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I've always wanted to do a piece with a cool throne so I thought I'd do one for this piece.

Maybe she was suppose to be cleaning it but got distracted by Satmon running through the room taking pictures while screaming or something. We'll never know!

Hope you folks like this piece. I had a bunch of fun doing it!

Seeing as I did a maid theme for my OC poll for this month would you like to see a themed poll for my characters each month? If you would like a monthly OC theme poll thing, what theme would you like to see next month?




Fuuuu love the detail on the throne and Liz looks amazing! Maybe she took over her employers?? Id love to see themed polls of your ocs, next month could be about the beach/swimsuits??


Ayy glad you like it dude! I can imagine Liz protesting very lazily indeed haha and I was thinking of a beach theme too. It's started to get warmer here so I thought it might be time to draw some swimsuits ye!


Guh, this turned out so heckin gorgeous man! I love how you do shine so much it hurts. Her expression is seriously top tier as well in addition her gorgeous looking hair... and dude... YOU GENIUS... I didnt think her heels could get any better. I thought we had reached the summit, the peak. But those bows are just soSOGOOD! It amplifies the cute'n'sexy feel of this piece so damn well. Could probably gush forever about this piece man, fantastic stuff! I'd also be so down to see a poll of your characters every month. They are a blessing and receiving such a blessing monthly would be too good! (phew, apologies about the mega comment haha!)


YOO A LIZ MEGA COMMENT HAHA Thank you soso much dude. Really happy that you like Liz and my art and stuff. These kind of comments make my day ye! I'm a sucker for cute bows and heels so I had to combine em together haha ;'D AND I will try do a monthly OC poll if I can yeah! Thanks a bunch again dude :^D




THANKS DUDE. I will be sure to let u know when her maid services are 4 hire !! 8-)


OOOOF, Liz holds nothing back. Looks amazing! Hired for maid work, settled for the eye candy. Themed polls would be a lot of fun. Swimsuits I agree would be fitting for the first month of summer for those of us in the norther hemisphere anyways. XD Always look forward to seeing your OCs, keep up the amazing work! =D


Ayy thank you very much! I'll def try do a summery poll for next month ye! Been a while since I've last drawn a fun summery piece too haha