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YO! With the new year getting closer, I feel like that would be the best time for me to update my Patreon and make a few changes where I feel would be beneficial.

Here is a list of the perks and changes I will be making to each tier next year :

3$ Tier (Prickle Pal)

  • The Price of this tier will increase to 3$ (Currently 2$)
  • No longer access to Art Polls
  • No longer access to High-Resolution Drawings
  •  WIPs of public art posts 

7$ tier (Carrot Kid)

  • The price of this tier will increase to 7$ (Currently 5$)
  • Access to High-Resolution Drawings (If not attached to a post they will be available in the monthly sketch pack)
  • Access to drawing suggestion threads. (These will be done whenever I have the time to do them)
  • Access to the Patreon exclusive Discord server
  • Exclusive art not posted elsewhere (Bondage art, Sketch pages, Doodles, etc)
  • Voting on art polls. There will be at least 1 monthly art poll which will either be OC or Fan art-focused depending on what I'm in the mood to draw

15$ tier (Satmon)

  • The price of this tier will increase to $15 (Currently $10)
  • A monthly character sketch request

Changes to the Monthly Fanart Poll

After a while, I found that doing a monthly fan art poll didn't become as enjoyable as I thought it would be. It's often when I have a lot to do or I'm not too familiar with the characters in the poll that I will find it quite difficult to enjoy and create the fan art poll piece. I personally enjoy drawing original content much more than I do drawing fan art most of the time.

So I've decided that during months where I don't feel ready to do a fan art piece I will instead do a different art poll for the month. Perhaps OC focused or some other project / idea. I want to keep art both fun for myself while you guys being able to enjoy the stuff I create too. I hope you folks wont mind me doing a few less fan art polls but I'll still try and do as many as I can!


Sorry for the big post but I wanted to make sure everyone knows what's going on with the changes coming up.

If you have any questions or thoughts about these changes please let me know and I'll answer back ASAP.

I hope you folks can understand why I'm making these changes. I'll continue to work hard and put effort into my art and characters. The support from you dudes on Patreon really makes the difference for me!

Thank you very much for your support and I'll catch ya next time :^)

UPDATE TEXT 15/12/2019

My apologies for having to update the update post! I've fine tuned the tiers more that'll let me run my Patreon a bit easier. Please be sure to read through the tiers and check the prices too if that's a concern for you. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask me.



Fool, for only the low low price of feeding my family I can get a free sketch a month? Sign me the HECK up

Magnolia Ducky

(ง ò ω ó)ง You got this, boyo!!~


Hahaha sadly there are still a limited amount of slots but I’m gonna try open up some more slots as soon as I can B^)


When are these changes taking place?


I'll change update the tiers and such early January. Once everyone's payment has come through in January ill update the prices to all of the tiers. Hope that helps!


I think the lowest tier losing access to high-res files is a bit much because if they no longer have access to polls either, the tier doesn't have a lot of reason to exist anymore, y'know? I personally would keep that benefit for that tier or at the very least have them not lose access to polls as well. I speak as someone who just joined the $5 tier though; that wouldn't affect me. I'm just thinking of the little guy in this scenario, since I know personally hi-res files are something I really value. But that's just my 2 cents; again, I don't mean to be rude with anything I say.


That is a very fair point! I moved the Hi-Res option to the higher tier as it makes uploading to patreon much simpler for me and also as an incentive for the higher tier. But I believe you might be right that the lowest tier doesn't serve much purpose other than a tip jar. I'll consider moving the perk to vote on polls back to this tier in the future. Thank you very much for the feedback! Super appreciate it B^)