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Hi everyone! As you've probably noticed, I've been posting slowly/inconsistently these past few months and I'm still behind on audios. I didn't realize it right away, but on top of the hustle and bustle of my ordinary life, I was starting to feel some burnout with audio creation.

I think somehow I got the idea in my head that I needed to improve my audios. I started spending more energy doing retakes, minor edits and trying to making my audios "better" that it became more difficult to get lost in an audio and simply enjoy myself 💖 It got to the point where trying to work in time for recording/editing was getting to be more draining than fun.

I took some time off after Christmas break to rejuvenate and rediscover all the things that made me excited about recording and creating. And well.. I think I'm back! I'm at the point where I have a lot of ideas brewing and I've been itching for the chance to record again 😊 I'm gonna spend the next few days posting lil' projects, writing pieces and videos that I never got the chance to publish and hopefully after I'll be able to start recording new audios 🥰

So.. yea! I really wanted to apologize for my unreliable posting schedule these past few months 😔💖 And say just how much I genuinely appreciate everyone that has stuck around. Honestly I find it so incredibly heart-warming that so many of you have been there to support me even during a rough patch 🥺💜

Oh and I haven't forgotten about any of the audios that have won polls in the past few months! So look forward to audios of old poll-winners as well as new ones 🥰💜



We missed you so much! glad to hear your back💜and please don’t stress yourself out if an audio is perfect :) anything you make is enough 🥰


Glad to hear you're feeling better and inspired!! Creating things, no matter what, takes a toll 🥺 but there's nothing a break can't fix! Keep doing what brings you joy 💖