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Here's another quick lil Pokemon portrait thing.

I was thinking about how if these smaller doodles are worth their own post. Would you prefer if I saved these smaller doodles for a bigger post / character sheet type thing?

Lemme know! either way I'm happy enough with this lil portrait for now and I'm definitely gonna try draw Nessa properly again some time in the future :^)




Looks so good!

Victor Huff

By character sheet, do you mean multiple poses or angles of one character or a sheet of random doodles in general? Either sound fun and this looks great! 👏


It's our Queen! She looks great! 👍


I like having them as their own posts but I’m good with the other option too


Character sheet would be the same character with just different expressions / poses / general doodles of that character. if that makes sense?

Victor Huff

I'm a dumb and put character sheet instead of bigger post lmao. Thanks though.