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It's been a busier month in the backend. GOG is beginning to switch up how they do things, which meant a lot of phone calls and monkeying with several services I barely understand but the result is that the links to games and sales when they happen should look less like a nuclear launch code. 

This also ended up being one of those months where audio becomes a problem. Some of the Advent Rising music kept getting jumped depending on the part I used by YouTube, which turned out to be Doctor Who music. I haven't seen an episode of it in maybe 15 years so I'm not sure how accurate the website was being on those calls, but what snippets I looked up only sounded kind of similar so that was odd. Also, my old audio interface (the skeleton box) sadly appears to be dying out. During recording for the Tyranny video I was noticing a lot more static on the higher ends than usual, and after troubleshooting it I'm pretty certain it's the box. I won't be throwing it out since it still has some features I find useful from time to time, but for the sake of videos I retired it. Considering it's a model from 2007 mainly used for guitars that I bought used, I'd say it certainly had a full life. The replacement Focusrite is a lot smaller and more modern, though it has less settings I can directly control due to that, so I'll be working on getting used to that since how it played with the Advent Rising video isn't something I'm 100% happy with yet. 

Going off of the last poll, I'm fully focused on getting the Pathfinder Kingmaker video out for May. I was hoping I'd be able to do a few playthroughs like Tyranny, but I'm realizing even doing 2 full ones is a daunting task because the game is just drowning in content due to being a proper CRPG. Even with a long time of playing it consistently there's still stuff to find, so I'll be getting enough comparative stuff in the second playthrough to get a feel of things even though a full second run might not happen at this point. If I can help it I play through a game at least twice in case I missed something, but when friends were telling me their completionist runs of Kingmaker were getting to be 200 hours for a single character I felt fear. I don't think this will be a case like January where there's no video out in a month due to everything still happening on my side, but you'll know long before May is over if that happens to be the case. Their sequel is also aiming to be in June, so I definitely don't want to do a video on a prequel game right after the next is out as that feels strange. 

After that's done, I'm thinking of doing a video on Devotion before Sacrifice since its "banned from every digital store" status has changed, but I'll likely run a poll here to see what you think. Work continues on future projects as well.

Thank you as always for your support!



Good luck with the new recording hardware!


Sucks your old skelebox died, but that's a pretty impressive lifespan for one compared to my experiences at least. I didn't notice static but something sounded slightly off with audio in the last video, but nothing that really ruined it for me. I have had a similar issue to yours previously, but mine was solved switching to 5V DC power on my pre-amp as opposed to running it via USB for power as well as data transfer, but that's not really an option in every case and I assume you would've already tried that if it was possible.


Shit is that a line UX2? I just bought one for recording, shame it went out. Maybe a small grave out back is fitting? I'm certain you can find someone willing to etch "Skelebox" into a headstone :D In all seriousness though, sending good vibes and hopes the new system works up to par