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Hi everyone!

OK, so I have been planning to create an interactive visual novel for a while now and seeing as I am so close to hitting my goal of working full time as a diaper artist, I thought I would try and push us over the edge and start a game!

I will need your help and input in moulding the content of this game, as I want you to all have fun playing it and to atract more patreons to join us ^_^

My idea so far is for you to play the protagonist, who finds/is given/is cursed with a device that allows him/her to alter reality. As you progress you will unlock additional abilities that you can use to alter your reality. Changes can be made to other people, yourself, and the environment. 

Like with alot of visual novels, there will be multiple characters you can have a romantic entaglement with, and different endings depending on choices you make.

So! first question... What theme/environment would you like me to go with?



Sounds interesting, although just a quick suggestion since Patreon has been selective on enforcement; maybe make High School/University to College/University. High School students can be 18, but its the kind of thing that patreon will nit pick as possibly being underage even if there's no age stated.


Aah... I can't edit the poll now. Well we are only at the ideas phase so I can update it later.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-08 00:36:31 Oooo could combine a couple ideas. Fantasy/D&D + High School/University could be a fun thing, for instance. XD "Those? Yeah those are the elves, even the males take home ec, they're always bitching about how loud the dwarves in machine shop are."
2020-09-03 14:10:58 Oooo could combine a couple ideas. Fantasy/D&D + High School/University could be a fun thing, for instance. XD "Those? Yeah those are the elves, even the males take home ec, they're always bitching about how loud the dwarves in machine shop are."

Oooo could combine a couple ideas. Fantasy/D&D + High School/University could be a fun thing, for instance. XD "Those? Yeah those are the elves, even the males take home ec, they're always bitching about how loud the dwarves in machine shop are."

Raven Night

so long you can select the gender of the MC I open to pretty much anything