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Some more behind the scenes stuff only this time its form 2 different artists at once!

This collaboration effort was entirely the idea of Leo-Artis form November last year. He had already done 2 fan art pictures and shown an interest in the tickle scene despite the majority of his work not focusing on it.
He pitched the idea of using 2 of my characters and one of his own to form this piece:

This rough draft sold me knowing what he was truly capable of, and fan art of my characters is always appreciated ^^
Ive only done 1 small collaboration in the past before any of my gallery's existed (oddly that one also involved a Badger!) so it was about time I went in and tried this.
He then tidied up the image a bit with this version:

Its quite interesting to see someone else's process, and with this it was my turn to actually get involved... While bondage alone isnt a kink of mine, I do like it to be functional and believably restrictive so the first goal was to make sure everything looked secure. This meant changing the placement of some limbs here and there, furthermore I wanted to bring a stronger focal point to the paws because ... well ... I guess I might have a thing for feet.... but Shhh! dont tell anyone!

But why the image flip?
Well having looked at both our recent sets of uploads I noticed that a lot of the foot focused images were going from left to right so to mix things up and avoid too many similar positions in a row I suggested the flip which only required the Badgers scar to be updated!
But Leo insisted on updating a bit more then that so he put some more life into the characters with this new template to work from and also introduce the background elements you see here:

So with him putting this much into the piece I thought it only right to offer more help with the final touches. You may have spotted that his version is supposed to come with a naughty crotch bulge, something that's not very in line with my gallery but I was more then happy to make 2 versions to work for both of us which you can see the final results of here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51495678/
and here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51495667/?upload-successful

There were no disagreements along the way and everything worked out as expected in the end, so with this project now under our belts I'm happy to say that there will be collaborations with him again some time in the future!



Well, this actually explains a lot! When I first saw the picture I thought Leo did the inking because the first thing I was looking at were the faces. Then I saw the feet and thought "oh no, I guess Footpaws did the inking". Turns out you all ended up working on different parts of the lineart: very nice! And good call on flipping the canvas since a majority of foot art goes from left to right. I've noticed that is something I tend to do too much with my own art, and I'm not really sure why. Could be because my brain is wired to read from left to right...


Man your art is absolutely incredible! Keep it up!


That's how Leo put it too with the direction thing. Once you pay attention to it though it's super easy to fix and gives you that all important fresh look on the image yourself. Line-work is a bit of an amalgamation which I'm glad for as it means we both have a lot to do with each aspect. As for my involvement with colouring and polish, its subtle but I ensured there was a little more gradient and correction work and blurred the background and foreground bits to add depth of field! Sometimes if feels like your ruining a nicely detailed thing when you just apply a blur, but it will help hone in on the focal points if done well!


Thank you very much and it wont be long before your own next draft is ready for viewing!


So all we need for a collaboration is to send you a sketch? *wink wink*


You know I would love to work with you! A sketch by an artist with a good idea is the most awesome reference I could ask for. He had an easier time winning me over by using my own characters though, not gonna lie. And if I dont have to do the colouring and background (which I hate) then its even more appealing.