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Hi everyone,

Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll. Sadly only 1/3 of the total number of Patreons voted, so the results are not really a good indication of what you all want.

Although the majority of people voted to use MEGA, 17% either wanted to continue posting on Patreon OR would leave if I switched to using MEGA.

17% may not sound alot, but its significant enough that I have decided to continue posting artwork like I always have done on Patreon. I will just have to make my peace with that fact that I cannot stop people stealing my work.

Thanks for your opinions and voting.




This is really disappointing to hear. No artist should have to resign themselves to their work being stolen, and the fact that a portion of your viewer base essentially said "I don't care, my convenience is more important than your ability to profit from your work" is shameful imo


I completely missed the vote tbh, whatever decision you make I'll end up following! I like the art so I'll pay for it wherever! Do what ever is best for you WishBerri!


I voted that I preferred it to stay on Patreon, not because I think it's fine that people steal and share the art, but because I don't believe that it's practical to stop the pirates and I don't think it will raise Berri's profits to spend efforts trying to. I think it's less convenient for both Berri and her patrons to have to use mega and manually share the password to all new patrons throughout each month. That admin time would be better spent drawing more (or relaxing). All the paywalled diaper art from all the popular artists (34Q, LazyBlazy etc.) can be found online on certain sharing sites. You can't stop the signal. You just have to do your best to ignore it. P.S. I speak from experience. The patron version of Trap Quest is shared on certain forums very quickly after each release. But the effort I would spend fighting it is likely to just cause antagonism and not result in them being unable to pirate it in the end. Also sometimes I wonder if those sites are actually pretty good for building my audience. People pirate my game and then talk about it all across the internet because they enjoyed it. Some people even pirate at first and then love it so much that they decide to become a patron.


Thank you for your comments. I just don't want those of you supporting me to have a harder time just because of these people.

Nekkie Kyu Bie

Sorry about all this, I was fine with the password stuff


I’m really sorry this has been so upsetting to you Berri. I didn’t vote, I missed the discussion until yesterday. I think you should do what you’re comfortable with. I think, bottom line, with the leak, some people might not pay that would if there was no leak, and some will now pay who without the leak wouldn’t have found you at all. Financially, the end result might just be the very same, except you’re much more frustrated and have to put in more work to make it airtight, if that would have been the solution. It’s probably not much of a comfort. It’s still unfair. But I just hope you find peace with it, cause I don’t think it can be solved by people like us who are just trying to get by. In any case, hang in there! ❤️


Sorry this is happening to you Berri, I would have done anything to keep your art secure. Mega, google drive, whatever you wanted to do I would have because I'm such a huge fan of your art. I hope you are doing well and I hope that this situation will get better!