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Hi all you lovely Patreons!

How are you all doing? Looking forward to Christmas/Winter Holidays?

I hope you have all been good this year? Beacuse you know Berri only draws artwork for little boys and girls who have been wearing their pampers without a fuss. *giggle*

This is going to be a short month for me (family stuff taking up much of it) so I am going to be charging forward with artwork, as soon as I recieve your ideas!

To that end, please could everyone on a Reward Tier $30+ please send me your art request as soon as you possibly can! It doesnt have to be Christmas themed, but if you would like to add some holiday spirit to you idea, then go right ahead. ^_^

I will be opening the fan art poll soon for everyone else, and I am super excited to hear all your ideas. I think each month we are getting better and better ideas and Im really enjoying fullfilling all these fantasies. Let make the last month of the year super poofy!!!

Once again thank you so much for all your continued support. I love each and every one of you and I couldnt continue to work as a fulltime artist without you. 

Berri xxxx


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