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Hey everyone!

Bad news - Darkest of Days video will be next week over this one. I try not to bog everyone down with details unless it's a situation where I'm out of commission a while (like when my spine went BRRRK a few years back) so this is more just a bunch of IRL stuff has been popping up non-stop the past few days and I want to make sure the video is good instead of trying to get it pushed out tomorrow (I had aimed for today originally) and I might end up aiming to just have it out on Friday again to have it at a regular time even if it's actually done before. I also don't know if it'd be able to release with closed captions, which I've tried to have completed at release for a few years now when the damn tool actually works. When the next video poll comes I'll also have some more elaboration on what's happening on my end since a few things are currently still up in the air. I know a delay post for a week at most might seem excessive, but I do want to keep everyone updated especially since it's near the end of the month and if someone just backed for July I don't want them to stay in the dark for the video they had funded basically.

Thanks as always!


Royce Atkinson

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that no one is upset at you for prioritizing yourself and health and such. We love you and your content because of the effort and quality you put into them, and we've come to trust and enjoy what you have to say. Not because you're a content mill and we need constant stimulation. Always always always take care of yourself first please dude. We'll see it when you're ready

Jojo Evans

Better good than rushed out

Mr. Pie

Nothing wrong with last minute touches to a masterpiece


This is truly the darkest of days...

Scott LaPointe

Do what you gotta do, I'm gonna rewatch your Bungie rabbit hole vids for the 10th time while I wait


As I always like to say: You do what you need to do.