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Hello all,

Once again I have been made aware of people scrapeing my Patreon and posting the content for free on other websites. There seems to be no way of stopping these thieves from getting access to my work or even making DMCA take downs be taken seriously. 

I know it's only a small minority of people who think they have the right to destroy artist careers and income for a cheap thrill, but honestly I have had enough. 

I will be making changes to the way I deliver art next month, which should make it easier to identify who is sharing my art without permission, and ban them.

If it continues to happen then I will simply move to commissions only, and only the person paying will get to see the artwork.

Thanks for your support




Arrrrg it's makeing so angry! Why do people have to be dicks and ruin it for everyone! 😡😡😡😡


Tell me about it. I've been told they have systems that basically upload your image to their site as soon as it's put on patreon.


Damn bunch of dicks


I love your content and think you do some of the best kink oriented ABDL content out there. I may not be able to be a patron full time throughout the year, but I don't mind paying for your content when it comes out. I've seen some artists specifically host their stuff on websites, password gated websites, or discords with strict who can come in and who can come out policies. Sadly, its impossible to avoid people stealing content completely, but hopefully you find a way to make it happen less.

Raven Night

Talk about infuriating, I have seen this happen to other artists too and the few ways that I have seen that have worked most of the time for other people have been to either to keep their content off site like with a mega or drive account (typically one account per month of content) with the idea being that once you find out that someone has released the link to a free site is to delete the old account and then re-upload it to a new account as most of the pirate sites use bots that typically only copy a new post once (though this option could be a little labor intensive). Another option that I have seen that works pretty well is to send content via mass message through Patreon or an email essentially starting from the next post onward after they signed-up, additionally offering previous months content as a separate email as a kind of perk for continuing support after one or two months of membership, that second part might sound sleazy but most thieves won't stick around that long to wait for the back content and I haven't seen any bots that scavenge Email/PM's which means more work for the SOB doing the stealing. Lastly is to post content on a Discord thread and offer access through Patreon though to be honest I don't know how well this one works as I haven't seen many use Discord in this way to actually be able to tell, with the only artist that I know of being Owlcan but the only bench mark I have for it is the fact that I don't see a lot of their art turn up on free sites that are not their own. Anyway all of these options try to make stealing content much more labor intensive for someone to just copy everything in one go and then leave and "usually" the harder it is for someone to do something the more likely they are going to do it somewhere else that is easier to target. I hope this helps some or at least gives you some ideas as I personally love the work you do and don't want to see you stop due to something like this happening, also sorry for the wall of text.


Thank you for your support and foryour suggestions It is much appreciated. I will still continue to work as I have been on Patreon, but I will be moving to a file sharing service to distribute art to you all. This is to combat the current security issues as filing DMCA directly to these websites only serves to get myself blocked.