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I'll explain below, but to keep it short, going forward I'm gonna have to stop doing the monthly requests part of Tier 2, at least with how its integrated now. It's just due to the page getting bigger than I honestly thought it would, which I'm very grateful for, thank you so much everyone! And don't worry, I'll still do all the requests I have now, and I'm trying to work out a suitable alternative.

Pretty much it's just gotten to a point where I just won't be able to do all the requests in a timely manner each month, it'll be people waiting FOREVER for requests. It's my fault, when I just started, I figured I could knock out more requests daily if need be. But as of right now Tier 2 requests can take me 3-4 hours for the simpler ones, sometimes 5 or more for the more complicated ones. So, 2 is about the max I can do a day, and even if I did that every day of the month it wouldn't be enough. 

I've been debating on what to do, since I don't want to just take out the requests, but still charge you the same amount since that'd be scummy. I've been thinking of a alternative to the requests, involving the ideas posts I do and combining them with polls so you all still get a say in what tier 2 sets get done.

How it'd work is I'd do a ideas post for Tier 2s, then I'd do polls afterwards between some of the girls from the post. Now to keep things fair, and make sure each girl gets a fair chance of being picked I'll try not to make polls with lesser known girls versus nearly guaranteed wins like Raiden shogun for example. So, for example, if theres Raiden, Saber, Kaga(AL) and Ilsa(Granblue), I'd do Raiden vs Saber, and Kaga vs Ilsa so its fairer and not a stomp. 

It's just what I'm thinking though, PLEASE feel free to comment below what you'd consider a good alternative for Tier 2 to replace monthly requests and let me know what you think of my current idea. Nothings set in stone, still just brainstorming right now. I'll still be doing daily uploads either way, not gonna stop that. 

IMPORTANT: Like I said earlier I'm still gonna do all the requests I've gotten so far. I know some people subbed to tier 2 as the request was a big incentive, so if you unsub and are still waiting for your request let me know in my DMs, no hard feelings. Just so we can work out a way for me to get you your request when its done, like Twitter or I can even make a discord to share it with you. I'm not sure if Patreon lets me message people that aren't subbed, so just to be safe! 




I did send you a message about putting a restriction on the tier when it comes to requests because I've noticed a lot of people subbing to you for requests and there was no limit, so I felt like you'd be overworked very fast. Create a new tier for requests at the same price as Tier 2 with a maximum of 20 individuals or less, and a lower-cost tier for bonus images ranging from $7 or something. Or you may simply create a new tier that is more than $10 and establish it as a limit so you don't have to change old post settings.


Restructuring the current two tiers is the best compromise, imo. Reprice the current tier 2 subscription (and consequent commission reward) to a more premium value, but move access of said content down to tier 1 members. *also sent a DM

Cirno Fumo

You could restructure Tier 2 and put limitations on how many can join the request/commission tier and change Tier 1 to include access to tier 1-2 content just without being able to request.


yeah I figured it wouldn't be long before you were flooded with requests, it makes alot of sense when u were smaller but you've grown past the point where it's viable. If you still want to do requests you should either move them to a different tier with a limit so u don't get overworked, or have it be like tier 2 subs get a request every 3 months or so, giving alot of leeway so you don't overwork yourself. We all love your work and don't want you to burn yourself out! so don't force yourself 🙇‍♂️


All goods take all the time you need. I do have a dm with you as well for whenever


I think your idea would work you'd just need to restructure and reprice your existing tiers and possibly add another one for requests that's limited to an x amount of people.


You could have a cut off for all requests, say March 1st. No requests after that date. Then you work through all tier 2 backlogs until you're caught up. After that, each month let tier 2s suggest and vote on characters they want to see. Then you do the top however many picks you can manage in a month. Rinse repeat. Just my idea


Limit the number of people who can have tier 2. I don't know if people with tier 1 have access to tier 2 sets, if they don't, give them access, so you don't have to make so many tier 1 sets, you can release the tier 2 sets to them simultaneously or not, your choice. Finally, it pains me to say this because considering where I live the price is expensive. If there is a lot of demand you can try to raise the price to access tier 2, just be careful with this.

Raku Shiratori

I think reconstructing the tier systems are the best idea you can do. Maybe have it to where Tier 2 can have requests once every 2 months or so. This will help with the influx you have and give you more time to complete them before more requests are given. Or, just simply add a Tier 3 which would cost more, but you get to do the proper request once a month. This way you wouldn't have to change prices on stuff and can keep it around the same, and still let Tier 2 feel good as well.


Maybe a new tier with a limit, lower the cost of tier two or just merge tier one and 2 as a viewing supporter. Things like this are complicated to deal with especially with the current growth of your account. Maybe cutoffs/deadlines for the request. The system I would personally prefer or recommend is have a vote or popularity poll and pick like the top 3-10 gals for the week or month. No matter what you do or have planned I’m here to support you, stay safe and don’t worry yourself too much. I know you’ll resolve this situation soon. This too shall pass and bring along fortune. Keep up the great work my goat.🐐


I think restructuring the pricing of tier 2 would make sense, maybe a bit less. The polls would be great though, maybe give people also the option to vote on themes instead of just characters? (Ie ntr, sph)


great that you make polls with less popular characters! i think tho there should be something like a monthly suggestion lottery where everyone gets put into an idea in the hat, so even if your odds are 1/300 you can still get your character done because some are so niche and specific.........like say someone from paladins or something that's really specific/unknown/unpopular.