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Good evening and a good October to you lads.

I have good news! I already have enough recorded for Sunless Skies that I'm once again ahead of schedule and already into editing, with some other side projects being wrapped up to make this happen. The video should be completed either this week or next. This was also a game where I had a review copy given to me last year (after the Sunless Sea video, at the exact same time as Cultist Simulator) so there'll be a post this weekend concerning handing a copy out to one of you after the video, so keep an eye out for that. I was definitely more hesitant going into this one compared to Sunless Sea since I wasn't too keen on "trains in space" but I've come out of it pleasantly surprised in the end. It still has some issues though, and some performance hiccups surprisingly enough, but I'll be going over those in more detail soon. 

As for the last video, a lot of people told me YouTube didn't notify me about it and I suspect it has something to do with a "Beta Upload Process" thingy they rolled out on me then. YouTube breaking is nothing new though, so the real Paratopic news is that the developers put out a new game called Roman Sands in the meanwhile. It's a visual novel though, so it'll probably be a long time before I give it a try. 

As for the Elite Dangerous video, I'm keeping my vow it'll be before the end of the year, and at the going rate it should be in November. I'm considering trying to have quite a few more videos than usual out for October, but November would definitely be the Elite focused one. We'll see how things go.

Thanks as always for your support!



Lars Schäfer

Really looking forward to the Elite Dangerous video. It is your biggest project for a long time :)


Can't wait for Sunless Skies, I feel like it somehow got even less fanfare than Seas.