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Chapter 11: Falling for the Straight Boy

The GrindR dates got old pretty quickly.

Do not get me wrong, I had a few enjoyable experiences but scrolling through the app was mostly tiring.

Between the scammers, the guys who were terrified by the anaconda in my pants, and the professional pornstars who were using me as a meaty XXL dildo come to life (I guess those were the least problematic for me), I felt like I had gotten the best out of the application in less than a month.

I went back to women a couple of times to spice up my routine but none of the girls I met managed to blow my dick properly. One even refused anal sex altogether… What a shame.

Besides, it was so much more work to get hot chicks to agree to meet me. They were not worth the trouble.

The truth was, whatever story I was telling myself, I missed Blake and those encounters were only an excuse to try not to think about him.

And trust me, I hated myself for it.

Fucking Hell, he was supposed to propose to Liv in just a few days and I was still hanging up on him like a damn fool…

And there I was, wrecking my brain around this, like a damn woman losing her mind during her periods.

This was so unlike me.

Aside from Debbie, I had never cared or worried about someone else in this way.

Was he thinking about me? Has he really moved on? Should I take my van and drive to the apartment to tell him not to marry my daughter? And then what, should I ask him to run away with me instead?

Shit. That was downright miserable.

I needed more distraction.

It was almost midnight on Thursday night and I went back on GrindR… I was not even enjoying it anymore; it was just a way to escape my thoughts.

My dick got hard as I stumbled on “BigTrunk69” profile again.

He was still very active on the app. Apparently, he had never gotten tired of it. Probably a sex addict. Was I an addict myself?

I did not see any new profile that I cared for.

I was getting desperate, changing the search’s criteria to try to find people I had never seen before.

Crazy how when I had first opened the app, it seemed like there was an endless pool of bottoms, but now, I was just going in circles with the same faceless pictures.

I went down to the kitchen to have a snack in my underwear.

I was tempted to call Tommy again. A second fuck would not be bending my rules too much? Right?

Maybe I should have called the submissive slut because when I got downstairs, I caught a male figure leaving the mansion and my evening took a whole different turn.

“Hey? Who is it?” I yelled.

I turned on the lights.

Of course, it was Zaid, he was about to walk out of the front door.

I was not too surprised since I had known for a while that he was offering some extra nightly services to Fran.

She was a generous woman and I bet the college jock was making a ton of money taking care of her sexual needs, whatever they might be.

“Hey, Joe. I… I was just leaving.”

He seemed uncomfortable being seen at this hour.

I chuckled.

“Late night gardening I see… What have you taken care of tonight? The front yard or did you focus on the back exclusively?”

“Not really sure what you’re implying here, Joe, but I’m pretty certain you’re making wrong assumptions.” He replied, looking jaded.  

“I’m not judging, you know. College tuition is expensive and good for you for making money.”

I thought I was being cool, funny even, but Zaid was very upset.

“There’s nothing to judge or to comment on here anyway.”

“Come on, don’t be like that! I’m just teasing, man.”

“I’m not a whore if this is what you’re implying. That’s all.”

“No need to use the big words on me, and I’ve told you, I don’t give a fuck. Really. I don’t understand why you’re getting mad. I won’t tell Blake if this is what you’re concerned about.”

Zaid sighed.

“I don’t think you know Fran as much as you think you do.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Joe…” He searched for his words. “Look, that’s not my place to tell you anything… Although, this is becoming ridiculous.”

“Just state your piece, boy.” I was getting impatient; I had never been a fan of the little mind games.

Zaid hesitated; he picked up his jacket but he told me something else before leaving.

“Tomorrow afternoon, Fran will be leaving for the entire week-end. She has a few performances planned in Las Vegas.”

“I know, she’s told me about that already.”

“Well, maybe you should take a look at her bedroom while she’s gone.”

“What for? I’m not a lurker and I don’t mingle in other people’s business.”

“Do as you please but maybe you’ll understand some things better… Good night, Joe.”

And on these odd words, he left.

What was his problem? And what was up with the enigmas? I seriously could not give a damn whether he was fucking the old wealthy woman or not.

At the very least, I admit that this exchange gave me something else to think about instead of the upcoming proposal.

I saw Fran the next morning but I did not mention my conversation with Zaid. Since the beginning, it was a clear understanding between us that we were respecting each other’s privacy.

She left with her chauffeur after lunch, and I felt like an absolute asshole when I decided to snoop insider her room.

This was so inappropriate but what can I say? Zaid’s strange riddle had gotten me curious and I had not much to do while I was waiting for the painting to dry in the rooms I was renovating.

What the hell could I possibly find in there anyway? A sex-sling?

I smiled at the thought.

I was no longer smiling when I got into the room though. Quite the opposite.

In front of me, the atmosphere had nothing to do with the baroque and joyful vibes we could feel in the rest of the mansion.

Various medical machines were filling most of the space, including the bed. There were several monitors, a nebulizer, and something which was called a haemodialysis machine.

It did not look like I was walking into a lady’s bedroom, but rather a high-tech hospital room.

I was shocked.

This was not a place one would bring a lover or a gigolo over…

Fran was ill, seriously ill.

I could not believe I had not noticed it before.

I mean, she was certainly old, way over 70 years old, but when I was seeing her, she was always prepped, cheerful, funny… She did not look like a sick person.

Like a fucking wuss, I started crying in the middle of the room, going through the medical instruments.

I had grown to love Fran very much. She had only been good to me. I was admiring her a lot as well... And all this time, she had been lying to me, or at the very least, she had not shared what must have been the most difficult time of her life.

Not going to lie, I was shaken to the core.

I wanted a distraction from Blake but this was clearly not what I had in mind.

As they say, be careful what you wish for…

I was pretty stunned all afternoon and the evening which followed, I almost called Zaid a few times but I knew he would be back the next morning. He was working in the gardens every Saturday morning.

Fuck… That was the dreaded Saturday of Blake’s proposal on top of the rest.

Depressing day to say the least.

Also, I felt very stupid because of my reaction with Zaid, although I did not know for sure what was really going on.

I woke up on Saturday pretty late, feeling like shit.

I had to talk to Zaid, and I was already anticipating the call from Liv later in the evening, telling me she would get married to Blake.

I hoped that, at the very least, she would be very happy about the proposal…

Of course, I had been thinking about Fran for most of the night and I had barely slept.

When I got out my bed naked, I could see Zaid already working outside. We were in October but he was only wearing overalls over his shirtless body. His black skin was shining with the sweat. He was not half-doing his job.

In many ways, I was seeing him in a whole new light.

I got into a pair of shorts (commando), put a sweatshirt on, and I joined him in the garden with a few leftovers from Alfonzo.

The cook was not working since Fran was not in the house but he had left some pancakes for us. He really was a nice guy.

“Here, Zaid. Give yourself a break, you’re killing yourself.”

He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“Good morning, Joe… Thanks.”

He removed his gloves and grabbed a piece of pancake.

“Great work you’re doing here. I should have someone like you helping on the farm.”

“Yeah… I’ll still try my luck with football though.”

“This is what you wanna do, even after college?”

“I’m good at it. Very good.” He told defensively.

“I believe you.”

He drank some water from the hose.

Honestly, he looked hot as hell.

“I usually pick up the mail for Fran when I’m here in the morning, and I put it on the kitchen’s table. There was a big envelope for you this morning.” He mentioned.

“Thanks, I’ll check it out.”

“I think I should go back at it now; I’d like to be done by noon.”

“Wait… Before you do, I… I wanted to say that I was sorry.”

“Sorry?” He smirked at me.

“Don’t make this harder than it already is. Apologizing is something I never do.”

“What for though?”

“I went to Fran’s room as you advised Thursday night and… Well, I saw everything.”

Zaid puffed and pushed his shovel aside.

“That’s tough… I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t check it out, she didn’t directly ask me not to tell anyone, but, clearly, she wants her health problems to remain private.”

“That’s stupid. I live with her. I could and I should help her out.”

“I also find out by mistake, and only then, she accepted me to help her. Well, somewhat.”

“What does she have?”

“Where to begin with? Her condition is pretty serious but I’m not in contact with her doctors so I don’t even know everything. She has kidney failure, that’s for sure, and she needs to be hooked up to that haemodialysis machine for several hours every couple of days. She hates it, this is why I stay with her when she’s doing it. Most of the times, I just study in the room so she’s not alone, but sometimes, we talk.”

I felt very dumb now.

“Damn… That’s really commendable of you.”

“She’s gonna die, you know. I’ve been working for her for three years and her great-children never came by. Not once. I don’t think she’s following most of her treatment, she’s just doing the bare minimum to keep up the appearances but one of these days, her state is going to deteriorate very quickly. From what I’ve understood, she was also supposed to do chemo but she refused to go through that.”

“You shouldn’t carry this by yourself, man. How old are you? 21? That’s way too young to handle something like that.”

I thought about Debbie and how I had tried to preserve Olivia from her sickness.

“I’m 22, actually. But I do this because I want to. She’s been helping me paying for my tuition for years, she’s never asked me anything in return. I don’t have any grand-mother left myself. I… I just want to be there for her”

“Still… Listen, I won’t tell her that we have discussed this but I can tell her that I’ve noticed some stuff. Maybe she will open up to me and I can help her too.”

Zaid shrugged his bare shoulders.

“Do as you wish, man.”

I suddenly burst out laughing, probably the nerves.

“I cannot believe that I thought you were his gigolo!”

Zaid laughed as well.

Looking back, this was pretty hysterical given the dramatic nature of the situation.

“Yeah, although, to be honest, I had my doubts about you too! Especially when I saw you stark naked, your huge dick all out, pointing to the ceiling!”

“You thought that it was huge?”

“That’s you only take away from this? Come on, Joe. You know what you’re packing.”

“I do know.” I replied cheekily, grabbing my bulge.

I was also very much aware that my cock outline was visible through my shorts. Zaid had been glancing at it the whole time.

“Anyway, even if I had wanted it, I don’t think I would have been able to be her escort.” He explained, lightly.

“She’s a little old but she’s a fine lady, at your age, I would have been ready for anything. I could have fucked a ninety years-old.”

“Trust me, I wouldn’t have been able to get it up.”


I believed that I knew where this was going but I did not want make any more wrong assumption.

“I bet you can guess why… I’m gay!”

I grinned at him.

“I may have had a clue. You do check me out quite a lot anytime we pass by each other”

“You’re checking me out too! I see you, Joe.”

“Touché. Caught red-handed it seems like.” I teased him, sliding my hands in my shorts.

“I guess our gaydars are working. Would you mind keeping it for yourself though?”

“What? That you’re a queer? Even at your age, in a big Californian city, this is still something you want to keep secret?”

“I’m a quarterback in a college football team and I want to make this my career. Believe me, being gay’s not gonna help me achieve this goal.”

“That’s a damn shame.”

“Maybe… To be fair, I think most of the guys from the team have an idea about it but, you know how it is, dudes don’t talk about stuff like that. Officially, we’re all straight bros and that’s it.”

For once, I was seeing some flaws in my traditional way of seeing things.

There may have been serious stuff men should talk about among themselves to avoid this kind of waste.

“I get it. Where I live, I don’t think being gay is really a thing.”

“In the desert of Utah, amongst the farmers community? I can imagine that.”

“It’s some bullshit though, because, trust me, lots of sketchy things are going down there.”

“I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain.” Zaid said with a cheeky smile. “I think I can get a picture. But Joe, it’s not like you’re so open yourself.”

“I’m not trying to hide. It’s just that no one ever asks the question. Besides, whether men or women, I’m pretty private about my personal life. In the end, I don’t see how who I’m fucking should be of anyone’s concern.”

“I feel you on that.”

His eyes glanced at my crotch again.

This time around, he stared at it for a little too long. I had to say something.

“Enjoying the view?”

“Your cock truly is gigantic; I have to admit. I’ve been thinking about it a lot since you chased me down the stairs! I’m not sure if I remember correctly or if I exaggerate things up in my mind but… Yes, huge.”

“You remember perfectly, mate. Twelve point one inches when hard, I had it thoroughly taped one day.”

“Wow. That’s just crazy.”

The conversation was taking a turn but I did not want to make the first move.

“It’s not always that fun, you know. It’s tough to find a good match when you’re packing this big of a weapon.”

“Really? I’d imagine that most guys would fight over it.”

“You think?”

“I definitely would!”

Damn, now he had said it.

My damn cock was already stirring in my shorts.

“I don’t want things to get weird, Zaid.” I specified right away. “You’re hot as hell, especially right now. I can really see myself peel these overalls off from you and fuck your asshole in the dirt, but let’s be clear, I cannot deal with attachment or any sort of relationship.”

Zaid started to slid down the left strap of his overalls.

“There’s no risk. I’m not looking for a relationship, especially not with a 50 years-old.”

“Hey! I’m 44, dumbass!”

We both laughed.

“Exactly, twice my age. No way I would want anything from you, aside from that stiffening dick.”

He walked over to me.

“Are you sure about that, Zaid? I really cannot deal with any complication.”

He grabbed my cock through my shorts.

“Trust me, I’m sure. No complication. And don’t worry, you won’t be my first rodeo.”

“Oh really? And I thought you were so closeted and pure!”

“Closeted, maybe. Pure, certainly not! You just have to know the right places to meet people.”

If there were glory-holes in the middle of nowhere in Utah, there certainly were many cruising places in the Sacramento area as well. That made sense.

I had visited one sleazy part of a park not so long prior myself.

Zaid was already all over me but I wanted to be in charge.

“Let’s go to my room.” I decided.

For some reason, I picked his massive hunky body from the ground to hold him.

“Wow! I wasn’t expecting that!”

“Welcome to Joe’s world, Zaid! Enjoy this, because this is a one-time-only offer!”

He was heavy but I was determined to show him that I was the boss. Quite literally, I was owning him, holding him like a damn bride, walking towards the house and then, up the stairs.

Sex had always been the best way to calm my nerves and I was had been feeling really stressed lately.

I laid the quarterback on my bed.

Maybe I had been trying to show too much strength because I was sweaty and panting when I finally let go of him.

Zaid seemed over the moon to be man-handled this way and to find himself in my bed.

He was eagerly peeling off my clothes as I was painfully trying to catch back my breath. Maybe I was too old for this shit!

I was soon shirtless and he started licking off my hairy nipples.


That man knew his way to my heart… Or rather, to my hard cock.

I pulled his hair and licked his neck in response.

I was ripping his overalls to get him fully naked. I wanted an up-close look at his athletic body. Frankly, the dude was stunning.

It was obvious that Zaid had been thinking about sharing my bed for a while because the boy was insatiable.

He grabbed my cock barely out of shorts, and he stroked it.

“Like that, Joe?”

He got a second hand around the base.

“Try putting your sweet lips around it, boy.”

Zaid smiled at me and went down on my dick. He was on all fours on the bed and I leaned over his muscular broad back to feel his ass while he was blowing me.

He told me that he had some experience, and that was probably true because despite the thickness of my pole, he was bobbing up and down on it as if it was a tasty lollipop.

I was already fingering his asshole by this point.

He moaned while he had my cock buried in his mouth and then, his throat.

He could not deepthroat me entirely but I could not blame him, I was not an ordinary top.

He was doing a proper job as it was, and his ass was turning me on so much already.

Fuck yes, that was the kind of distractions I had been craving for!

“It’s so fucking large when you have it in your throat.” Zaid told me joyfully at some point.

He leant over to kiss me but I did not let him. I turned my cheek and he licked my beard instead.

“Tell me again how big it is, you’ll soon have in your butthole.”

“You’re so freaking huge, Joe!”

He pushed me down on the bed.

The boy could be feisty.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing!?” I snapped.

He pulled my right arm above my head as I was lying down naked, and he started sniffing and licking my armpits.

“I just love… Hmmm… Feeling a real man… Stink…”

I grabbed his face to shove it harder in my armpit.

I choked him as he deserved.

“Then have a good go at it, bitch!”

After being smothered in my armpits, he kept on licking my entire body, from my massive pecs, to my belly button, down to the tip of my cock, my foreskin and below my balls, he passed by my musky asshole, and he continued his way down until he reached my feet with his eager tongue.

The little fucker was a fetishist!

He went on swallowing my toes and cleaning-up my soles. A true dog.

I was giggling like an idiot.

“Big farmer is ticklish?” Zaid teased me.

“You fucking idiot!”

He tried to shove my entire foot in his mouth and gagged.

That was still very steamy to watch.

I was jerking off with my two hands looking down at him. Who knew college football players could be such good sluts?

Well, to be fair, I had already experienced an excellent college jock during the Summer…

Zaid serviced my feet for long minutes and I let him have his fun.

He could enjoy his feast since I would soon be enjoying my own meal… His juicy black ass!

“Come back up here, I’ll take care of you now!” I commanded.

He removed my toes from his mouth. My feet were drenched.

Zaid did not follow my instructions though. He stood up on the bed so he was right above me.

“Let me sit on you face!”

That was not a question, suddenly I saw his massive bum crashing onto me and effectively smothering me.


I went straight in, burying my tongue in his winking hole. Zaid was doing back and forth against my mouth and nose.

It stank like a real man up there, deep in his ass. Do not get this, it tasted delicious.

“Make me all wet for you cock!”

I obliged.

I spat in his ass and ate his hole like a damn maniac.

I could barely breathe but I could not care less, this was exactly what I wanted, a bestial rough sex session to forget about all my problems.

Zaid was honestly impressive in bed.

As he kept practically twerking on my face, he also leaned himself over my body to go back at sucking my dripping dick.

That was a hot 69!

“Your dick is so fucking massive…” He repeated, in awe.

Long gone were the days where I would tease Zaid about the size of my meat at a party and he would avoid touching it. Back then, just touching my upper chest muscles had gotten him going, but now, he wanted so much more.

I almost nutted in his throat at that point and I knew we had to move on to the next big thing.

I took back control, aggressively turned him over, and in a split second, I was the one on top of him, locking his arms against the mattress.

The sheets had fallen off on the floor a long time ago. This was not vanilla sex we were doing.

It was my turn to lick him from the chest down to his junks. I lifted his legs impatiently and his humid pucker was right in front of me.

He had shaved his hole, it was very smooth, lightly brown, it was like his anus had beautiful tiny lips.


I was about to wreck him. He looked tight enough.

I licked him some more, shoved two and then three fingers up his arse, and finally, I rubbed my slimy cock against his hole.

“Fuck… Yes… That’s so hot…” He mumbled.

I grabbed his feet to lick them while I was pushing my cock in his hole. I knew that Zaid would appreciate that special attention.

His own dick was hard as a damn rock, fapping against his perfectly shredded abs.

As far as I can remember, I have always loved roughly dominating and topping sluts. I would not let anyone say that I was a selfish lover though.

Truly, I loved to give, to see the excitement in the eyes of the hot chick or of the submissive hunk that I was fucking.

Trust me, excitement was definitely there, in Zaid’s pleading pale eyes.

I shoved my monster truck in his garage and he kept begging for more, scratching my back savagely as I was sodomizing him.

This would leave marks on both of our bodies.

If there bad been a competition between Zaid and the dozens of GrindR dates I had been banging lately, he would have certainly won the first prize. He was just that hot and that horny.

He nutted all over his abs as I was still drilling him hard.

I picked up the fresh cum from his chest and his cockhead to feed it to him.

“Hmmmfff… Thaaan…. Thank ffyou…”

I was shoving my big hand in his throat, and my even bigger dick in his hole. Fantastic combo, If I do say so myself.

“Where do you want me to cum, boy?”

I released his mouth so he could speak.

“I want to swallow it… hmmm… Please… I need to swallow every drop…”

“Ass to mouth, it is!” I exclaimed.

I pulled my throbbing dick from his asshole, and I buried it straight back into his throat. There was no time to waste, I was about to cum.

I fed him with my sperm almost instantly.

His pretty eyes were widening out as he was receiving my precious cum in his stomach.

It felt fucking amazing, especially when he used his tongue to collect the very last droplet of juice on my piss-slit.

“Delicious drink…” He muttered in a daze.

I collapsed right next to him afterwards.

I was drained.

“That was some hot sex.” I remarked.

“Fuck yes, it was.”

I looked at him and found him handsome. He was twirling my chest hair between his fingers.

An alarm blasted off in my brain. That was not good!

“Eh! Remember, no strings attached, okay? Don’t go imagine things!” I shouted, taking my distance.

He chuckled.

“Good Lord, we can stay in bed two minutes after fucking without it meaning anything! No need to be that savage.”

“Well, better be safe than sorry.”

My dick had not even deflated yet but I did not have any choice than to set back my walls. No way I was going to do the same mistake twice. Blake had been enough.

“Fine. I have some work to finish outside anyway.” He said, straightening up.

“Funny, I thought you didn’t have time for a break earlier.”

“Turns out I could find some time. But Joe, you’ll finish the gardening for me if I don’t me make it before noon, right?”

“You wish! I have my own work to take care of, boy.”

To be fair, he had taken care of my own wood quite well so I could have repaid the favour, but again, I did not want to create any more intimacy between us.

It was just sex.

Zaid was already sliding back into his overalls, his bare bum disappeared inside of them. I would miss it.

“I guess I’ll call you later for a coffee then?” He teased me.

I did not find the joke funny.

“Don’t make this regret this. This was a one-time thing, I’ve told you.”

“I was only kidding! Relax! If that can make you feel any better, I’m already in love with someone else.”

“In love? Damn, that seems serious.” I chuckled.

“Sadly, it really is serious…”

He was no longer smiling.

“What the hell are you doing in this room with me if you’re in love with someone else?”

“He’s straight. That’s simple as that.”

“Oh… I see… Did you try to make a pass at him?”

“Of course not. What would be the point? That’s just my pathetic fate, always falling for the straight boys, becoming their friends, and looking at them while they get in relationship with girls.”

“Not everyone is as straight as they seem.” I wisely pointed out.

I knew what I was talking about.

“That one is very straight, I can guarantee that to you.”

“Erf! I’m not even sure that being 100% straight is a real thing. There’s no guarantee when it comes to sex.”

“There is, in this case. He’s about to propose to his girlfriend. He asked me to put some roses and flowers aside from my gardening work. I have to bring them back to him this afternoon.”

My heart dropped in my chest.

Come on, that could not be real!

“Wait… Are you talking about Blake?”

“Shit. I guess that was too much information… Although, it doesn’t make the slightest difference. See, you’re well-placed to know that I have absolutely no shot with him.”

I was speechless.

I think he could tell that I was freaking out a little.

Zaid tried to reassure me.

“Don’t make that face, Joe! I know that Blake is with your daughter and that he’s really happy with her. I would never, ever, do anything to… Fuck, that’s just silly. I… I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“No… I mean… That’s okay, I guess.” I blurted out.

“Look, I’m really helping him with the proposal. I swear. He’ll decorate their apartment with hundreds of flowers and petals tonight. There’s no weird thing on my end! Please, just forget that I have said anything. That was really dumb. Blake is a good friend.”

And to believe that I was using Zaid as a distraction from Blake! That was really not going according to plan!

Even in this context, he was right there, between us.

I sighed.

“That’s fine. Consider this is already forgotten.”

“Thanks, Joe. And thanks for… Well, for this.”

He meant the sex.

“Yeah… That was cool. Say hello to Blake for me when you see him.”

“Bye, Joe.”



TL another great chapter. Incredibly informative in rounding out the characters. Cheers.


Joe is slowly facing his emotions. His reaction to Fran being sick. Blake will visit him at the mansion after Fran passes and they will finally own up to each other’s feelings.