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Wanted to pop in and assure everyone that I'm working away on the latest commissions but things have been a little slow on the art side due to this being the time of year that all my live music events take off, so apologies for that!

Will share some clips of the recent gigs Ive done including these from just last night!



Pics form the same event:

And here are some more clips showing a wider range of material from other gigs (sorry about the quality and length but its hard to get a good cameraman).


Will be making a post for everyone's convenience in a couple of days that groups all the main image links from my Patreon together so you dont have to scroll forever to find things!
Have some paw tops for being patient with me in the mean time!

Got some good stuff in the works coming soon!



The fringe is really gone?


Do you need a paw rub after?


Dont confuse me with my lead guitarist.. I still have a full head of spiky hair dont you worry. The little pony tail brush is gone now though! We had a photographer for the event so I can share those when we get them. Might have at least one clear shot of me.


Oooo, them tops remind me of a certain familiar dobermann...


Beer festival. I'm listening.


October is going to be one of our busiest months coming... I wonder why! Though the hot gigs around now have had a lot of tipsy people kicking off their sandals for the show!