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Its Pokemon Trainer Red. Did this as a loose sketch and threw some quick colours onto it.

I do really want to be able to produce quicker, more frequent content for you folks but its difficult to deliver quantity and quality especially when my brain is wavering between wanting to draw, not draw, and battle whatever ever other thought that pops in there.

I'm hoping I'll be able to produce maybe more frequent stuff soon even if it's just more messy sketches and doodles.

Huge thanks as always for supporting me on Patreon!!



spencer wirtz

I cannot believe that is a quick sketch. Even your doodles are incredible.


It wasn't a quickquick sketch. More so just a loose one. I think this whole piece took around 1 hour 30 mins ish ?


The perspective and foreshortening on this piece is so rad 😤 Such a fantastic sense of energy. Sorry to hear your brain has been giving you trouble as well😩 Hope you feel better soon my dude!

Santiago R

I really love your dynamic perspectives, makes your art hella cool and unique