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Hi everyone,

I've noticed a few comments from people who are getting frustrated with me for not having any commissions slots open. I don't currently have time to add any more work to my busy schedule, but I can move things around and replace other things I offer, if you prefer commssions?

The poll below is to guage your interest, and to find out if I should be focusing on other areas. This poll is not set in stone and does not mean I will be be making changes without reviewing things with you. Its just a way to try and make sure I keep you all happy.





My advice is would be something like now but instead have comic pages and my secret sub be every other month to open up commission slots, as if both the comics and secret sub are things you enjoy doing don't just drop them but rework the schedule so you can keep drawing what you love.


I think having it on a rotation would work. 2 ways I see that working. First way, October you do fan art polls, comms, and comics. November you do polls, comms, and secret sub. December you do comms, secret sub, and comics. And January you do polls, secret sub, and comics. Second way, you drop one of them every 3rd month or so for comms. So maybe for October, you do comms instead of poll. Then it goes back to normal for November and December. Then in January, you do comms again instead of polls, or maybe instead of comics this time. I don't like to seem like I'm whining, but when my stuff just isn't getting drawn, I'm more than happy to pay to get it done instead 😄


I agree with Axios. Don't just drop the things YOU want to do to appease us 😅 having a rotation would satisfy both parties I think


Here's my take. You were right to have a poll, and as of this writing, the majority of your subscribers (72% of nearly 100 votes) don't want things to change. Ultimately, it is up to you as the artist and captain of this patreon ship. As someone paying to see your art, and I mean no disrespect to the those asking for commissions, but to me what's being asked for by a vocal minority is less art for the group so they can have individual requests they don't think the group will ever vote for in monthly fan art polls. This reads as appeasing individuals over the group and I say go with the group opinion on this one.