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HERE IT IS. PART 2. AND here is the rundown of the pages :

  • I think these were the first scribbles I did for my new baseball comic characters. Just liked the shapes and flow and drawing them both so I wanted to draw them in a comic.
  • Wanted to do a cool panel / comic style piece with inks here for all of my characters but I quickly realised my traditional supplies are all drying out lmao.
  • A tiny Jeena doodle amongst other cartoony guys and creatures
  • I was trying to think up cool ‘lore’ stuff to a card game project I was working on. But instead of anything cool I came up with the name ‘Gulunga’ the complete opposite of cool
  • I think I had Rick and Morty on as background noise so I scribble Rick. I’ve also drawn this bird-sequence creature a couple of times now. He’s got good shapes so he’s fun to doodle.
  • A little bit of vent art from the other day!! BUT I’m back to my usual self for now >8-)




I dig it! Thanks for sharing!