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Luckily there's not much to report on the current video beyond "the work continues". Halloween video is underway with some fun things being cooked up for that, but right now my main focus is on getting Arcanum's video done. Hopefully it'll be in the second week of October, but it might end up being sooner if some things in real life line up better since there's some uncertain stuff I'm waiting on that makes mid-October a big question mark for what will be happening.

As for the Halloween video, I'll be drawing from the credits list earlier than usual since I'm hoping to have it done before I typically do. The past three Octobers have kept me incredibly busy, and while it'd be nice to have a final week not having to worry about video stuff for the first time in a while, this one is more of a licensing issue. The game that will be talked about has a lot of music that should be okay to use but will likely be getting all sorts of claims on upload based on even the tests I did. It used to be that claimants were allowed to sit on an appeal for 30 days (they always lapsed claims they were challenged on instead of actually relinquishing false claims) but now YouTube has reduced that to 7. That means with luck I should be able to get most of the automated ones done on the YouTube backend in a worst case scenario if the video goes up around the 20th or so privately, though once it goes public I don't doubt it'll get all sorts of shit thrown at it from manual claims/SoundCloud rappers which isn't a joy to work on knowing that. 

So that period will just give me time to make possible re-edits and all sorts of workarounds for when things go wrong, though I'll probably try to find a way to get the original version of it out there somehow if it becomes an ordeal. It's not even so much demonetization which already happens from time to time and is never worth complaining about anymore, but more that music rights holders can sometimes restrict viewing in certain regions which just effectively blocks out random demographics from seeing it at all. The music is pretty integral to the game, so I'm trying to avoid cutting as much as I can, but there's a lot up in the air. This is more just a warning for if the credit tier processes late in the October month and you don't show up in the credits, if the editing feels more awkward than usual, or if god forbid the video comes out after Halloween. There's a lot of unknowns attached to the backend this round to the point I'll be happy if the thing is just playable everywhere on the website when it's done. This is more a case of "it has to happen now" since I'm not sure when I'll be able to run the Halloween game ever again since I had to do a lot to get it going in the first place.

That's all for now! Thanks as always for your support! 



That sounds positively un-cash-money I shall cross every finger and toe I have and don't have that it ends up well

Twit In A Hat

Are Soundcloud rappers especially bad?