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Still haven't been feeling the best lately.

It's been very hard keeping up with schedules and commission work consistently, especially with how many people want art from me apparently. Slots fill in so quick, even within my Patreon where I thought there'd be less people scrambling. And I'm not trying to say that I'm not grateful for this much support, I appreciate you all more than I can put in words. It's just so much expectations to meet from start to finish, it's a lot to process, especially for a brain like mine who needs to take things slow. Will this mean I'll have to revise how I do commissions *again* so that I'm at least more consistent with business? Possibly, but I have yet to figure that out.

So yeah, this stress has been building up for a while and I haven't realized it until now. I will need like, a few days to a whole week to process things, to refresh my body and soul and discover myself once more. And then I might have my mind straight enough to be responsible again. Those who are queued for hourly's, it will be a while before I'm ready to discuss details, but I will try to finish these within this month.

I know how disappointing it is to repeatedly wait for my drawings, but this break will be very important for me. I can't keep worrying about others and making things perfect to a point where I can't think for myself. With that said though, thank you all so much for your patience and continued support. I get complaints for how I run things, but knowing that all of you decide to stick with me anyways, I couldn't be any more grateful and happy having you all around.

I'll get things straight soon, I promise.


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