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Evening lads.

Once again, Extellus did an excellent job with continuing the animation from the UnReal World video. There'll be a longer behind the scenes post next week showing what all we did and what changes got made since we started plotting it out a few months ago.

I've also got two copies of the Omnissiah Edition of Mechanicus on GOG to give out. The sale that was promised to run thankfully happened, so that makes things easier. To enter, simply post your best snippet of Mechanicus lore in the comments below this post and the strangest/most interesting two will get a sent copy over this weekend.

In the background, the eternal recording of Total War Warhammer 2 has continued. The post next week will be talking more about that and what the plans will be if a DLC happens to launch mid-recording that changes a bunch of balancing and stuff. This is a shorter one, but I'm scheduling it ahead to post later since I'm about to pass out.

Thanks as always for your support!




There's decent evidence to support the conclusion that the Omnissiah the Mechanicus worships is actually an ancient alien god called The Void Dragon that lives inside of Mars. Source: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Mag%27ladroth


The Mechanicus adepts speak in a form of binary called Techna-lingua. It’s basically 0s and 1s played in a way which only others with the correct implants can understand. This explains why they don’t speak English, or technically gothic, in the game.

Nameless Guardsman

They fuck toast machine haha funny. But for real, good video been thinking about this one for awhile and you convinced me to get it down the line. The dark eldar once stole a fully intact and working stc from the boys in red when they wondered what an Ark Mehcanicus was doing in the middle of no where.


I already have Mechanicus so don't include me in the draw but I'll post my favourite 1d4chan quote about the admech: "Nearly every single stored record on Mars was rendered unusable, and those that survived are half the time self-aware and don't like you, or daemonic and actively try to kill you."


You know those flying babies servitors in all of the 40k art? You’d think they’d be baby corpses turned into servitors for Grimdark, but in actuality, they’re specific Vat-Born creatures created by the Adeptus Mechanicus. They're specifically grown and designed in a laborious process, so they can be customized for the person they’re being made for. Initially, Mechanicus made one Cherubim for every year the emperor watched over humanity, but then, they just started cranking them out like everything else. Gogh Vandire was a big fan of them, and got the mechanicus to make him thousands of them to follow him around to build up his presence. He also had them installed with spy-ware, so it is canon that the mechanicus made an army of flying spy-babies for the worst despot in imperium history.


My favourite piece of AdMech lore is actually from an IG book - Caves of Ice by Sandy Mitchell. For context: it is written from a strictly in-universe first-person point of view by Commissar Cain. His memoir is also annotated by Inquisitor Vail to add some additional context and humour. Spoilers for the book follow. The Guard is deployed to defend an AdMech facility from an orc incursion. They eventually discover that the facility is in fact built directly on top of a Necron tomb. The Commissar & the Inquisitor speculate - obviously correctly - that the cogboys knew about the Necron presence and built the place to give them a chance to loot the goodies. There is an investigation, but they cannot even come close to proving anything. Anyway, eventually the AdMech sends an expedition into the tomb. They all die, except one rather low ranking tech-priest who gets out by some miracle. And now we get to the part that’s my favourite AdMech moment. At the end of the book, Inquisitor Vail has the following footnote in an attempt to tie up loose ends: “This is the last time Cain mentions the tech-priest in his account of these events. His subsequent career in the Adeptus Mechanicus can best be described as unspectacular, rising to the rank of Magos without doing anything further to draw attention to himself. His last known assignment was at the Noctis Labyrinthus mine complex on Mars.” Inquisition got played. :D

Some Sketchy Guy

Due to the schism of mars (basically admech civil war during the horus heresy), mars is covered in a subterranean tech labyrinth filled with lost knowledge and technology. In one instance a magos went into the ruins found an ancient blueprint for an unknown device. When the magos constructed the object in the diagram it instantly exploded and killed him upon completion. Apparently some magos are so paranoid that they will make devices solely designed to kill the user, in the hopes of eliminating anyone who steals knowledge from them