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TINY UPDATE : Added a very cool maid Liz u may enjoy :-)

Just some usual sketchbook pages and stuff!

Really sorry I haven’t been as productive this month so far. I have been working on some fun kinky pieces for the end of the month that I’ll hope you’ll enjoy too.

But anyways! The pages! :

  • Hadn’t drawn for a little while so here are some basic expressions and her frying Satmons brain :-)
  • Vampire lady who I am trying to figure out a design for still!
  • A skelleman and a few Marcy heads.
  • A big Frankenstein guy that might be called Francis? 🤔
  • Marcy and her big duffel bag. Wow! What could be inside? Leave your thrilling theories down below!
  • Marcy jumpscare.
  • Tevee and a big robot arm. This arm is very bad and I was not vibing with it at all haha

Again- sorry for the slow content this month!! I WILL DO MY BEST TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU THOUGH!! 🙏




Love the brain frying, vampire lady looks cool, I bet the duffel is full of spook research and kinky stuff! [Edit] Woohoo maid Liz!

Victor Huff

It was already a good post but definitely worth the update.