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Hi everyone, It's me Berri, I'm back!!! ^_^

Welcome to the most 'SPOOOPY' month of the year! 

I hope you have all been good while I was away, and haven't been getting into any mischief?? Thank you all for keeping subbed to my Patreon and for supporting me so much. 

I want to make this month a Halloween Special! so I hope you all have some interesting suggestions for our regular art poll ^_^ Anything spooky or magical suggested this month will get you extra diaper pats. hehe

As well as returning to the She-Ra comic and My Secret Sub, I am going start posting some of my own ideas each month for you to enjoy. I've always filled in my time with commissions previously, but I have my own kinky ideas bubbling up in my head that I need to get out! I hope you will enjoy them.

One last thing before I slip back into my comfy oshkosh b'gosh overalls. I will be opening up 2 new 'Tier 5' slots in a couple of minutes, so if you have been waiting to get a commission from me, now is the time to get yourself some art!

Those of you already on the art reward tiers, please send me your art requests for this month before the 15th, and I promise to make them amazing!

Can't wait to hear all your awesome ideas for this month art poll either!

Thank you all again!

Berri x



Awesome! I'm excited to see more art from you again :D