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Good morning everyone!

Welcome to all the new supporters who joined in January. You have blown me away with your love of my work and we are now over 300 Patreons!!!! AMAZING!!!

A new month means NEW diaper art and... oh yes... I AM NOW FULL TIME BABY!!! Wahoo!

That means from today I will be able to start working on my new visual novel game! I am SO excited! I can't wait to get the characters together and get your feedback on how they should look, their personalities and how the game will progress. Look out for game posts very soon! 

One thing I do want to mention, because I want to focus on getting this game underway, and as February is a short month, I may put the She-Ra comic on hold until I work out fitting all the new work in. It's not going anywhere, just don't want to promise too much and end up having a meltdown ^_^.

SO, I would like to now invite all of you lovelies on the $30+ tiers to now send me your requests for Februaray. Please remember (as always) to get your requests in before the 15th of the month so I'm not rushing to get everything done on the last day. xx

I will post the art request poll soon for everyone else.

Love you all!

Berri x



Me only reading the title, and being like "you only get fresh diapers every February?.... That explains a lot!" :-P


Joking, of course! And congrats on making it to 300 patrons and full time babyhood! ^_^


You're now a full time baby? I mean, we already knew THAT... lol...