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Hey everyone!

Hope you're all winning big at the current Vegas-tier stock market circus. Currently, I'm hoping that the Thief video will be out on February 5th. If you backed for January stuff already no worries as your credits and question integrations and all that will be there. There is also an arranged discount for the game, along with the other three games of the trilogy. Thief 2 will be out the week after, and Thief 3 is still a bit up in the air but I'm thinking it'll be soon after. What to do about the Sneaky Upgrade was something giving me some pause, but I figure just explaining how it works in detail would be the best choice. There may be a different game after that one, but Frostpunk should be soon after. Sacrifice will also be around somewhere in there.

As for Advent Rising I back and forthed with GOG a bit to officially integrate a mod and some extra goodies into their current version of the game, but this kind of thing is on Poland Time™ so I have absolutely no clue when that integration will happen. I had actually started editing together the guide section for getting that going, but having it in the release itself will save everybody a lot of trouble. So this might end up being later off than I hoped, but it's still coming.

On the shirt/mug side, Teespring contacted me about doing a discount thing. In their words, BYEBLUES will get you 10% off through February 1st. I know a lot of colors and stuff were out of stock during the holiday season crunch so most of those are back now. It's been really cool and surreal actually seeing pictures of people using the stuff since YouTube is so separated from physical reality in my brain, but I'm glad it's gone over well.

There will also be a poll at some point in the next few months about choosing another game.

Thanks as always for your support!