Cougar Wolf (Full) (Patreon)
Now that I'm back from vacation, it's time for some new content! During the vacation, I did a lot of traditional drawings and inking them. Two things I've discovered is that line based shading looks nice with my style compared to cel-shading, and that monochrome seems to better suit my current style and skill level.
I thought that since I'm seeing more monochrome based artists these days, I thought I'd give it a try, I'm very pleased with the first result! I may try more of this in the future.
As a result, I may remove the $5 tier altogether, and just have the $3 tier as the highest, as there's very little colouring in these monochrome pics, and I doubt most people would be willing to donate $5 a month for my stuff.
I'll be experimenting more, but let me know what you guys think!