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I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe in these troubled times. It's been a crazy year, and it's almost over, but before we get to the holidays lets get some more diaper art done!!!

I would like to invite everyone on the $30+ tiers to now send me their requests for the month of December. Please make sure to get all of them to me before the 15th of the month, so that I have time to get them all done in good time. Especially with Christmas being towards the end ^_^

No surprise but the them this month is Christmas/Holidays/Presents etc Lets see what creative ideas we can come up with this year!

Thank you to everyone who has helped support me this year and pushed me over my goal of working fulltime as an artist. In the New Year I will be able to officially leave my desk job and offer you all more art, comics and hopfully games!

Love you all

Berri x


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