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Hello, all you lovely (and very patient) little ones! How have you been? I hope you have all been good and kept yourself out of trouble while I was away? Everything seems to be in order here... although I did find a few of my special cookies missing from the jar... but that will be a punishment in itself, so good luck with that. *giggle*

I have had a wonderful, relaxing break from things, and feel much more invigarated and ready to do more art!!! I hope you all have some really good suggestions to get this Septemeber started!?

A big welcome to all the new supporters. I hope you all enjoy your time here and are looking forward to some lovely artwork. If you are on an art reward tier, please feel free to send me your art requests for this month. As always, please rememeber to send them in to me before the 10th of the month. This is important because it allows me to plan and get everything done for you on time ^_^,

I will be making another post shortly, were you will be able to suggest a piece of fanart for our monthly poll. Just one suggestion per person please, as there is a cap of 20 suggestions for the poll.

I'm really looking forward to creating more diaper art for you this month, and I really appreciate all the support and love you give me.

Now.... those of you who bully me on Twitter.... line up for a spanking!

Love you

Berri x



The bab is back!

The Writer of Timelines

Glad to hear your back and refreshed berri. Everyone needs a break from time to time and with your high quality of work it's no wonder you needed a vacation. Welcome back and don't strain yourself love.