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Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed January cos she is gone! and now comes the shortest month, February. (She's so cute ^_^)

I would now like to invite all of you who are on a reward tier, to please send me your character requests for this month.

For anyone on a lower tier who is waiting for a hightier to be open... GOOD NEWS!

There are now 2 spaces OPEN:

$60 tier - Get a 2 Character Flat Colour picture each month (Simple background)  

$130 tier  - Get a 1 Character Soft Shaded picture each month (No background)  

If you are looking to get yourself some diaper art of your favourite character, then please go ahead and move up today!

I will also be advertising these spaces on DeviantArt soon, so if you don't want to miss out go grab em!

Thanks for all your continued support. I really appreciate you all helping fund my artisit passion and I hope to bring you even more goodies in a few months time.

Berri x 


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