleeping much that night, way too excited for the show to come the next day.

Being a good friend of Mr. Rat, he knew much more of what he was letting know and God damn... He was anticipating the final surprise round like a kid was waiting for Christmas, only praying for his boy Christopher to make it that far.

When Chris went back to his room, Hunter was in the shower.

He had not shut the door leading to the bathroom so he could see his roommate openly relaxing under the lukewarm water. It lasted for a good fifteen minutes, there were a lot of sweat and oil to get rid of.

When Hunter came out, he used a hair-drier to dry himself.

“No towel, I cannot take the chance to have a rush appearing on my skin, especially with hotel’s towels we’re not used to.”

Christopher remembered Mr. Rich giving him the exact same advice for the pre-selection and he did the same thing when he was his turn to wash his body off.

He showered and remained fully naked afterwards.

To be fair, the contestants had been seeing their respective cocks and asses all day long, most often bumping into each other, so by this point, Hunter and Christopher had nothing to hide.

Besides, they had been getting increasingly friendlier during the day, both relieved to have found some sort of an ally in this pool filled with fame-hungry sharks.

Hunter agreed to help Christopher rehearse the strip dance a couple more times when they were together in the room.

Although, it was not so much of a strip-tease as it had turned into an erotic nude choreography.

They were rehearsing all the moves, including the most lascivious one, without any clothes on and in a much more restricted space than the rehearsing room.

You bet that the two roommates got closer than ever!

At one point, Hunter found himself twerking all over Christopher and the two fell on the bed, giggling like teenagers.

Just two bros horsing around.

After a few more reps, Chris felt more comfortable with the dance... and with Hunter's semi-hard dick.

Besides, this would only matter if he would make top six and he was not sure about it. When he tried to imagine who could get eliminated, he was coming out empty. Chris had no idea of what could happen the next day.

Right before they went to sleep, the Committee shared a video of the behind the scenes on social media. Every single contestant looked insanely good on the footage, although, Chris noted that Caleb was barely appearing.

A few shots showed the contestants naked, but only from the back.

The video was just a teaser for what was to come but already, Christopher was gaining new followers on his Instagram. A long shot of his bare ass had made quite the sensation online. Gifs were already everywhere.

The pageant might sound ludicrous for many, but for Christopher, it had become his entire life's purpose.

He was so deep in it at this point and he had been waiting for this week-end for so long that he had full tunnel vision.

Being featured on big social media accounts, announcing a show in front of 2000 people, were making him beam with pride.

He could deal with his bare ass going viral, he even leaned into it, replying a clever line about his commitment to a world without animal suffering and "without unnecessary clothes". "Don't we look good enough naked anyway?!" He commented under one of the posts.

This specific line had been fed directly to him by his agent.

People loved it!

He added a link so people could vote for him for the pageant.

“You come to bed? I want to turn the lights off, we need our beauty sleep.” Hunter said with a wink, slipping under the covers… Stark naked.

Christopher finally stopped scrolling on his phone.

“Wait… Should we not wear briefs at the very least?” He interrogated.

His moments of genuine naivety were certainly where Christopher was the most endearing.

“Come on, we’re both straight, right? And you don’t intend to slide your white anaconda inside my ass while I’m asleep?”

“Of course not!”

“And I promise not to use my caramel python!" He laughed "I’ve just applied the hydration oil and I don’t want to have any mark, rash, or waistbands line tomorrow.”

“Shit… That’s smart.”

Hunter smiled.

“Arf… Come here, mate. I have countless bottles of moisturizers. I can hand you one before you go to sleep.”

Hunter got out from the bed and picked up a bottle from one of his bags. Christopher got to see a clear sight of his brown smooth asshole as he bent over.

Chris had nothing to lose and he had to give himself the best chances. He was about to accept the proposal when a crazy thought crossed his mind.

What if Hunter was trying to sabotage him? What if the oil would leave him awful red rashes all over his body?

“Okay. Thanks…  But, don’t you think I should smear some on your back as well? You've probably missed a few spots spots.”

“Fuck, you’re right, let’s go!”


That meant that the balm was safe to use.

Although, that also meant that now, thanks to his suggestion, Christopher had to rub it in... all over the gogo-dancer's nude and already-glowing body.

Good Lord… The things you have to do become a famous actor sometimes!

Hunter lifted his hands in the air to offer himself to his mate.

“Wow…” Christopher commented.

He put his oily hands on the dancer’s back shoulders.

“Why so serious? That’s just the stripper way of life! We’re used to that in the industry.”

“I guess… But I’m not!”

Hunter chuckled, feeling the hesitant hands on his body.

“I can tell… Don't worry though, we're just helping each other out! That's what good mates do!"

"I know."

"Clearly, none of the other guy from this pageant is used to work among a troupe. They’re all trying to undermine one another. Among the strip crew, we work together, we are here for each other!"

What a beautiful sentiment that was, as Chris was now smearing the moisturizing cream on Hunter's large buttocks.

There was a lot of caramel ground to cover.

When it was Chris’ turn to be smeared, Hunter showed him how it was really done.

He rubbed the oil on his back, his ass, his legs, but also, his chest and… eventually, his low-hanging uncut cock.

"Dude!" Chris reacted spontaneously as he felt his roommate stroking his flaccid dick.


Christopher looked down at Hunter who was massaging his junks.

That was a bit odd, but admittedly, that felt good...

"Nah... Nothing."

He was getting visibly hard but Hunter did not seem to care. Probably something to do with the stripper's way of life.

Being surrounded by glistening bodies and stiffed monster cocks was Hunter's natural habitat after all.

Still, he was practically giving Chris a hand-job. He did stop before he could cum though.

Once they were all moisturized and ready, they finally agreed to go to sleep.

They slid under the sheets together and Christopher felt Hunter's growing cock against his legs and ass at multiple occasions during the night.

To be fair, he was moving in his sleep so he had probably rubbed himself against his partner as well.

It did not go any further than incidental touching. They had not reached Joaquin and Devon's level of proximity.

When they woke up, they were both exhibiting impressing morning woods and leaking precum on their glowing skin.

Their care routine had been fruitful! They looked incredibly hot.

"One last piece of advice before we join the others, Chris. Don't rub one out in the shower this morning. Keep all your masculine energy in for the big show."

Christopher looked at both of their hard cocks.

"No need to tell me... I know what I have to do."

"Okay, then. May the best man win!"

They fist-bumped each other.

It was the big day, Mister Hottie Nebraska 2024 would be crown in just a few hours.


Arnold Stone

I like how the competition is getting more and more exciting and hot, in every sense of the word. I'm confident that we'll get to the point where it's not enough for guys to show what they have, they have to use it. I'm still sad to see Caleb go, even though he was definitely an exciting character. I hope he causes some more sex complications before he leaves.