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Hi everyone!

I hope you are having a good day. ^_^

I'm busy sketching out some character ideas for the maids of our Maid Cafe, and will hopfully have some ready for you to review later.

In the meantime, I would like to ask you for some ideas regarding customers.

What kinds of customers do you think we will get in the cafe? Here are some examples I was thinking about:

  • 1. Completely unaware tourist who entered the cafe not realising the theme and is now too embarased to leave without ordering.
  • 2. School Bully type girls who like to torment the maids and humiliate them.
  • 3.  Mommy type woman who likes to treat the maids and baby them innocently.
  • 4. Male DL who is a regular and in love with one of the maids, but scared to find out if she wears just for the job or she likes them as much as him.

These are just some ideas, but I'd love to know what you think!

Berri x



I prefer the bully type girls myself.


I love the fourth option, especially if he's like that cute blonde boy you did OC art of a while ago.


Business woman who is just here for her coffee, but comes here every morning. She insists that it's because the coffee here is the best.

Raven Night

A few potential ideas that come to mind the first one playing off of your example is tourists who walk into the cafe unaware of what it caters to and in turn they discover their interest in ADBL and other related kinks this could be a single couple or a group of people and could lead to many different kinds of hijinks. Personally I'm thinking of something out of one of the Lil Miss Sierra stories or possibly a group a sorority girls turn one of their members (willingly or forced) into being a "little mascot" for the group. The next one has to be at least touched on as since this is a restaurant of sorts namely someone trying to skip out on the bill of course in this case the customer possibly even a regular of the cafe would be trying to get caught to be punished either by staff or other customers (read brat acting out for attention).


I love the idea of a customer who comes in just to be antisocial and the ends up getting punished by the maids or made to work shifts. Also the idea of a wealthy woman who comes in just to request a maid wear chastity and be forced to be trapped in a diaper (or double) until the next day. maybe a couple could come in and at the start they both tease the maids but over time one of them becomes a big baby and the other a CG and the maids can tease the baby but might get punished by the CG for it.