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Just been a bit inspired this month for a bunch of reasons I guess!

Bit annoyed that I haven’t done too many finished coloured pieces of some of these ideas I’ve had but hopefully I’ll act on them to make something cool sooner or later


  • I remembered I made a character super late last year / early this year and draw him with a bunch of freaky clowns so I revisited drawing him and was thinking of some ideas. I also drew a freaky plague doctor in a spacesuit or somethin 🤨👍
  • Mainly practising action poses by doing some quick gesture drawings. The few times I’ve tried to draw punches / kicks it’s been hard since I think you’ve really gotta show the poses in a good ‘before’ and ‘after’ state??? Tricky business for me
  • Lil bit of background practise. Whenever I draw these building backgrounds I just hate the lack of detail and the way my lines look with buildings. I don’t vibe with it! Gotta figure that out! ALSO just some remarks from Edwin himself telling me to make a comic or somethin
  • Scribbles of the agent character as well as the timeless classic character Marcy!!! Also just some urban background junk stuff!!
  • Some practise sketches when I was drawing art for Ryan Bittner for out art trade. He had too many cool creatures to choose from.
  • Just a wide assortment of stuff here. Again, practising buildings but not making them look quite right yet I think.
  • And this page is just a lot of gesture pose drawings. When I’m in the right frame of mind they’re definitely best for me to start with to do warm up drawings.

ANYWAY THATS ENOUGH WAFFLING. I Hope you enjoy seeing these sketchbook pages still even tho their content is usually wildly unpredictable hahaha

And thank you all for ur support as always !! 🙏



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