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Chapter 3: Ineluctable Attraction

As soon as I set foot in the apartment, I felt like a lion trapped in a cage.

The living room was half the size of mine (including the kitchen), there was a small bedroom in which the king size bed was taking three quarters of the available space, and the bathroom was okay, I guess, with a bathtub.

That was it.

The place looked even smaller than I remembered when I had helped Olivia move in.

There was not even a balcony to breathe some fresh air and the three of us would be all over each other; So to speak.

Already, I was regretting accepting Liv’s proposal. Even living in a tent in front of my partially burnt down farm seemed like a better idea at that point.

At the very least, there, I could have had a look on the goats and chicken. I trusted Bob but he could make mistakes and there could be more intruders attacking the farm. I wanted to catch them in the act.

I assume that my face was saying it all because Olivia tried to reassure me.

“Don’t worry, dad, it’ll be only for a couple of months, three at most. Then, there’ll be some more things to repair but you should be able to move back safely at the farm.”

“I feel like I cannot breathe in here.”

She opened a window.

We were on the third floor.

“The people who sub-rented the apartment left more than a couple weeks ago, it just needs some fresh air.”


“Look, there’s a small park down there. No need to be cooked up in the apartment all day. And, you’ll be able to go a little further in the outskirts of the city, there’re larger parks, even places to fish. Take this as a deserved vacation!”

I sighed.

“It’s gonna be such a burden for you guys to have me here…”

“Come on, daddy! Don’t be like that. You know that Blake and I are happy to have you with us. Besides, Blake needs someone, not being able to use his right arm for a while. Right, babe? You’ll be glad to have someone here since you can barely use your computer or your phone?”

“Sure!” Blake immediately replied.

“You’re sweet, Liv, but…”

She cut me off.

“Look dad, you can even take our room and we’ll sleep in the living room so you have some intimacy. The couch can be made into a bed.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, I’ll be sleeping on the couch.”

She smiled at me and came to kiss my cheek tenderly.

“It’s settled, then. You stay.”

It must have been annoying for Liv to have me there but, for some reason, she would not let it go.

I guessed that she was worried that I would lose it on Dave if I were to come back home. I was 100% certain that the coward had been the one starting the fire. I have to admit that many of my thoughts were about killing him.

Others though, were about fucking Blake deep in his tight ass.

“Liv’s right. It’s only for a few weeks, it’ll go by quickly and as it stands, I can barely shower by myself so I’ll need the help.” Blake showed me his cast.

My dick reacted when he mentioned the help he would need in the shower but I did my best to disregard it.

I decided it was best to go out and walk in the damn park Liv had mentioned.

I left the couple behind me, feeling guilty over my dirty thoughts.

Blake and I had not been able to help ourselves on our way there but now that we were at the apartment, there was nowhere to hide.

Maybe that was the main reason I was moody.

Living in such proximity with Blake and not being able to touch him, grab his ass, kiss his lips, fucking him, that would be like torture.

My daughter was right though, the fresh air was good for me.

Fall was a great season to be in Sacramento, it was still warm and sunny outside without having to deal with the unbearable heatwaves.

In the park down the apartment building, the girls were wearing mini-skirts and the college boys were shirtless, too proud to show off their pumped muscles.

They looked like fresh meat for my pervy eyes and I appreciated how they stared back at me. I was the older guy but I was beating them all to the punch with my tank top displaying my massive arms.

Nothing gets you big like farm work. Besides, I was well aware that “Daddies” were in.

None of those shirtless studs had my cock twitching like Blake though. They were hot jocks, they may have had nice bubble butts, but they were not him.

I sat on a bench and looked at a group of college kids, both guys and women, playing frisbee.

“I thought men should not whine.” Someone suddenly spoke behind my back, about ten minutes later, as I was day-dreaming.

Blake made me jump.

“What are you doing here?” I grunted at him.

“We could see you from the apartment, sitting on that bench, all sad.” He pointed to the building and a window on the third floor which must have been theirs.

“I’m not sad, idiot.”

Blake sat down beside me.

“I’m only here because Liv asked me to check on you.”

“Oh yes, you’re such a good boyfriend.” I replied sarcastically.

Sarcasm had never been my strong suit, I have always been more of a “tell it like it is” kind of guy, but eh, the situation was so absurd, I could not help myself.

We remained silent for a little while.

“The girls in Sacramento don’t look shy.” I commented when one of the frisbee players took her top off, to only wear her bra.

“They’re not. City life, you know. It has its perks, hot girls wandering around semi-naked are certainly a plus.”

“I guess.”

“It’s not that fun when you’re no longer single though…” Blake commented, playing with a small rock on the ground.

“Yes, because you’re such a faithful man!”

Blake put his left hand on my thigh.

“I can be faithful, yes.”

Fuck… The tingling in my belly.

“Stop that!” I pushed his hand away.

His attitude changed immediately.

“Sorry… I… I’m sorry.”

“People can see us.” I told him spontaneously, instead of saying that this was wrong and that I did not like that.

Truth was, I did enjoy it way too much.

“You’re right. We should be more careful.” He conceded.

I did not have it in me to tell him to stop. I thought we had already played this game so many times, promising ourselves to back off and irremediably going back to each other.

Why the fuck could not I control myself with this college kid?!

“We should go back to the apartment, figure out how we’re going to settle in.” I told Blake.

“You’re right.”

Back at the apartment, Olivia was on the phone with the insurance people. She was really doing the most for me. I felt even guiltier.

She was very good at this too, the paperwork and everything.

“How things are looking?” I asked her.

“Relatively okay. They’re pushing back, as they always do to cover all the costs but it’s gonna be fine.”

“Fuck’s sake… They refuse to pay for the entire cost of the reparation. I knew it! How much would it be left for me to compensate? I mean, I won’t be able to work for months, it might ruin my entire revenues for the year.”

“Don’t worry, I’m dealing with them. If all comes to worst, I made money during my internship and we have the money from the sub-rent. Not even mentioning what you paid Blake for his work at the farm. We’ll be able to…”

This time around, I was the one to cut her off.

“There’s no way I’ll let you use your money on me! I’ll never accept that.”

“Dad, you’ve been helping me since forever. When we moved in here, you were paying part of the rent. That’s fine.”

I got really mad.

“It’s really not, Liv! And I do have some money anyway in case of emergency so I won’t need your charity. I do intend to pay you a rent for the length of my stay here by the way.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, dad!”

“As stubborn as your mother, I see.”

“Exactly, so you know there’s no point to discuss this. Besides, I told you, I’ll get the insurance to cover for everything. I have some friends who have started working in a law firm, they’ll help. We’re all adults now.”

“We really cannot discuss with that woman.” I told Blake to get his support.

He wisely did not take any side.

Aside from this argument, the first day went pretty okay. The apartment was not that bad and the dinner altogether was even a nice time. A nice beer and a large piece of steak can do wonder to a man, especially after a few days eating the hospital’s crap.

Blake was really useless without his right wrist and he could barely feed himself. I fed him with a spoon at some point and it made everyone laugh.

I guess that the scene was pretty harmless when you did not know that Blake and I had been fucking on the side.

If you were wondering, Olivia was the one to help him undress and take a bath in the evening. As for me, I made an effort and wore some underwear to bed, or rather “to couch”.

I hated sleeping in any other way than naked, but I had to be a little decent. I was not sure for how long I would keep this code of conduct though; I already had an urge to jerk off in the middle of the night.

I went to the bathroom to release myself.

To be fair, I had undergone a lot of stress and a quick wank is always a great solution to calm down.

There was the dirty underwear from Blake in the laundry basket and it was enough to get me going. It was the first time in my life, at nearly 44, that I was picking up and smelling another guy’s underwear. I simply had the urge to do it.

Strange, right?

There was just this thing with Blake’s scent, it was an immediate turn-on. I always wanted more of it, like an ineluctable attraction.

I almost went as far as nutting in his black boxer briefs, – I was rubbing my twelve-inches cock on the fabric at some point -, but since Olivia was the one doing the laundry, I thankfully aimed towards the toilet’s bowl in the end, so not to make a mess.

It would have been a big mess indeed; I unloaded a ton of jizz!

I took a leak afterwards and went back to sleep.

Admittedly, the couch was comfortable and when I woke up, Olivia was already in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone.

Such a nice girl.

It smelt bacon and eggs, that was sweet.

“We normally share the chores with Blake, but with his wrist, he’s got his excuse not to do much around the place.” She explained.

I noticed some bitterness in her tone but I only said thank you.

“What are your plans for the day?”

“Classes only start next week, both for Blake and I. In the meantime, my friend Lisa got me a job at the University to welcome new students, do some paperwork and organizing the schedules. I’ve already done that last year.”

“You work too hard, Liv.”

She smiled at me and bit into a piece of pancake.

“It’s great for me anyway, it helps me making connections.”

“And I usually work too!” Blake intervened, getting out of their bedroom.

He was only wearing long underpants, I tried not to look.

“Oh really, and what do you do?”

“I do the presentation of the sport teams for the freshmen and highschoolers but I cannot really take part in the sport activities now…”

I knew that Blake had come back into the burning farm and had found himself injured only because of me; This was another big thing I was feeling bad about.

“How long until you can remove your cast?”

“Two weeks normally. I’ll be fine.”

Liv kissed him hello, they were more comfortable with the PDA around me.

I almost did the same thing but I was sufficiently self-aware to stay seated. I think that seeing him barely naked had woken-up my morning wood.

“I know Joe made you sweat at the farm all Summer so I won’t hold it against you.” Liv added to make sure he was not feeling bad.

“Your dad made me sweat for sure…”

I made sure not to lock eyes with Blake, otherwise, Liv could have sensed something. At times, I felt like it was obvious that something was going on but she really did seem oblivious.

Liv was in a rush for her work and she made me promise to help Blake out.

“He might be too proud to ask for it, but please, if he’s struggling, help him! Blake really needs to stay as still as possible to heal quickly. And as for you, dad, no moodiness, okay? Be on the look for a call from the insurance people, if they’re trying to bullshit you, just tell them that I’ll call them back.”

She kissed me on the forehead.

“Thanks Liv, you… You really are too good to your old man.”

“I sure am. Bye, guys! No funny business!” She winked at us.

The atmosphere in the room shifted as soon as she had closed the door.

I knew this was wrong and that Olivia did not deserve this, but I also immediately understood that there was no way Blake and I would be able to stay away from each other.

What the hell, we were like magnets!

I cleared my throat.

“You need some help with the shower?”

Blake looked at the floor and then at me.

He seemed to be battling a war within himself.

“I mostly need help with my back. So, yeah.”

“Let’s go then.”

We both walked into the bathroom together. It was so usual for us to shower together but the context was very different, we were not in my farm.

“I just go into the bathtub?” He asked.

We were walking on egg shelves.

“Get naked first, idiot. I mean, you’re not gonna clean yourself with your underwear on.”


“You need help with that too?”

I grabbed his waist and the sexual tension immediately went up a few notches. My own cock was reacting strongly.

“If you don’t mind.”

I grabbed the waistbands of his loose underwear and pulled them down slowly. Blake was facing me and his semi-hard dick popped out.

The fucker was horny.

He had been lacking on the trimming lately, - not in the prerogatives of the hospital’s nurses to take care of your bush -, and he had more hair than usual. I did not dislike it.

It took everything in me not to play with his cock right there, although, this was hypocrite to hold off because I knew for sure that we would get into the action at some point.

Since his legs were working fine, Blake turned around and got into the bathtub by himself. It gave me an incredible view of his bubble ass. His cheeks were rather smooth, he did not need to trim there.

Fuck, he was hot!

“I’m gonna get wet.” I noted casually as I started to run the water.

Blake swallowed his saliva.

“Maybe you should take off your underwear too?”

“If I do that, we may as well take the damn bath or shower together!”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“We might just as well. Two birds, one stone?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… And we’ll save water, right? Clever boy!”

He smiled at me. Who were we fooling, finding excuses?

We knew what we were doing.

I got stark naked anyway. My dick was getting rock hard and I jumped in.

We remained mostly calm for the first ten minutes. I helped him getting soap and water on his back and ass, - I might have spent a lot of time on his bum, especially between his cheeks, but hygiene is important, is not it?

Overall, I kept my cock away and trust me, this was a challenge in itself. Joe Junior was stiffed, dripping and irresistibly pulling me towards the boy’s pinkish asshole.

Things got sus again when it seemed like none of us wanted this bath session to end.

Blake had more spots he wanted some help with, - he was apparently very thorough on his hygiene -, and I was using too much soap on my own chest, meaning that it was taking a lot of time to rinse.

It was okay until I dropped the bar of soap…

Silly me!

Since he could barely use his arms, I was the one bending over and looking for the soap in the water.

Although we were both using the tub as a shower standing up, the lukewarm water was now filling the bath and I was having trouble reaching the bar of soap. I spent a long minute arching my back and offering my fat hairy arse to Blake.

One thing led to another and his hard cock found its way lodged inside my ass crack.

Fuck it! We were so clumsy…

Blake dry humped me while panting softly.

The memories of the first and only time he had fucked my hole were coming back to me.

I moaned.

“Blake… We… We shouldn’t…”

His cock was throbbing against my hole.

“Sorry, Joe. You… You were in the way…”

He pulled back innocently.


I stood back up but was unsettled.

“You didn’t want me to stop?” He asked with a cheeky smile.

“You, little prick!”

I used my cock as a sword and poked his thigh. We laughed. A slime of precum dripped down his leg.

“That thing really is impressive.” He remarked, looking down at my dick.

The bastard was aware that I was very much into his praising of my manhood. He wanted me to give in to my urges.

“That bum of yours’s not bad either.”


He turned around to show off.

The little slut! I so wanted to fuck him right there.

Instead, I used the soap again and I cleaned him up for the tenth time.

I spread his ass cheeks, let my two fingers wander in his crack but I did not go any further. The day was still young and the phone rang anyway.

The freaking insurance guy was killing the vibe!

I got out of the tub and picked up the phone, naked.

While I was talking to the dude who was explaining all the additional papers that I had to forward to him, Blake was looking like a fool, soaking wet, desperately hard, his cock leaking precum, but being unable to stroke himself as he would have wanted to.

To be fair, he could have used his left hand but I think that he did not want to find a way to take care of himself.

The fact that he “needed” my help was good for the both of us. We had our reason to play with each other.

Still, when I was finally done with the insurance, - my work had only consisted of writing down everything the guy was saying to transmit the information to Liv -, I was less horny and able to help Blake dressing back up without being (too) inappropriate.

I could not resist giving him a few strokes to torture him, but really, at this point, who could blame me?

I firmly believe that anyone judging me simply does not realize how hot Blake really was.

“Let’s go outside.” He suggested. “The weather is very nice and it’ll help us… keeping our minds out of things.”

“Yeah, keeping my cock out of your ass, you mean…”

“Or reversely.”

Another cheeky wink. We were very bad boys.

The fact that we could not stay alone inside the apartment without fucking each other should have been the biggest red flag that things were out of control, but instead of focusing on that, I preferred telling myself that we were being “very mature” by getting out and resisting the mutual attraction.

What a hot pile of bullshit and delusion!



When Joe decided to get in with Blake, I was really excited but nervous at the same time. I thought this was when Liv found out about the two of them by returning home because she forgot something and inadvertently catching the in the act. I so wanted Blake to push his cock into Joe when he bent over. I wanted it to happen more they they both did combined.

Arnold Stone

I'm glad the new plot is starting. I understand that Blake took advantage of the opportunity when the naked Joe bent down in front of him in the bathroom for the soap. I would have done the same. It's a shame that this happened almost by accident, and the description isn't particularly detailed either. I hope that in the further sequels, Joe will be bottom again and we will get a thorough description of the details. How does a macho with an elephant's dick feel when he is a bottom instead of a top. Of course, I don't think a guy like Joe would make a big deal out of it since he's only allowed Blake to fuck him so far. Does he accept this situation from others, or does he always want to be the dominant top?