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As decided by you guys, Jason was the one selected alongside Caleb and Christopher to take part in Mister Hottie Nebraska this June.

In one week, you will get to influence the story even more! Stay tuned.



Chapter 6: Spinning the narrative

Scandalous Mister Hottie pageant makes waves as it features naked hunks on stage!

Brand-new pageant tests its sexy contestants to their limits as the five finalists ended-up in their birthday suit for the last portion of Saturday night’s show.

Mister Hottie Western Nebraska was one night to remember!

Ten handsome studs from the area were fighting to get one of the three spots available to compete in Mister Hottie Nebraska next June, and ultimately to have a shot at the (glorious?) title of Mister Hottie America.

In other States, the innovative pageant has already made local headlines for his rather unconventional approach to male beauty.

President of the Mister Hottie’s national committee, Mr. Flynn Pollard, former editor in chief of “M-SEX” (a gay pornographic magazine), warned the general public when the competition had gotten people talking in Florida last January.

Pollard promised a “pageant which will go back to the basics, a real entertainment show which will not be afraid to feature the sexiest and hottest men in the country, and which will give the people what they truly want!”

As it turns out, what people truly want seems to be muscular hunks, parading naked on stage!

The local pageant of Mister Hottie Western Nebraska, which was held mostly privately last Saturday, was only a preliminary competition to select the contestants who will be walking on the big Omaha stage in June.

A panel of five judges had the difficult mission to decide of the three contestants moving up to the next step of the contest.

Hosted by our glamorous Petra, the event which could have remained confidential became the talk of the town as half of the contestants ended up naked on stage!

Mr. Rat, president of the Mister Hottie Nebraska committee, explained to our journalists:

“Every contestant wore swimsuits for the last portion of the show but a wardrobe malfunction got one of the candidates losing his apparel… Soon enough, the other participants wanted to show what they were made of. Who could blame them?”

When asked about the already sleazy reputation of the new pageant, he added:

“You know, in the world of social media and Onlyfans, it just seems very outdated to censor the current pageants as much as they are. No surprise that those old competitions do not provide good ratings anymore. Both local and national committees of Mister Hottie and our president, Mr. Pollard, are simply living with their time, offering the viewers what they want. Trust me, our contest is way more prudish than most the content you would stumble onto online… Besides, a bit of nudity has never hurt anyone!”

That is for sure.

Another thing is certain is that Mister Hottie has found the way to get its name on the map!

The pageant which was very much under the radar has, since the “naked incident”, blown up online. Only blurry pictures have leaked from the various local competitions, but it was enough to get people invested.

According to their committee, tickets for Mister Hottie Nebraska are selling so fast that they had to book a larger venue.

A ticket for Mister Hottie America, which will be broadcasted live on national television, and a 5.000$ check will be granted to the sole winner of the Nebraska competition.

One could bare the goods for less!

The three selected contestants from Saturday’s gala will of course take part in the competition: Caleb Wilson, 22, Jason Melloney, 19, and Christopher Price, 21. (Pictures attached)

Will the next show feature another nude segment?

What surprises does the Mister Hottie committee have in store?

We will all find out in Omaha! Needless to say, we have already booked our tickets…”


Christopher Price had never been one to read the newspapers, but that Monday morning, he read the full page relating to his participation to the sexy pageant.

Thank God, they had used the official pictures (the ones in the underwear) to illustrate the article, and not the pictures which had leaked online where, despite the poor quality of the footage, his cock was fully visible.

Every local newspaper was talking about the pageant and Chris did not know if he should feel proud or embarrassed about it.

On one side, his Instagram had gained more than 7.000 followers in a couple of days (fucking amazing, right?!) but on the other side, people were seemingly only mentioning the lewd aspect of the show.

Some conservative people even asking for Mister Hottie to be cancelled altogether. Come on! It was not that bad.

Unsurprisingly, Christopher’s father, Jay, had very poorly reacted to the news when their co-workers had jokingly shared the newspaper inside the factory.

“What is that farce, son?! Are you a faggot now?” He had barked in front of everyone.

Jay Price was not a subtle man.

“Of course, not. It’s just a beauty pageant, dad. I was selected to compete and I freaking won the first round! I’m working with a serious agency.”

“Chris, you have to stop that, right now. This is simply ridiculous.”

“Because working for more than twenty years in the same factory is not ridiculous? I’m only trying to make a name for myself!”

“By doing gay porn?! That’s disgusting!”

“Porn?! This has nothing to do with porn! I want to become an actor and there are just some things you have to do to make it in the business.”

“Including walking naked on stage…”

“This was not supposed to happen… I mean, it was not like it was planned or anything. You don’t understand shit about entertainment, dad.”

That conversation was harsh, and Jay had not even seen the leaked pictures online.

Thankfully, to talk about what he should do next, Christopher had an important meeting with his knowledgeable agent, Mateo Rich, at his apartment.

He went there straight after work, eager to find a solution and preserve his reputation.

Being welcomed in the apartment, Christopher was surprised to realize that he was not the only guest there.

Jason was already sitting in the living room, barely naked, only wearing a pair of tight orange boxer briefs.

They had talked a little during the pageant and Jason was definitely one of the nicer contestants, but they had not become friends or anything.

What the hell was he doing there?

“Oh, Christopher, how nice it is to see you again.” Mateo hugged his talent warmly.

“Good evening, Mr. Rich. Happy to see you too.”

“I don’t need to introduce you to Jason here.”

Jason stood up and extended his arm.


“Hey, Jason.” Christopher shook his hand, perplexed.

“Jason has decided to join my agency.” Mateo announced.

“What? I… I thought that I… That you were helping me winning.” Christopher blurted out.

“Don’t worry, son, even if you two are competing in the same pageant and there can only be one winner, my role is to give the both of you the best chances at victory. We’ll use this opportunity to boost your respective careers no matter what happens in Omaha. Jason asked me if I had a spot for him at the agency, and I could not refuse him.”

Mr. Rich winked at the shirtless stud, visibly embarrassed by the situation.

“Ah… I see.” Christopher simply said.

It had been difficult to get Mr. Rich attention, and now that Chris had finally gotten his shot, he had to share it with someone else, his direct competition on top of the rest… That was not cool.

He wondered if Mr. Rich had not lost faith in him.

Was he already betting on another horse?

“I hope you don’t mind, Chris. I just saw how Mr. Rich was handling things for you on Saturday night, and how he was helping you out. You’ve told me such great things about his agency…” Jason justified himself.

“No, of course I don’t mind. I mean, you’re right, Mr. Rich is great.”

“We’ve just taken a few pictures with Jason.” Mateo explained to justify Jason being in his underwear. “Doesn’t he look good?”

“Yeah… Nice abs, mate.” Christopher replied sombrely.

The agent was living for their budding rivalry.

He had actually managed to make these two jock dummies believe that he was the best agent on Earth… Who would have thought?!

Well, maybe he was not that bad after all. He had single-handedly put Christopher in the pageant and now, the boy was going (somewhat) viral online!

About that, Chris had things to say!

“Mr. Rich, I don’t know what to do about the pictures leaking online. I’m so terrified that anyone I know would find them. My dad’s already furious… And I read it in the newspapers this morning, it’s like the Mister Hottie people want things to get scandalous! They’re doing this on purpose!”

“I’m not really sure what you’re so worried about. From what I can tell, you’re barely recognizable on the leaked pictures. The lighting is so poor that I could not even tell if it was Jason’s or your dick that I saw on the forums. Well, eventually, I could tell, but it’s only because I already know you’re uncut.”

Christopher tried to ignore the comment on his dick.

“But, what if studios and producers don’t want to work with me anymore? You know I want to become an actor.”

Mr. Rich chuckled.

“First of all, how many studios wanted to work with you before this?”

Christopher looked at the floor.

Barely naked Jason was wisely staying silent next to him.

“No, tell me, Chris. Really. How many opportunities did you have before meeting me?” Mr. Rich insisted.

“None, Sir.” Christopher admitted.

“Right… So, let’s be clear, you’re not losing anything since you didn’t have the beginning of a lead to begin with.”

“Yes, but, what if my parents…”

Mr. Rich cut him off.

“How many new followers have you gotten since the press articles came out? The both of us?”

“I’ve got around 6K.” Jason replied.

“7.5K!” Chris spoke up, sort of proud to beat his competitor to the punch.

“See… What the hell are you complaining about? People are talking about you! The Mister Hottie pageant has gotten a lot of traction and in my views, it’s literally best-case scenario for the both of you. In a few months, you’d be on a huge stage in front of thousands of people. Imagine how many followers you’ll gain then… Not even talking about the money.”

Christopher bit his lips.

A part of him was dreaming about this, that was for sure. He wanted it all, the fame, the fortune, the followers…

Another part of his brain though, the one which was talking to him in his father’s voice, was telling him to run away from this.

That was the part which was preventing him to sleep at night.

“I didn’t want my career to start with a nude scandal.” He spoke.

That was a reasonable concern, right?

“Well, Kim Kardashian’s career started with a damn sextape and look at her now. You have to live with your time, and frankly, what you see as a scandal is nothing. Mister Hottie is getting a bit of heat for featuring models in the nude, but no one really cares and if anything, people are simply joking about it online.”

“I don’t want them to joke about me though…”

“If they talk negatively, it’s about the pageant, not about you. And more importantly, a lot of people are also praising it! I mean, numbers don’t lie, the tickets for Mister Hottie Nebraska are already sold out.”


“Of course! Listen, Chris, you have to be stronger than this if you want to become famous. You think anyone will remember this silly piece of news if you get the Mister Hottie America title in front of millions of viewers?”

“I guess you’re right…”

Mr. Rich sighed.

“And let me remind you that you’re the one who made everyone go naked on stage, last Saturday. Without your complaint, it would have never happened. Jason, here, had to fully undress because of you.”

Christopher did not feel like the wording of that was fair.

He had never “asked” to go naked on stage. Things had happened very quickly and he had not realized what his (legitimate) complaint would lead to.

In any case, he thought that it was smarter not to contradict his agent.

Chris could not lose him, especially as he was finally getting some attention on social media and he had no idea how to deal with it.

“I just freaked out when I saw the leaked picture.” He explained, genuinely.

“Look, if this is too much to handle already and if you want to give up your spot, I’m sure Terry Broadtruck will be glad to take it. He keeps on calling me, the man is a pain in the ass. Besides, without you in the competition, Jason will have much more chances to…”

Christopher did not want to hear this.

One thing was for sure, he did not want to give up the attention he had gotten so far!

“No! Of course not! I want to keep going…. I… I was just worried about, you know, what people might think. I wanted your professional opinion, that’s all. Thank you for putting things into perspective.”

Mr. Rich had won, once again.

He continued talking with a cunning smile.

“And it is always wise to seek for my advice. Chris, when you came to me, you told me you wanted to become famous. This is exactly what I’m working for! Now take off your clothes, I think we can use the momentum to put a picture of the both of you online.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“What is the point of a scandal if you do not take advantage of this? It would be stupid to let it die down when you have the spotlights on you. Caleb Wilson’s already been posting his own nudes everywhere online to have people react.”

Indeed, on his social media, Caleb had shown multiple pictures of his naked body with captions like:

I heard people were outraged by my nude body on stage… Do you think this picture is scandalous?!

“8.000 reposts and 95.000 likes. See? He’s breaking the internet.” Mr Rich told his two apprentices, showing the picture of a close-up of Caleb’s big black flaccid cock.

This was simply outrageous.

“Wait… There’s no way I’ll do that!” Jason exclaimed, intervening for the first time in a while.

“I agree, that’s just downright porn. That dude is crazy. He was practically jerking off on stage this week-end!” Christopher added.

Mateo had been thinking about this possibility, the idea that the two guys would unite against him or his ideas.

That was exactly why he wanted to pit them against each other.

He was not too worried though, he could handle them both. To be fair, they were not the sharpest tools in the shed. And as always, he had a plan.

“First of all, Caleb’s dick is flaccid on this picture, that’s not pornography and you know it. Second of all, of course we would not do it like that at my agency, this is way too cheap and amateur. I’m a professional.”

Both boys were reassured, but not for too long.

“What I have in mind is way more tasteful. We’ll shoot an artistic picture of the two of you, in the nude, together, to create a storyline and build the anticipation for your upcoming participation in the State pageant.”


“In the same pic?”

The two guys looked at each other strangely, both were wearing a Christian cross around their neck.

“Said picture would serve several purposes. First of all, it will make people talk and you’ll be sure to have all eyes on you during the pageant in June. As a reminder, for this one, half of the votes will come from the public. We need to get their attention to have you in the top six.”

“Can we not make other types of content to get people invested?” Jason asked naively.

Mateo downright ignored him and continued to lay down his strategy.

“Second of all, think about it, boys, as of today, when people search for your names online, they stumble onto the most blurry, mediocre, and unflattering pictures there are. By releasing one beautiful nude picture on your social media, that will change. Typing naked Jason Mulloney on Google will lead them to your Instagram and an artsy professional picture from now on. Two birds one stone!”

“That makes sense…” Christopher admitted, getting fully on board.

“This is called spinning the narrative, gentlemen! I know what I’m doing.”

“But who would be taking the pictures? I don’t wanna get naked in front of a perfect stranger.” Jason was nervous.

“I would take them, of course. We could ask Hansee but I thought you two might be more comfortable with me, taking care of this right here.”

Mateo showed the studio in the back of his living room.

“You want us to do that right now?”

“You have to strike while the iron is hot, right? Of course, we could plan a meeting with Hansee, but as I said, I fear he might have too much of a hands-on approach. Besides, I’m not sure I could trust him with the rushes.”

Christopher was already too familiar with the photographer’s ways of treating his models to disagree.

“No, it’s better if it’s you!” He immediately said.

And just like that, they both agreed to take part in the nude quote-on-quote “artistic” shooting.

Funny enough, Christopher had come to talk with his agent to find a way to improve his reputation and calm things down, and somehow, he was now willingly taking his clothes off to be photographed stark naked… with another guy!

Jason waited for Christopher to be in his underwear to get naked himself.

They assessed each other for a split second and they eventually pulled down the waistbands of their briefs at the same time.

They had already seen each other naked on stage, but this felt different, more intimate in a way.

It was particularly odd for Jason.

The 19 years-old was quite religious. If Christopher was going to church mainly to please his grand-mother, Jason believed in God and this sort of behaviour was certainly not promoted in the bible.

That being said, he was broke as fuck, had no chance to get into a college, was unemployed since he had finished highschool and he wanted nothing more than to make his family proud.

Celebrity makes everyone dream, right?

His mother would be so proud if she were to see him on the television, one day. And not on the cable’s news, a big national channel!

Contrary to Christopher’s dad, Jason’s parents were so disconnected from the news and the Internet that they had not even realized how sleazy Mister Hottie could be perceived.

They were simply happy that their son was praised for his looks.

“Just stand in front of the white font. We’ll start taking pictures.” Mateo stated, looking at the two adonises standing naked in his living room.

Christopher was 6 feet 3 and the ultimate all-American-jock.

The man was rather lean but he was very fit, with a natural bubble butt. Clearly, an ass like that one cannot be fabricated at the gym.

His body was the definition of being shredded with large pecs, big biceps, and some impressive eight-pack abs, but it was his face which was making Chris stand out.

Christopher was simply handsome, even with his messy hair that could hardly be tamed. He had the killer smile, the white teeth, and the sharp jaw of a Hollywood action movie’s star.

His beautiful brown eyes and his innocent looks were completing the full-package.

And talking about a full package, his low hanging balls and his girthy meaty cock were clearly a bonus! Certainly, the reason why he had been selected by the panel of judges during the local pageant in the end.

Not that Jason, standing to him, was looking bad either.

He was another kind of beauty: curly blond hair, piercing blue eyes, innocent and angelic smile.

Jason had for sure an athletic body as well although not as perfectly defined as Christopher, and his cut cock was nothing to be ashamed of either.

He may have been a little shyer compared to his counterpart but if driven correctly, Jason could reveal himself as a worthy adversary. Just like the rest of his competitors, he had agreed to bare it all for a chance at winning the pageant.

Together, they were definitely a banging duo… And clearly, Mateo Rich was more than willing to bang them!

The agent knew that it was way too soon though.

Already, having them standing naked together was something close to a miracle.

“Which pose should we take? We cannot see our…”

“…Junks.” Christopher finished Jason’s sentence.

Poor Jason, he could not even say the word cock without feeling bad about it.

“As I mentioned, it will remain tasteful. We’ll try different things and angles today and we will only select the best ones. I won’t post anything without your approval.”

That last part helped the guys feel more comfortable. They would get to control what would come out.

From this point on, Mateo only had to let his imagination run wild.

“Let’s start with pictures shot from the back. We might go with a profile pose in the end since Instagram might censor some fully exposed butt cheeks, but let’s see how that looks first.”

Both guys turned around and the agent started snapping dozens of pictures the minute.

Let’s be real, the large majority of those cheeky shots would be for his personal collection only. He zoomed in on the hair on their ass crack, zoomed out to catch their entire backs, they looked hot on every single shot.

From the back, and aside from their hair, they even could have appeared to be identical twins, or at the very least, brothers.

“That’s nice, but guys, your bums look flat like this… That’s not very photogenic.”

That was a lie of course, especially for Christopher whose bubble juicy ass had never looked flat, but once again, Mateo had a plan.

“Maybe if you could arch just a little to make that butt pops? That would definitely look better on camera.”

“Are you sure?” Jason asked.

Christopher, probably trying to prove that he was more of a professional than his new colleague, immediately did as was told, getting his bare ass more on display.

He was looking the best out of the two of them, why hide it?

That was hot.

“Come on, Jason. Just follow Chris’ lead, he’s doing great. And don’t worry, those are just tests. If you don’t like the pictures in the end, I’ll delete them.”

Jason took the same pose and arched his back and his smooth butt.

He had less hair than Chris, or maybe they were simply less visible because he was so blond. In any case, those two bums looked yummy as hell.

It was like they were waiting to get roughly fucked.

“Good! Boys, now let’s try to make this a little more artistic. Could you wrap your arm around each other’s shoulders.”

Once again, Christopher obliged immediately.

What was the big deal anyway? He was horsing around with his gym mates in the locker or shower rooms all the time.

Still, the physical contact did bring a different atmosphere to the shooting.

“Don’t be shy to interact! We need some life on these pictures!”

As they moved their arms awkwardly, Jason started giggling and things got a little looser.

“Amazing, don’t be afraid to be playful!”

On cue, Jason tried to make Chris laugh by tickling his waist.

The boys started attacking each other, now turning their naked bodies towards the camera, and the photographs came out objectively beautiful.

In most of them though, as they were moving around, their cocks were visible.

They continued with more serious shots where the boys had to stay still like Greek Gods, hiding their junks with their hands, or by moving their thigh in the perfect angle to conceal their (prominent) genitals.

This was really a work of precision since a nut or the tip of their cock could easily sneak in on the frame.

Who said that Art was easy?

The shooting lasted for more than thirty minutes in total, the guys being fully comfortable with their nudity by the end of it.

That was the main goal of the session anyway. Mateo Rich was proud of his boys.

Unfortunately, none of them sported a spontaneous hard-on but it seemed like Jason was growing a semi. That was nice. He took a few more shots discreetly.

In any event, the erections and ejaculations would be for another kind of shooting, on another time…

Mateo showed the guys some of the pictures on the camera, making sure not to display the obscenest ones.

The guys had not noticed but in some of the shots, it really seemed like they were about to shoot a gay porn, their faces super close to another, and their cocks even closer.

Other photographs did seem more artistic.

In the end, two of the shots where they were genuinely laughing were selected to be posted on their respective Instagram.

Christopher and Jason are getting in their suits for Mister Hottie Nebraska 2024.” The caption said.

It was an instant success on social media.

A couple thousand more followers for each of them.

Now, Christopher could only hope that his father would not download the damn app!

Dealing with his dad was not the only issue though. Now that they were pulling out the big guns, the ten other contestants were not going to let Jason and Christopher steal the spotlight from them.

There would be public voting even before the competition began and every candidate wanted their spots in the top six.

Soon enough, things would start to escalate to get the audience’s attention!

[See you next week for a special "Meet the Contestants" post]


Arnold Stone

I'm so glad to see this story continue. I've loved it so far, and I can already see that there will be more complications in this series as well. I am sure that the cunning Mr. Rich will skillfully turn the rivalry between his two protégés to his advantage. But I'm also very curious to see what else unscrupulous Caleb is willing to do to win. P.S.: I have saved all the chapters to be safe.

Tom Phillips

Great chapter……. I wonder how long it will take before he has his “duo” having sex with each other in front of the camera.