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Recording a ramble about spring animals while recovering from a lil' cold 😊💖

Sorry about some of the low quality phone pics 😅



Kleo S.

Darling! You can't just hit me with I'm sick information like that. My caring instincts start to kick in and I feel the need to tug you in blanket, bring you box of tissues, hot tea, soup, freshly baked cookies, sort your pillows (especially the good one), read your favourite book loud for you, etc. 😘 My allergy season is starting, too. Your garden being so full of life sounds amazing. Fingers crossed for your blue birds to stick around with you. Bribe them with sunflower seeds 🤫 If you want to see birds fighting for real, magpies are the absolute savages. 😂 I get to see a lot of animals around here, too, in spring. Unfortunately my dogs are hunters by nature so when we meet a hare, squirrel, hedgehog, fox or herran they nearly rip my arms out of the joints trying to chase (they are usually staying on leash due to their strong hunting instincts). 😁 They're better exercise than lifting weights 😏 Anyway! Wishing you a speedy recovery. 💜💜💜🩷💜💜💜


First: we need a crowfunding to buy this boy a second hand phone with a good camera zoom. Second: HOW MANY BIRD HOUSES DO YOU HAVE?! Also, I like blue bird as much as most people but don't shame the poor sparrows xD. Third: chunky froggo! 💜. And finally: *the highest pich voice ever* omigosh look at that tiny little turte with their legs all stretched out, I love them so much TT^TT *bites down on a pillow*


Awwww you're so sweet to want to take care of me like that 🥺💜 Hahaha and that sounds like quite the workout trying to convince your dogs to just be animal watchers 🤭


Hahaha I'm up to 4 birdhouses now, I've truly become a crazy bird person 😅 And I knoooow aren't they all so cute?! The absolute sweetest lil' babies 🥺💜