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Last time I put out a content warning for the piece titled "Drug money ransom" and to some people, the warning was totally unnecessary.

Well what if I was to reveal that I have acquired a very passionate set of hate groups over the years for the art that I do and is the reason I have to be so up front with my warnings.

I went back to pull out some of the more fun comment strings but I assure you there have been a lot more.
The only editing I have made to these are concealing the identity's of everyone involved so as not to stir up more controversy for something that's many years old now. And for the Deviant Art PM, Ive flipped it so that it reads from top to bottom which is not how messages work on DA usually:

Well it is a few years since then now. Interesting that they feel the need to speak for a group against me!

Nice to know people chat about me in their spare time at least!

I like how specific this one is regarding the frostbitten hands. Its clearly a call back to another story so its a bit unimaginative!

Just figured this would give some insight into the crazy stuff Ive seen and this isnt even touching on the controversies surrounding FA mods removing my pics due to their own preferences, Group chat mods removing my comments after I leave so that they can accuse me of things later or the accusations that I'm involved with shutting down Portland somehow! I kid you not!

I'm not normally into highlighting drama but at least I get to turn this stuff into content.



"What a shithead you are a few years from now..." sweet XD


But for real, people are stupid.


I get the feeling making a sequel shows that I didn't realise it. But I did have fun with it so perhaps I just need a few more years.


Just remember that if you like my stuff, you are a horrible person too. That's just how it works unfortunately.


It’s what’s to be expected from people who live their lives believing they are the shining knights of the moral highlands. They either feel guilty for being turned on by something they supposedly despise and blame the one who made it instead of themselves, or believe it is their duty to play thought police. Sadly, I remember this argument taking place… The “frostbite kid” was a social outcast on a furry server, that’s all that needs to be known of him.


I appreciate your stance on this in more ways then one so Thank you very much! While being mentally unwell is a real excuse for some, it cant be applied to everyone who has taken issue with my art over the years. I know some of my subjects are more potent then others but I think people need to have a bit of perspective as well as understand that I'm not some squeaky clean product for a vanilla, mainstream audience.