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It completely slipped my mind in the last post to ask for the video questions.I'm hard at work on the Pathologic video, and a Friday release is looking very possible!

So I'm going to collect credit questions to choose from in the comments below. Even if it doesn't make it into the video, I'll definitely be answering some of the FAQs in the big end of the year post.




Why are you knight?


You mentioned before you were moving to contract work before you started your patreon, what line of work were you involved with? Software development or graphics design?


Any plans for other obscure russian titles reviews? I heard Space Rangers 2 one is coming soon - can't wait for that one.


Are you going to do any more game reviews with a series?


Whats your opinion on the whole "Dr. Mandalore and Mr. Sseth" joke thats currently running on your comment section?


Well, I've got not only one, but several questions: 1. What inspired you to actually work on review videos? 2. Why did you chose the style and tone you use inside your chosen media platform, meaning videos, and why didn't you go for another way, like text, or another tone? 3. What are the leading inspirations in choice of title, style and length of a video? 4. What is your personal opinion on longer/shorter format? - On that note, something that always sticked with me - another youtuber, MauLer, does reviews and critiques that go on for several hours, going in-depth on many different aspects and facets of video games and movies. Why do I bring this up? I have no real clue, maybe it's because I like his way of presenting information and think more people should put out work that is more thorough instead of rushed (best example are so-called "reviews" a week after a games' release. To be frank, you put out great content in your own way, but I guess I've been interested in hearing what you'd consider to be the "optimal length and depth" for a review. holy smokes I got sidetracked... Last question - Do you draw inspirations from other youtubers or did any of them influence you in any particular way?


Have you considered covering any DOS games at some point? Considering they generally lack the complexity of some of the games you've covered I'd imagine they would be a quick turn around/perhaps could do multiple in one upload.


Is there a game that you wouldn't review? Have you considered reviewing old-school point and click games, such as Broken Sword, The Dig, Day of The Tentacle?


When it comes to steep learning curves in a game, do you try to learn by trial and error or do you look for some kind of beginner's guide?

tod weitzel

"Soda" or "Pop"?


Do you watch Esports? If yes, than what are your favorite games/teams?


What are you most looking forward to in 2019?


Have you tried the steam controller and if so what do you think of it?


When can we expect reviews of console games?


I heard from a few anons that you used to have more /v/ related content on your channel, but decided to scrap it so you dont get in trouble. Is there a possibility that you´re gonna upload them somewhere else if you still have them?


Would you consider yourself a performance artist?


How did you get a larger than average eastern european veiwer base Товарищ?


Why Mandalore when you have a knight as an icon ?


Loved it. You should pitch your channel to Netflix, Amazon have already picked up the angry video game nerd. Pitch it before they pick up someone bigger that sucks, 100% sure there will be some sort of gaming/popculture twats with in a year, kids with ugly hair cuts and nose rings.


Why do you have such a eastern European fan base my good man!