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Christmas is on the way!

Congratulations to Arkorat, Charles EA, and AetherSmite onj getting Elite Dangerous due to their powerful triangle drawings. 

The poll showed Space Marine pulling ahead by a pretty big margin. It might end up being sooner than later since I'm still figuring out Chapter Master due to the multiple versions and some bugs I had to get through, so I may end up just starting with SM and doing Chapter Master after. Over the past weekend I got my CPU and motherboard replace since the CPU was starting to die out. Rendering was causing more and more crashes/freezes during it, and after trying to replace paste, adjust settings in the BIOS, and even getting a new cooling fan for it along with other solutions didn't start the heat march of death it was beginning to endure even on a testbed. Luckily all data was properly backed up so I haven't lost anything so far except for a bit of time. I'm hoping to have a video out this weekend, but it's also possible that it might be next depending on how things go since it's still hard to tell at this stage with my schedule. I'll be collecting credit questions regardless, and if anything drastic changes you'll know here.

Once again, thank you for your continued support!



What originally got you interested in warhammer? Was it anything in particular or just a gradual growth in interest?


What happened to the Metal Fatigue video you wanted to do this year? 🤔

Lars Schäfer

No worries with when you release the video, you are already very quick!


What's your favorite/most memorable co-op experience in a game?

Paul Hannah

Have you thought of doing a review of Gothic 2?


Planning on doing it while the Total Warhammer video is cooking early next year. Original plan was to do Metal Arms and Metal Fatigue back to back (ironic) but I lost a few months of work time due to getting injured.


A friend of mine's dad had a Blood Angels and Ork army my friend could mess with and we played at his house (probably with a lot of bullshit rules he made up) so that's how I found out about the tabletop and setting in general. Played Dawn of War later which was the big real interest hook like it was for a lot of others.