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This month has been a weird one for me art-wise.
I had one week where I absolutely blasted out some fun character art and did a lot of studies in my sketchbook which was GREAT.
BUT THEN I seemed to awake the next day with no drive to draw much at all for a dang while.

I'll try get myself ship-shape for next month to deliver some very cool content for you again.




That Lou bondage is sexy and funny, the perfect combo!


Lou vs the bondage photoshoot!

Victor Huff

Just be sure not to push yourself too hard if you don't feel like drawing at all. None of us want you to think of it as a chore. We want you to be enjoying it as a passion project or a labor of love. Take care of yourself, buddy. ❤


wehehe thank you! Definitely more silly n sexy bondage stuff on the way for sure!


Thank ya man! I really appreciate your concern as always my dude! I'm taking days one at a time and drawing only when I REALLY want to recently. But still I hope I can shift gears when Im feeling ready and draw some more stuff for u all as well as myself!