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Chapter 7: Way too hungry

After Samuel had let me jerk him off, I was starting to wonder how far we could go.

Where would a regular straight guy put the limit? Jerking-off one another? A quick blowjob? When was it too gay?

And where did Samuel put his own limit? He was no regular straight guy, although, he was definitely into girls.

Nearly a month after he had moved in, the parade of hotties and MILFs continued in the apartment, to the point where I was starting to notice some frequent visitors.

Remember that chick who was getting shamelessly fucked in our living-room? I saw her a few times after that, and even learned a handful of things about her during breakfast.

She was a great fit for Samuel as she did not seem to have the slight inhibition within herself.

I woke up and there she was, naked in the kitchen, drinking a smoothie. She was blond, with a big natural breast, she had nice curves but she was not particularly thin. Also, she was older than Samuel and I.

I would have said above thirty, and she even may be nearing 40 but I would have never dared to ask.

“Good morning.” She said casually as I walked on her.

I thought she would, at the very least, have tried to cover herself, but no, she did not seem to mind.

“Hi… Hello.”

“I think we’ve already met briefly but we never really introduced ourselves. I’m Kitty.”

I had to refrain from laughing.


I assumed that this was a nickname but I did not need to know more.

“I’m Oliver. Sam’s roommate.”

“Nice to meet you, Oliver.”

She walked towards me to hug me. Just like Samuel, she was quite hands-on.

If you were wondering, I can confirm that I had never been in such close proximity with a pair of boobs.

At no point, she asked me if I minded that she was there, in the middle of my apartment, naked. It was all natural to her.

“You spent the night?”

Silly question, I know, but trust me, I had no idea what to say. I had heard Samuel and “Kitty” fucking pretty much for the entire night. Sometimes they would stop for a couple of hours, but then, they would always go for another round.

“Yes, my husband’s out of town for a couple of days, so for once, we didn’t have to rush it and I didn’t have to run in the middle of the night.”

This time, I could not hide my surprise.

“Your husband?”

She showed me her wedding ring.

I guess that she was not totally nude after all. Funny that she would take all of her clothes off but not her damn wedding ring to fuck with a personal trainer.

“Oh… Sorry, are you one of these fervent Christians or something? Sam told me you were gay, I thought you were cool.”

“Oh, no! I… I mean… I don’t judge, I don’t care.”

She smiled at me and turned around to go back to her smoothy.

Even with my gay lenses, I could tell that she was very hot, especially her bubble butt. I think the confidence helped a lot as well.

“You can judge, I don’t mind. As long as you don’t rat me out!”

“I don’t mingle in other people’s private life.”

“Good. I hope we weren’t too loud with Sam last night?”

They were.

But I was a polite guy.

“That’s fine. I’m used to it…”

“What? I’m not the only woman Samuel brings home!?” She freaked out suddenly.

What an idiot!

What did I just say?! Did I ruin Samuel’s play?

“No! That’s not what I meant!” I felt awful.

Kitty laughed.

“I’m just kidding! I know Sam! It’s not like we’re exclusive or anything.” She showed me her wedding ring again.

“Good Lord… You scared me! I thought you were serious. I…” I chuckled. “I feel stupid now.”

“We don’t know each other yet, so you don’t have to feel stupid.”

“I guess… Well, I can confirm that Sam rarely sleeps alone.”

“He’s probably the hottest guy in Seattle, really is the full package in terms of face, body and dick. Cannot really blame others from wanting a taste.”

“Yeah, he’s… He’s good looking.”

“Want some?” She asked me.

For a few seconds, I really thought that she meant “Sam’s dick” but thank God, I realized before answering that she meant the smoothie.

“Yes, thank you.”

She poured me a large glass.

The liquid was thick and made of a weird shade between yellow and green, but it tasted very good.

“What about you? You’re single?” She asked me.

“I am.”

“Seems like every gay guy is.”


“I get it. I love sex, as you might have heard and seen. I’ve waited for a while before getting married. I did want a family though… I have a daughter, she’s four.”

This, I was not expecting.

“Wow… That’s great.”

“You think I’m a bad mom because I indulge in some recreational activities from times to times?”

“No. I’ve told you; I don’t judge. My life is way too mediocre to feel like I could give someone else any lesson.”

“Don’t say that about yourself, Oliver. Your adult’s life’s barely started. You’re too young to be so hard on yourself.”

Since we were pulling everything out on the table, I thought I could be honest.

“What are you gaining with someone like Samuel, except for the fucking of course?”

“First of all, why are you saying “except for the fucking”, that’s the main point! The only point actually. That’s why it’s so cool. No pressure, no judgment, we can let ourselves go and play with our craziest fantasies. I love my daughter, and in a sense, I love my husband too. He provides me stability, but I cannot tell you how good it feels to have mindless fun, especially with a stud like Sam.”

“I see. Well, I wasn’t expecting having this conversation when I woke up this morning but nice to meet you, Kitty.”

“Look who’s here.”

I jumped as Samuel yawned behind me.

“Hey guys.” He spoke.

Needless to say, he was naked as the day he was born, and sporting his usual morning wood. Firm and massive, like a weapon aiming at me.

“Good morning, Samuel. You seem in a great mood.” I teased him, looking at his crotch.

He gave a quick slap on Kitty’s ass and kissed her on the cheek, and as a joke, he did the same to me.

“Good morning to you too.”

The spank and the kiss already got me feeling all fuzzy inside. My only regret was that I was wearing underwear, unlike Kitty, he had not spanked me bare.

“We were getting to know each other with your roommate.” Kitty explained, a slight grin on her pretty face.

“I hope he didn’t spill too many secrets of mine.”

“Apparently, you’ve been cheating on me!” Kitty pretended to be upset again, but then, she went to kiss Samuel on the mouth.

They made out for a good ten seconds while I was just watching them, drinking my damn smoothie.

Lucky bitch, I thought.

“Are you down for another quickie before I have to go to work?”

“You still have some juice left in the tank?” Kitty grabbed Samuel’s balls.

It was clear that he had many more loads to bust! His dick was so damn hard!

“We can try!” He winked at her. “Mind if we use the bathtub, roomie?” Sam asked me.

“Please do.”

“Wanna watch?” Kitty proposed with a large smile.

Samuel was already walking towards the bathroom but he did not seem to care either way.

“I… I’ll pass for this one.” I blurted out, not sure if she was serious.

Thinking back, she definitely was serious but I was not as liberated as the two horned dogs in my apartment.

I sat down, finished my breakfast, while I heard them go at it for the next twenty minutes.


“Hmmm… Baby, yeah… Fuck my ass…


Is it pathetic that I was hard all throughout and was dreaming of being in her place? Maybe… I was sort of mad at myself for not having the balls to join them, I would have had fun probably.

Once they were done with the shower-fuck, Kitty left, promising she would be back soon and Samuel went to the gym to work.

A casual Tuesday morning in my household.

Later at work, I could not resist telling Franck about my encounter with naked Kitty. I had never told my friend that I had jerked Samuel off but I thought that a naked blond woman in my kitchen was an anecdote funny enough to be shared.

I was right, he loved it.

“And there I was, thinking all straight people were boring!” He exclaimed.

“Sam’s certainly not.”

“I bet… When can I meet him?!”

“Never! You couldn’t behave yourself! You’d be drooling over him the entire time.”

“As if you’re not!”

“I’ve been living with him for more than four weeks. He’s hot but it gets old after a while.” I lied.

The truth was, every day which was passing was making me more attracted to my godly roommate.

To be fair, I do not think that I was fooling Franck. He knew damn right I was getting increasingly obsessed with Samuel.

The thing is, I had not seen anything yet!

The following evening was to be the wildest yet.

I came back home before dinner only to find Samuel and Kitty going at it (again!!) in the middle of the living room!

This time, he was not fucking her per se. She was on all fours on the couch and Sam’s was also on all fours behind her, eating her ass.

“Wow! Guys!”

I hastily shut the door behind me. They really were shameless!

Samuel looked at me with an innocent smile.

“You’re home!” He spoke, before diving back inside Kitty’s hole with his tongue.

The view was damn nice as his fat hairy ass was in full display as he was rimming her, but damn it, did those two have any sort of limit at all?!

It was like they wanted to get caught.

“Sorry… Hmmm… Yes… Eat that ass, babe… We… Hmmm… We can take it… Hmmm…” Kitty extended her arms behind to grab Sam’s hair and to guide him even deeper inside her ass. “We can take it in the bedroom…”

I had regretted not following them in the bathroom in the morning and I did not repeat the same mistake this time around.

For fuck’s sake, I was horny too.

Samuel may have nutted five times already, but I had not jizzed once in the last twenty-four hours.

“Have fun, I don’t mind… I can enjoy the view.” I dared say.

I am sure that if Samuel was not buried deep inside that asshole, he would have given me one of his usual cheeky looks.

My roomie was very busy though.

“Nice… Hmmm…” Kitty moaned, twerking her ass to bring even more flavour to the already tasty meal she was offering.

Okay, I had admitted that I somehow enjoyed watching them but what was I supposed to do now? Was I a “voyeur”? Were they expecting something of me? Should I have been pulling out my cock? I was definitely hard!

It did not seem like Samuel or Kitty needed me to intervene for now. They remained in the same position for the next five minutes, Samuel only getting out of her ass for a few seconds when he needed to take a deep breath.

Honestly, at some point, it seemed like my roommate was about to die by ass suffocating.

Although, Samuel did tell me once that he was a good swimmer and he had done apnoea in his youth. I bet the skills were helping him a lot right there!

They switched position but the rimming continued. Sam turned around, lying on his back on the floor, his head was laying on the edge of the couch, while Kitty sat down on his nose.

She was now full-on looking at me as she was smothering her victim some more, literally bouncing up and down Sam’s face.

That was some intense ass rimming if I had ever seen one!

Mind you, Samuel was loving this. He was jerking off like a mad man while his face was fully disappearing beneath that bubble ass.

“Wanna give him a hand?” Kitty suggested.

She was rubbing her pussy at the same time, squirting on Samuel’s naked body below her.

“I don’t know…” I muttered, genuinely in shock.

She let Sam breathe for a second and he took the opportunity to restate the invitation himself.

“You can jerk me off if you want.” He told me, panting.

The next second, he was back at being completely smothered. He was no longer holding his dick though.

The huge and hard member was up for grab…

My life had definitely changed since Samuel had moved in with me!

Tired of being left behind, I crawled towards them, and finally, I touched him.

I did not go for his cock first. I was eager to feel it again, but given the situation, I thought I could offer myself some more exploring of his adonis body.

My hands went through his hairy thighs, his muscular wet chest. I caressed his balls too.

“Hmmm yes… Use your fingers too! Fuck yeah!”

Now that his hands were free, Samuel was alternating between his tongue and fingers to penetrate Kitty’s hole.

I ignored the pussy leaking on top of me, - frankly I appreciated Kitty for giving me the opportunity of feeling Sam’s cock, but I was still not a fan of women’s genitals -, and I started stroking my roommate’s dick.

Damn. It was so fucking hard, and warm as well.

I could tell that he was very close to exploding. I used his precum to make his cock slimier and I used both my hands to stroke him.

It was my second chance at giving him a hand and I was, for sure, way more comfortable with it.

To be fair, the whole situation was surreal anyway, I was barely aware of what was happening.

“Fuck, Sam… Getting your ass licked, that’s so nice… You should try it!” Kitty mumbled.

Like he had been summoned to, Samuel started to spread and lift up his legs in the air. Since I was on all fours right between his thighs, suddenly, I found myself facing his musky asshole.

The black hair surrounding his pink hole were glued to his skin because of the sweat.

There was no doubt this was an invitation.

Samuel wanted to know what it felt like to be rimmed. I could show him!

“Go for it, babe.” Kitty pressed me. “I’m not much an ass eater myself.”

Samuel was muttering unintelligible words beneath her ass. The poor guy had his mouth full and he had been going at it for nearly twenty minutes!

I kept one of my hands on his dripping dick, but I leaned myself forward to take a closer look at his asshole.

I had not had dinner yet, and I was way too hungry to refuse the invitation.

The frenetic spams and throbs of Sam’s cock showed me that I did not have much more time before he would be done.

Unlike Sam, I was no expert freediver, but what the hell, I dove in, right in the manly ass-crack, tongue first!

The scent, the taste… WOW.

I heard both Kitty and Sam moaning and grunting above me, but as soon as I had tasted that ass, I was in my own world.

It was raunchy but I did not give a fuck.

It was exactly what I wanted… and more.

I had to let go of the glorious dick for a little while because I needed to spread those ass cheeks myself. I needed to go deeper. My tongue was made to feel every edge of that straight man’s anal cavity.

“Fuck yeah, Oliver! Keep going, that’s insane!” He groaned.

“MMMfff… Mmmfff…”

I wish I could have talked to tell him how yummy he was but see, my mouth and tongue were busy.

Kitty seemed to be moving around me but I stayed in the zone.

I could not let go of that pinkish tight asshole. I searched Samuel’s insides as if my whole life was depending on it.

All of the sudden, I felt a hand behind my neck, and then grabbing my hair. I was distraught at first.

Kitty had jumped from the couch and was now solely focused on making me eat her toy-boy’s ass.

“Eat him good, you’re gonna make him cum….” She pushed me.

Freed from the asshole he had been eating for nearly a half hour, Samuel was stroking himself while talking dirty.

The words were very similar to what I was used to hear through the bedroom’s wall at night, except that this time around, I was fully part of the action.

“Make me feel good… Fuck yeah… You’re gonna make me nut so bad… So freaking bad… You want my milk, eh?”


“I’ll spray you with my cum, cunt…. Hmmm… Yes, use that tongue… So fucking nasty… Use it good… I’ve never done that before… That’s so bad… So filthy!”

Trust me, by this point, I was literally making love to his asshole with my mouth.

I swallowed some hair in the process but I could not give a fuck. I would have taken every inch of his body Samuel was giving me.

Also, that was my very first experience with a girl! Can you believe it? Kitty fetched my cock and started jerking me off.

I learned only later on that she was really into gay sex herself, and one of her fantasies was to turn a gay guy straight. We were not so different after all!

I mean, since I was eating a very manly ass as she was jerking me off, I am not sure we can call this a success. Although, I will grant her that thanks to her efforts, she did turn me a little straight, while we turned Samuel a little gayer.

“It’s coming… I… Come here… I want to spray your face… The both of you…”

Only the hope of swallowing some of Sam’s cum could have made me let go of his butthole.

Kitty did not let go of my cock, - I was about to bust my loads as well -, but she did free my hair from her hold, and instead, she glued her own face next to mine.

We were kneeling cheeks to cheeks, anxiously waiting an inch away from Samuel’s rod to get splashed!

And splashed, we were!

By now, I knew that Samuel was always nutting a lot but this time broke all the previous records, he aimed his first volley at Kitty who managed to get it straight in her throat, – she was definitely a pro -, and I was blessed with his second and third loads.

The first one hit me in my forehead and hair, but the second one went mostly in my mouth.

He had already given me a facial once, but this time, I really got to appreciate his sperm against my taste buds before swallowing it.

After that, Kitty and I had to fight to collect the following loads. It was difficult to focus because I was jizzing all over her hands at the exact same time.

Tasting Samuel’s fresh cum had made me lose control.

There had been no penetration involved. No blowjob either. There was a damn girl in the mix. Yet, this was the most intense sexual experience I had ever had.

By the end of it, the three of us were drenched with sweat and cum and we all went to the bathtub together. We needed a good clean-up.

Samuel did not seem to be shaken up by what had happened.

As always, he was very casual about the whole thing. Just another crazy sex experience for the insatiable trainer.

“That was hot, right?” He told as he started showering in between Kitty and I.

We were all standing in the tub.

“So hot.” Kitty confirmed.

I simply nodded yes.

I was at a loss for words.

Everything had gone so quickly and so unexpectedly that it was very much feeling like a fever-dream. Especially as Samuel started washing me with the lukewarm water, not being shy to use his hands all over my body…. And my ass in particular!

The prick, he was going to make me hard all over again!

Unfortunately, I was forced to witness that he was doing the exact same thing with Kitty on the other side a minute later.

She was giggling and kissing his chest playfully.

She even kissed his lips twice.

I remember vividly because that hurt me a little. I could eat Samuel’s ass but I did not have all the privilege and access to his body. I was not a hot girl…

Still, I enjoyed the moment and I could not be mad at Kitty.

Especially, as she came up with the most wonderful game right after our quick shower.

Yes, it turned out that the evening was far from over.

“Fuck, Oliver. Your ass is so smooth and peachy, really does look like a girl bum!” She commented as I was drying off.

“I know, right! I’m always thinking that!” Sam confirmed.

“Shut up, guys!”

I was offended when I should not have been given what was coming next.

“Sam, I’m sure that if you did not know better, you could get our two asses mixed up!” Kitty said, checking her own ass in the mirror, comparing it with mine.

“Probably…” He stated mindlessly.

“Wait, guys… We should try!” She suggested.


“I’ve just had the best idea! Oliver and I will get our two asses in line; we’ll blindfold Samuel and he’ll taste both! We’ll see if he can tell which one is which!”

I was completely stunned.

She could not be serious? Sam was not going to eat MY ass!

I guess that even after what we had just done, I was still very much naïve because of course, Sam replied:

“That’s hilarious! What can we use as a blindfolder?”



OMFG - this was so fuck’n hot, unexpected and off the charts. I came not just once but twice. Fuck yeah.


I freaking LOVE Samuel!