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Had this rough idea for a short comic for a while.

I can't really explain what it's about as I haven't wrote anything for it and I don't plan to!!
I thought that would be a fun challenge in itself for me too. Since I'm pretty bad at coming up with interesting stories, I thought I wouldn't come up with one. Pretty smart right???!!?!?!??????? 😎😎😎😎

ANYWAYS I thought some of the designs were fun so I'd share them here and at least show my thumbnailing process for any of those interested.

Who knows if I'll finish this or whatever but I hope u get a lil kick out of these bits : - )




I dig bullet man and nail dude! I thought nail dude was carrying a barbell with plates for a second tho lol


Thanks man! Hahaha I can see what ya mean with the Nail guy haha. I'll fix that up when I draw him with more detail ;' D


Nah it’s good! He’s gotta stay swole 💪 so maybe he made a big nail out of a barbell


These are really cool design, looking forward to what you have planned