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HEY here are just a few sketches and doodles done in recent days.

UPDATE- This months Art Poll winner was Cynthia but I don’t believe I’ll be able to get a finished piece done in time.

Long story short- I haven’t had access to my PC the past few days and have also lost some recent art files including rough sketches I was working on for the Cynthia piece. I’ve also developed some minor hand pains so I’m gonna rest easy for a day or two for them to pass most likely. (Sorry if I sound like a big baby!! I just don’t want accidentally develop something that will keep me from drawing for an even longer while!!)

Sorry that the Cynthia piece will be delayed. It will get finished next month ASAP and will most likely be available as a print in the future!

I appreciate your understanding 🙏




If you’re developing hand pains, that isn’t “nothing.” Take a break, and come back later. If you damage your hand, we’ll be waiting a lot longer, than if you’d just gotten a break.