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Got myself a replacement scanner at last to make future art just a bit easier.
Expect to see some more silly scraps and bonus content while I work on the next big projects.
Up next is a commission piece for which progress will be updated here https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10522821
And I think its about time for the cops to come back for another round of justice and good work!

Also found these alt full body pics of Evil Ryu and Violent Ken for Street Fighter 6 launch.

I do love the look of characters in Gi.
Keep your eyes out for the foot animations in the latest batch of fighting games as SF6 has set the bar very high!
Anyone not familiar should check out some Jury gameplay but most bare foot characters get a lot of love!



I like those alts and think their paws are even more fun because I choose the danger


You already made a pic of Ken as sole shots maybe you can alt that to evil Ken