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A doodle thingy of the spook dragon I sometimes draw.

Mentioned this on twitter earlier but I’m not sure entirely what I want to do about and with my art currently. Feeling both a bit burnt out / having no drive to draw but also wanting to really find that OOMPH and draw something awesome again.

I apologise if I haven’t delivered enough of my usual sort of cute girl content and stuff. I’ll do my best to get back to it soon (I think I’ve said this a lot recently haha my bad)

Thank you all very much for your support. It really means a lot to me :^) I hope you can understand and have a lil bit of patience until I find my groove again!





NO WORRIES GINGR we all get that mood sometimes, take your time to get back into it, try to indulge yourself, that usually helps! Also, for some reason I first read "spooning" dragon and LOL'd. Sorry, I'm dumb 😆