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To those of you who immediatly post my Patreon artwork on free websites, making it available to non-patreons, and literally stealing money from me. I've only just put up my latest work and already I've seen it somewhere else.

I've been noticing a pattern of joining, upgrading, downgrading, leaving and re-joining in the same month, from certain Patreons, and I will be keeping eye on you in the future. I have already banned several people for doing this and I will do so again.

Posting my artwork other places may seem perfectly fine to you because you paid $5, but I work very hard doing this artwork and everytime you post it otherplaces you are reducing my income. 

Reducing my income means I am working for less money per hour, so I have to take on more work to make up the shortfall, burning myself out and unable to expand my account and do more things like comics, games and openning additional request slots. All of which I want to do, but can't because of a few selfish people.

I know the majority of you here have supported me for a long time and I appreciate and value each one of you. It's always a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone.

Thanks for listening.




I personally, have not posted your artwork elsewhere, as you said, it does reduce your income, which you work hard for. On that same note though, I can also see the viewpoint of the ones who do it (albeit, the same day, is very stupid, and rude). Not even the old artwork (1 year plus) are shown to the outside, and something to remember, is that you do have fans outside of Patreon, that much is apparent, given the amount of artwork that you did in the past, that is still loved. I’m not saying give it all away for free, but perhaps tastings on Pixiv and other platforms would be good with the older works? Would give you more opportunity to advertise your Patreon as well. Perhaps opening a Twitter account specifically for your fetish stuff would work too, as it has for people such as 34q, and Aweye (hoping this one gets well soon). At the end of the day, it is ultimately your decision, however, and with that, I leave my ramblings. I’m not in any way spiteful, or degrading you, and as always, have the utmost respect for the artists like you. Have a nice day. :)


I don't have a problem with putting some of my work up on twitter and pixiv, and in fact I might try and do that to help boost advertising. I only now and then put stuff up on DA, but mainly I've only posted here because I feel that my paying Patreons deserve to see the artwork exclusively.


As for fans outside of Patreon... I doubt I have many. I was harrased a lot back when I was on DA and thats what became appealing about posting privately. Anyway, I will think on it. Thanks for your input.


I'm sorry to hear that that is happening to you, Berri. It sucks, and I wish people would learn to respect it. It does peg a bit of a question, though. What about the commission tiers? When I had a commission tier myself, I wanted to share the lovely artwork I got with some people. (I didn't post it online anywhere or publicly mind you, but that doesn't mean it didn't somehow end up getting shared to someone who DID post it somewhere. As I recall the one turning up on hypnohub or such.)


If you commissioned a piece from me on one of these tiers then I’m 100% fine with you posting it elsewhere. I’m talking about the people joining, downloading all of my latest work and then posting it all on another site.


Sorry to hear that is happening, that's not right :( is there any way you can get websites to remove your patreon artwork?


Unfortunatly not. The website in question seems to have been setup for the express purpose of ripping Patreon artwork. Many other artists have the same problem on there and the mods do not care.