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Hiya everyone! I hope you are doing well. ^_^

This year seems to be going past so quickly I feel like I've missed most of it! Hopfully I will get to have a little break next month and have some much needed R&R. ^_^

I hope you are all finding time to take a break from any of your horrid adult jobs, and getting some quality time with your partners/carerers/friends etc. Even if you don't to go to the beach, make sure to treat yourself to a few days away somewhere new.

Now, to business!

For those of you on an art reward tier. Please make sure to send me your image requests before the 10th of the month, so I can get them all done in good time. There is no theme this month, so just send me your best ideas!

For everyone else, I will be posting the fan art request form very soon. Please make sure you are not requesting characters that were drawn last month, as they will not be available until the month after. Lets keep the ideas fresh!

Once again, thank you for all your wonderful support.

Love you all

Berri x


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