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Good evening!

My Halloween decorations still aren't down since I've been making up for lost time in October. I had a lot of people tell me that they really liked DUSK after they got it, and congratulations to Augustus McCullough for winning the code for it!

Nothing much to report on for the video at the time being, since I'm still recording for Elite Dangerous. In between moving cargo in that game, I've been moving cargo in Death Stranding and I plan to do a video for that when it's out on PC. It'll be more patched up and less of a nightmare to record by that time.

It is strange that I've been putting off finishing the Elite video for a long time on the advice of people telling me to wait for "the next big patch" for so long, but honestly it feels like not a whole lot has changed with it since I first played it with the Horizons expansion. There's some more stuff and improvements definitely, though I do get the feeling that it wouldn't be too different of an opinion than what I had two years ago. I know they're supposed to be adding carriers next month, and supposedly some enormous new features next year, but I don't plan to hold off the video til December for the sake of carriers. If the video does end out not rolling out until then it's just going to be from everything else I've been trying to get some good footage of. I know this video's been a long time coming so I want to get it right.

Thanks for your continued support! 



Carriers got delayed until 2020 so no use waiting for them I’m afraid, it’s the second time they’ve been pushed back. Super looking forward toward your perspective on Elite, it’s been a favorite of mine for a long time but it is certainly grindalicious.


I haven't touched Elite for months, even when my savant business friend was feeding me free cargo lanes, because I'm too lazy and easily distracted. I'm curious to hear what you think of it, because I know there's potential there somewhere and, unlike other space games, it has actually been released!

Lars Schäfer

Mandy, no need for worries about this "big cunk of content coming soon". Make your review when you want and you can alsways do a follow up video if it changes drastically


giving us a sound clip of you saying "futa cock" means all is forgiven


I'd say take your time on Elite since I'm not into it but my gripes with your reviews is that you get me to buy the games. I'm currently 148 hours into Sunless Skies and I genuinely hope you dont get to sell me on Elite too otherwise I wont have time for Death Stranding and Pokemon.